Category Archives: Whole school

World Book Day 2025

World book day will be celebrated in school on THURSDAY 6TH MARCH!  We would like to invite all our children to come to school that day either dressed up as a book character or snuggled up dressed in their pyjamas for a bedtime story.
In the lead up to World Book Day we will be hosting our annual Scholastic Book Fair.  Children will have the opportunity to visit the fair with their class and write their “wish list” of books.  If you wish to purchase books from your child’s wish list you can do so by following instructions to online payment that will be given out to children at the book fair.

Finally, it wouldn’t be World Book Day without a story themed competition!  Our Reading Schools Ambassadors are setting a challenge for children to CREATE A CHARACTER TATTIE!  At home, find your best looking tattie and transform it into a literary character… a Harry Potter tattie, a Gruffalo tattie, maybe even a Tracey Beaker tattie… use your imagination and get creative!  Please bring all finished tatties to school for judging by WEDNESDAY 5TH MARCH!  There will be a winner and a runner up from our infant school (P1, P1/2, P2/3), our middle school (P3/4, P4, P4/5), and our senior school (P5, P6, P7) so plenty of prizes up for grabs!

Happy reading!

Noo that’s whit a ca’ a Burns Nicht!

A huge thank you to our talented young people, brilliant local performers and all in our school community who joined us for our 3rd annual Burns Family Night!

We love having the opportunity to welcome everyone in to showcase the work and talents of our young people, and with the title of ‘Scots Schuil and Scots Teacher of the Year 2025’ to our name, we really do have a lot of talent to share!

The evening was a huge success, the profits of which will go towards our P7 Residential Trip.

We thank you for your continued support!

Tasty treats for our guests to enjoy.

David Bunten from EPIC bagpiping.

Our school choir.

A jammed packed hall.

Local poet, Stuart Paterson.

Local musician, Ciaran McGhee.

Chloe and Adele shared their own poems they had written.

Local musician, Joan McDade.

Wullie Dick from New Cumnock Burns Club.

Our Scots poetry competition class winners.

Local poet, Rab Wilson.

Musical duet, Jolyn and Davie, otherwise knows as Brigadoon.

Our interactive Kahoot! quiz is always a huge success! Well done to our winning player, ‘Tea Cakes’.

Simon Thoumire from ‘Hands Up For Trad’ gave the closing words.

Everyone gathered singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ to finish off the evening.

Stars of the Week 21/2/25


Well done to our Stars of the Week who demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values.



P2/3 – Ayrton F for DETERMINATION

P3/4 – Saul M for ALL VALUES

P4 – Daisy M for ALL VALUES





Our Waste Warriors this week are: PRIMARY 3/4 and PRIMARY 6

Our House winner this week is: BRACKEN and HEATHER

Stars of the Week 14/2/25


Well done to our Stars of the Week who demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values.

P1 – David L for AMBITION

P1/2 – Aaron S for MUTUAL RESPECT

P2/3 – Broden R for RESPONSIBILITY

P3/4 – Logan S for AMBITION


P4/5 – Megan M for MUTUAL RESPECT




Our Waste Warriors this week are: PRIMARY 3/4 and PRIMARY 7

Our House winner this week is: BRACKEN

Valentines Disco 13/2/25

You are invited to attend our Valentine’s Disco in aid if raising funds for the upcoming P7 Residential.
Tickets are for sale for £2 via Ticketsource. Click the correct link below to purchase yours.


Dear parent/carer,

As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, we are taking part in a friendly competition involving schools in across the UK. The competition runs from 07:30 GMT Friday 7th February 2025 to 19:30 GMT Friday 7th February 2025. It’s all done online via

Children can play in any gamemode with every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, earning themselves, their class and the school a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours, subject to a daily 60-minute limit (see below)). Winning classes in the school and in the competition as a whole will be the ones with the highest average.

To support player wellbeing, there is a daily time limit of 60-minutes per player. In other words, each player can earn competition points for up to 60-minutes between 07:30 GMT and 19:30 GMT on 07:30 GMT Friday 7th February 2025 to 19:30 GMT Friday 7th February 2025. Once the player goes beyond 60-minutes of play on that day, they will still earn coins but will no longer earn points towards the competition.

In the spirit of the competition, please don’t play on their behalf but by all means encourage and support them to the extent that it doesn’t cause high stress levels or impact on family plans.

Burns Family Night 20/2/25

Our P7 helpers, school choir members and class winners from our school Poetry Competition will soon be lettered to invite them to perform at our next annual Burns Family Night on Thursday 20th February 6-8pm. (Please see the poster above for more information)

Tickets to attend must be purchased prior to the event. Performers do not require a ticket to attend.

We would encourage family and friends to purchase a ticket to come along and show their support. Be quick so as not to miss out!

The quick link to purchase tickets can be found below. It’s sure to be wonderful night, jammed pack with entertainment from our talented young people as well as invited guests!

Ayrshire Schools Burns Competition 2025

I am delighted to share that this year’s Ayrshire Regional Burns Competition will be held in Belmont Academy, Ayr on Saturday 1st March 2025. 

The competition will take place in 5 different disciplines:

  • Verse Speaking
  • Singing
  • Instrumental
  • Bagpiping
  • Chanter

The same pupil may be entered for one, two or more disciplines,
e.g. Singing and Instrumental.

The verse speaking category is open to P1-7 pupils, the other 4 remain available for P4-7 pupils.

As always, I will be volunteering my time to work with pupils who are keen to enter. This time however, will be limited, therefore pupils will be required to also spend time practising at home.

I have very much appreciated the efforts of pupils who have entered these competitions in previous years. We have experienced lots of success in these competitions due to the high standard of talent in our New Cumnock Primary pupils!

If your child wishes to enter the competition, please complete the form below by no later than this Friday 24th January to allow me to make contact with families and complete the official paperwork that is required in order to enter.

I look forward to working with our talented pupils once again!

Mrs McNulty