We couldn’t be more proud of Team New Cumnock today! 

Each and every one of our pupils who represented the school at the Regional Ayrshire Burns Schools Competition is a superstar. The performances they gave in front of a large audience and the feedback from the judges on their adjudication sheets is testament to that.

We are delighted to be bringing home the following prizes:
3rd place P1-3 Verse Speaking: Alice M
3rd place P4/5 Verse Speaking: Stewart Y
1st place P6/7 Verse Speaking: Adele M
1st place P6/7 Singing: Arabella S

Millar S was also in the top 6 who had to compete again in a head to head for the P1-3 Verse Speaking.

Our P1-3 Verse Speaking entries – Millar S, Alice M and Annika S

Our P4/5 Verse Speaking entries – Daisy M, Connie B, Stewart Y, Olivia M and Lewis J

Our P6/7 Verse Speaking entries – Adele M and Harry W

Our P6/7 Singing entries – Paige Y, Jorja K, Arabella S and Adele M
Also a huge well done to our former pupils who are now at Robert Burns Academy and bringing home the following prizes to New Cumnock:

3rd place S1/2 Verse Speaking: Amy J
3rd place S1/2 Singing: Aleesha C
2nd place S3/4 Verse Speaking: Emma Y
3rd place S3/4 Verse Speaking: Emma J
1st place S3/4 Singing: Emma J
1st place S5/6 Verse Speaking: Adana W
Well done everyone, you are all stars! 
Mrs McNulty would like to extend her thanks to Mrs Wilson for coming in to school to accompany our singers to help them rehearse on the run up to the competition. 
We are delighted that our 1st and 2nd place winners have now been invited to attend the National Burns Competitions in Dumfries to represent Ayrshire later this year!