All posts by Mrs McNulty

Appropriate Use Of Microsoft Teams

Our teaching staff and Senior Leadership Team actively monitor the class use of Microsoft Teams and it has came to our attention that in some cases in recent days, class Teams pages have displayed some undesirable behaviours.

  • Please keep the general channel related to school work. Your class teacher may add a ‘chatty channel’ which will allow you to chat with your friends, but please refrain from doing this on the general channel as work posts then get lost amongst the chats.

  • Make sure that what you are typing is appropriate. Staff and your peers can see this. Any offensive of hurtful comments will be deleted. Please remember to be kind.

  • Please be mindful of what time you are accessing Teams. Try to keep this within school hours.

  • Whilst in a Live lesson, please conduct yourself as you would be encouraged to be in class, well behaved and mannerly at all times.

We encourage our parents/carers to monitor this closely too.

Thank you for your continued support.

No Printer… No Problem!

We are aware that many of our families do not have access to a printer. Our teaching staff try hard to not be heavily reliant on worksheets in the daily tasks they set, but sometimes a worksheet perfectly sums up the aim of the lesson.

If you don’t have access to a printer, fear not!

There are some options:

  • You can create your own version of the worksheet on paper or in a jotter (please remember we have staff available to assist you at the school between 10am and 12pm Tuesdays and Thursdays if you wish to collect resources to support Remote Learning).
  • Alternatively, if you have access to an iPad or iPhone device, you can use ‘mark-up’ to annotate the worksheet and then save as a photo to then submit to the class teacher. The video below shows you how to do this.

Live Sessions – Parent and Pupil Guidance

As we continue to offer Live interactions as part of Remote Learning between our pupils and their teachers from P3-7 via Microsoft Teams, we will be introducing this now for P1-2/3 pupils through VScene.

P1-2/3 children will find instructions about how to access VScene on their class blogs. Please note that a PIN number to enable secure access to VScene will be sent by text message to these families.

We previously sent out parent and pupil guidance around online learning. Please find it attached again below for your reference.


Please note the main points to be aware of:

  • Make sure you have a quiet space to work as background noise can interfere with the live stream if your microphone is not switched off.
  • To protect your privacy, you have the option of having your camera on or off. Alternatively, you can use the background options to blur your current background or choose a different one. Mrs McNulty likes the beach one as it makes her feel like she is on holiday! 
  • Behave in the lesson as you would do in school. Your time on the Live sessions is limited so make sure you paying attention so as not to miss any vital information which will help you with the work that follows.
  • Keep an eye on your class blog/Teams page for times of any Live sessions taking place so as not to miss out. Set an alarm to remind you to be online at that time.
  • We appreciate that parents/carers may be required to assist your child get logged on and set up, particularly with the younger children, however, once they are set up, it should only be the child who appears on the screen, not the adult. This is a platform for them to communicate with their teacher, and although we appreciate they may need some support, this must be done off camera.  If you as a parent wish to discuss something with the class teacher, please use the class teacher’s email or contact the SLT to discuss.

Thank you for your continued support as we navigate this new territory  together!

Resources to support Remote Learning – we are here to help!

We are aware that some families may require additional resources to support their child whilst Remote Learning. Therefore this week we will have a member of staff in the reception area of the school on:

Tuesday 26th and Thursday 28th January between 10am and 12pm.

If you require any resources please drop by.  We will have stationary, paper and jotters to help your child record their learning during the coming weeks.

Please come to the main entrance of the school, ensuring you adhere to the socially distanced markers present, wear a face covering and sanitise upon entering the reception area.

Happy birthday Rabbie!

As you will all be aware, learning about the life and works of Robert Burns is a big part of our curriculum and heritage here at New Cumnock Primary.

Normally, this time of year is busy and exciting with poetry, signing and instrumental rehearsals taking place in preparation for school, regional and even National level competitions!

Unfortunately, these competitions have been cancelled this year due to the current Covid restrictions.

However, here at New Cumnock Primary, we still want to celebrate the work of our National Bard and showcase our pupil’s poetry talents to our wider community!

