As well as keeping people safe on the streets, Police Scotland’s officers and staff keep the public safe online.
The Internet can be wonderful for children and young people. It can be used to research school reports, communicate with teachers and friends, and play interactive games. But online access also comes with risks, like inappropriate content, cyberbullying and scams. Ensuring children and young people stay safe online is a concern for every parent and carer.
In partnership with Police Scotland’s Cybercrime Harm Prevention Team, the Education Service is hosting two virtual events to discuss how you can help keep yourself and your loved ones safe whilst online – there will be a short presentation, followed by the opportunity to ask questions.
Your children are welcome to attend.
Join the free training online
Saturday 1 March 09.00am to 10.00am – join the training online
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 346 011 693 081
Passcode: cf3aN25a