Category Archives: Burns competitions

Burns Competition Success Shared


At Friday’s Get Togethers, we were entertained by pupils who competed in the Ayrshire Burns Competition this month, showcasing their talents in singing, poetry and instrumental to their peers.

Everyone was amazed by and in awe of the talent displayed by our young people! Many pupils have since voiced an interest in competing next year after seeing what can be achieved.

Mrs Wilson was presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers to say thank you for all her help in support in accompanying our singers with the piano. We are so grateful for her help!

Well done again to all our talented children, we are so proud of you all!

Ayrshire Burns Competition 2022

We couldn’t be more proud of Team New Cumnock this weekend! ❤️

Each and every one of our pupils who represented the school at the Regional Ayrshire Burns Competition is a superstar. The performances they gave in front of a large audience and the feedback from the judges on their adjudication sheets is testament to that!

We are delighted to be bringing home the following prizes:

1st place P6/7 Instrumental: Ciara B

1st place P6/7 Singing: Alex M

1st place P4/5 Singing: Adele M

2nd place P6/7 Poetry: Emma Y

3rd place P1-3 Poetry: Kal M

Well done everyone, you are all stars! ⭐️

Mrs McNulty would like to extend her thanks to Mrs Wilson for coming in to school to accompany our singers to help them rehearse on the run up to the competition. ❤️

Ayrshire Burns Competition 2022

I am delighted to share that this year’s Regional Burns Competition will be held in Belmont Academy, Ayr on Saturday 11th June 2022. 

The competition will take place in 5 different disciplines:

  • Verse Speaking
  • Singing
  • Instrumental
  • Bagpiping
  • Chanter

The competition is open for P1-P7 pupils.

Although I have not yet returned from Maternity Leave, I will be volunteering my time to work with pupils who are keen to enter. This time however, will be limited, therefore pupils will be required to spend time practising at home.

I have very much appreciated the efforts of pupils who have entered these competitions in previous years. We have experienced lots of success in these competitions due to the high standard of talent in our New Cumnock Primary pupils!

If your child wishes to enter the competition, please complete the attached contact form by no later than the 1st April to allow me to make contact with families and complete the official paperwork that is required in order to enter.

I look forward to working with our talented pupils once again!

Mrs McNulty

New Cumnock Primary School Celebrates Burns!

At New Cumnock Primary School we have so many talented pupils who have worked hard to learn and perform Burn’s poetry.

We are proud to announce the winners of our class Scots poetry competitions:

P1A- Bryce W

P1B- Stewart Y

P2- Aaeryn M

P2/3- Axel C

P3- Baylee M

P4- Adele M

P5- Amy J

P6- Bruce G

P7- Emma Y

We would also like to thank Mr Sullivan who has worked with the P4-7 school choir to put together a virtual performance of “Flow Gently Sweet Afton”.


Robert Burns World Federation Youth Concert 23/7/21

As you will all know, our Burns Heritage is a huge part of our school life. Unfortunately the Robert Burns World Federation were unable to host their annual Schools Competitions this year.

However, in their absence they have collated performers to showcase a Youth Concert, featuring our very own Lucy W from P7 who will be reciting poetry and representing Ayrshire in doing so!

The concert will feature pupils from across Scotland and we are so proud of Lucy being invited to perform too! The concert will be streamed on Zoom tomorrow evening (Friday 23rd July) at 7.30pm. The meeting link and join code has been sent out to families on the school app. If you are unable to access this and would like to receive the code, please email Mrs McNulty at

Happy birthday Rabbie!

As you will all be aware, learning about the life and works of Robert Burns is a big part of our curriculum and heritage here at New Cumnock Primary.

Normally, this time of year is busy and exciting with poetry, signing and instrumental rehearsals taking place in preparation for school, regional and even National level competitions!

Unfortunately, these competitions have been cancelled this year due to the current Covid restrictions.

However, here at New Cumnock Primary, we still want to celebrate the work of our National Bard and showcase our pupil’s poetry talents to our wider community!

We received lots of video entries for our Burns celebration, and Mrs McNulty was delighted that she was able to use every one that was sent in. Thank you so much, we hope you enjoy!

Please find below some ideas and activities if you wish to celebrate Robert Burns’ birthday with your own Burns Supper at home tonight.

How to celebrate Burns Night – History Scotland

Burns Night Activities For Kids (

Make Your Own Tartan Craft (



UPDATE: Please check this video upload below if you had difficulty with the previous video playing on your device. If you are continuing to experience problems, please contact Mrs McNulty at

Ayrshire Schools Burns Competition 2020

On Saturday 7th March, Mrs McNulty, parents/carers and 33 of our pupils attended Irvine Royal Academy to participate in the Ayrshire Schools Burns Competition.

We had pupils entered in Verse Speaking, Singing and Instrumental sections.

For the first time ever there was a P1-3 Verse Speaking section and we were not restricted to how many entries we could submit so Mrs McNulty thought, the more the merrier!

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to get our children ready for this competition, a huge well done to our pupils and parents/carers for the work you have put into being prepared.

A great day was had by all. The standard of talent was exceptionally high and not only did our pupils shine with their singing, speaking and musical talents, but also with their positive attitudes and excellent behaviour! We couldn’t be prouder of you all! A huge well done to all our participants.

Under normal circumstances, our 1st and 2nd place prize winners Alex M and Lucy W would represent Ayrshire at the National Competition in Carluke, however, due to COVID-19, unfortunately there will not be a Nationals Competition this year.

Team New Cumnock!

Our Verse Speaking performers

Our Singing performers

Our Instrumental performers

We were delighted to enter 2 former pupils, who are now at Cumnock Academy. Casey K was entered in S1/2 singing and Adana W was entered in S1/2 Verse Speaking

Emma Y made it to the final 6 in P4/5 Verse Speaking and got to perform again in front of a big audience

Lucy W made it to the final 6 in P6/7 Verse Speaking and got to perform again in front of a big audience

As we weren’t able to track down everyone for photos at the event, it was a great excuse for Mrs McNulty to have another photo shoot with us all back at school!

Our proud Verse Speakers with their certificates

Our proud Singers with their certificates

Our proud Instrumentalists with their certificates

Our proud prize winners! 

1st place P4/5 Singing – Alex M

2nd place P6/7 Verse Speaking – Lucy W

3rd place Instrumental – Hayley C

Certificate of Merit P4/5 Verse Speaking – Emma Y

Mrs McNulty hopes to get copies of the official photos taken on the day and will get these to you all when she does.