We received lots of video entries for our Burns celebration, and Mrs McNulty was delighted that she was able to use every one that was sent in. Thank you so much, we hope you enjoy!

Please find below some ideas and activities if you wish to celebrate Robert Burns’ birthday with your own Burns Supper at home tonight.

How to celebrate Burns Night – History Scotland

Burns Night Activities For Kids (

Make Your Own Tartan Craft (



UPDATE: Please check this video upload below if you had difficulty with the previous video playing on your device. If you are continuing to experience problems, please contact Mrs McNulty at

Stars of the Week 22/1/21

Well done to this weeks Stars of the Week who demonstrated one of our school VALUES this week! We are extremely proud of you all for working hard to display our school values whilst Remote Learning.

Primary 1 – Braeden W for DETERMINATION

Primary 1/2 – Baylee M for DETERMINATION 

Primary 2/3 – Lucas F for DETERMINATION


Primary 4 – Skye D for DETERMINATION

Primary 4/5 – Arran J for DETERMINATION

Primary 5/6 – Leah H for DETERMINATION

Primary 6/7 – Allan M for DETERMINATION

Primary 7 – Emma J for AMBITION

East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest – The Results Are In!

Well done to all our pupils that logged in and joined the East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest this week! We hope you all had fun and enjoyed putting your maths knowledge to the test.

Out of the 119 classes that qualified for the contest, we are so proud to share with you that 3 of our classes made it into the top 10! Well done P6/7, P1/2 and P3!

7th Mr McClure P6/7 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 458
9th Mrs Armour P1/2 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 419
10th Miss McQueen P3 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 408

In addition to this, out of the 1385 students that played along, 3 of our pupils made it into the top 50! Well done to Noah M from P1/2, Brooke W from P4 and Megan M from P6/7!

11th Noah M Mrs Armour P1/2 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 972
23rd Brooke W Mrs Petrie P4 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 955
43rd Megan M Mr McClure P6/7 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 924

New Cumnock Primary Burns Celebrations 2021

As you will all be aware, learning about the life and works of Robert Burns is a big part of our curriculum and heritage here at New Cumnock Primary.

Normally, this time of year is busy and exciting with poetry, signing and instrumental rehearsals taking place in preparation for school, regional and even National level competitions!

Unfortunately, these competitions have been cancelled this year due to the current Covid restrictions.

However, here at New Cumnock Primary, we still want to celebrate the work of our famous Baird and showcase our pupil’s poetry talents to our wider community!

Therefore, each class will be given a small part of Address to a Haggis which we would like children to perform, record and email to Mrs McNulty at You will find the section your class are to perform on your child’s class blog. Your child may wish to say only 1 line, 2 lines, use paper, learn from memory, it is up to them! Please email these to Mrs McNulty by 5pm this Friday 22nd January.

Selected clips will then be used to create a video which we will share on our communication platforms on Monday 25th January to honour Robert Burns birthday.

Please note: By sending in your child’s video clip, you will be giving permission for their recording to be used on social media as well as Glow.

We look forward to seeing your clips!

Glow – Office 365 and so much more at your finger tips!

Hopefully all of P3-7 have got access to their Glow accounts now.

If this is something you are still struggling to access, please contact Mrs McNulty via email at or you can phone her work mobile on 07561684158 where she will be available to answer your queries between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday.

Having access to Glow gives your child access to whole range of resources. Not only are they able to access email where they can independently submit work to their class teacher and seek support when required…

They can access their e-portfolio blog which P4-7 have been introduced to as a way of creating a personal profile and recording their learning journey which will transition with them to each stage of Primary but also beyond into Secondary school…

They can access their class Teams page where they can chat and meet virtually with their class teacher and class mates…

They also have access to Office 365. Purchasing this alone for a student package can cost around £100 and our pupils have access to it through Glow, for free! Once in O365, they have access to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Forms, Sway and so many others. Ensure that you utilise this during Remote Learning.

If any of these icons are missing from your Launch Pad, simply click on the ‘ADD’ icon, and search for the tile by name from the app library and add it to your Launch Pad to allow you to access it quickly in future.