Thank you for your responses for our FAB Friday celebration today. We loved hearing about everyone’s successes out of school this past term!
Lottie was excited to tell us about the Brownie badges she has been earning, including her Activity Badge.

Phoebe was excited to tell us about being chosen as gymnast of the month at her gymnastics class for May.

We were delighted to hear about Cole’s football certificates that he has been awarded as he is really improving.

We were excited to hear about Billie achieving her orange belt at karate.

Daisy told us about her amazing role as Mollie in Peter Pan, the musical at her musical theatre class. She brought in the teddy she uses in her scenes to show everyone.

Stewart told us about his wonderful Rugby achievements at Lanark RFC Rugby Festival, Cumnock RFC Rugby Festival and Cumnock RFC Prizegiving.

Bryce was excited to tell us that he was the Mindset Award Winner at football camp with NCDT at the May Day holiday.

Ruaridh brought in his snare drum to show what he has learned so far, we loved hearing him play for us!

Lucy wanted to share how proud she is for taking part in her football lessons.

Sauyer was excited to tell us about his football team, ‘Cumnock 2015s’ playing at the Glenafton football tournament where they won the fair play shield.

Summer was pleased to share her super gymnastics medals with us.

Abbie also brought in her new shiny gymnastics medals to show us.

Aliana was very proud to share she has achieved her Swim Level 1 certificate.

Kaiden brought in his new super football trophy he has recently been awarded.

Jayden was excited to tell us about his new horse riding achievements.

Ryan was pleased to share with us about his recent Scout activities, which involved him earning his First Aid badge!

Well done to you all! It’s great to learn more about your hobbies outside of school. Keep up the great work!