As you will all be aware, learning about the life and works of Robert Burns is a big part of our curriculum and heritage here at New Cumnock Primary.
Normally, this time of year is busy and exciting with poetry, signing and instrumental rehearsals taking place in preparation for school, regional and even National level competitions!
Unfortunately, these competitions have been cancelled this year due to the current Covid restrictions.
However, here at New Cumnock Primary, we still want to celebrate the work of our famous Baird and showcase our pupil’s poetry talents to our wider community!
Therefore, each class will be given a small part of Address to a Haggis which we would like children to perform, record and email to Mrs McNulty at You will find the section your class are to perform on your child’s class blog. Your child may wish to say only 1 line, 2 lines, use paper, learn from memory, it is up to them! Please email these to Mrs McNulty by 5pm this Friday 22nd January.
Selected clips will then be used to create a video which we will share on our communication platforms on Monday 25th January to honour Robert Burns birthday.
Please note: By sending in your child’s video clip, you will be giving permission for their recording to be used on social media as well as Glow.
We look forward to seeing your clips!