There are lots of exciting things happening across East Ayrshire this summer for the children.
Check out the brochure to see what’s available and click the link to book activities:
There are lots of exciting things happening across East Ayrshire this summer for the children.
Check out the brochure to see what’s available and click the link to book activities:
Please find the June newsletter from the Exchange Counselling service:
Good afternoon
I am delighted to inform you that we had two very positive, and productive, induction days for our new S1 pupils last week. As a year group they have made a good first impression on our staff and we are looking forward to welcoming them back officially as pupils of The Robert Burns Academy in August.
Over the summer you will receive a letter confirming your child’s Principal Teacher of Guidance and their PLP and practical class details. On their first day of school, I have asked all S1 pupils to make their way to Barony Hall, where they will be met by their senior guides and organised into their class groupings. Our staff will be stationed at the entrances to the building and at various points across the walkway to the school to assist anyone who needs help.
Please remember that there is information on our school blog that may be of interest to you.
I wish you all a safe and relaxing summer.
P McGurn
Depute Head Teacher
The Robert Burns Academy
Don’t miss your last opportunity to visit the UNIFORM BANK this Wednesday (29th June) in the main hall from 8.45am-9.30am. (Please enter via the gym hall door to the rear of the school car park).
We have sweatshirts, polo shirts, trousers, skirts and jackets available in a variety of sizes. Come along and pick up any items FOR FREE!
Any items remaining after Wednesday will be donated to ‘Phase 2’ Boutique, 71 Castle, New Cumnock.
At Friday’s Get Togethers, we were entertained by pupils who competed in the Ayrshire Burns Competition this month, showcasing their talents in singing, poetry and instrumental to their peers.
Everyone was amazed by and in awe of the talent displayed by our young people! Many pupils have since voiced an interest in competing next year after seeing what can be achieved.
Mrs Wilson was presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers to say thank you for all her help in support in accompanying our singers with the piano. We are so grateful for her help!
Well done again to all our talented children, we are so proud of you all!
We are delighted to have been able to get back to some sort of normality this week and invite a small number of parents into the school to celebrate successes with our children. Although it was only a small percentage of children who could be presented with an award, EVERY single pupil, in our school, shine in their own way and we are proud of every one of them.
Primary 1 – Primary 3 Prize Giving
Primary 4 – Primary 6 Prize Giving
Primary 7 will be showcased in due course – their special Prize Giving day is tomorrow!
We are looking forward to seeing the new S1s this week and hope they are excited about their visit!
In preparation for these days there will be a virtual classroom visit to all P7s to remind them about the format for the two days. During the induction days (Tuesday and Wednesday) teaching staff and senior pupils will be on hand to ensure that they are supervised and supported at all times. As part of the virtual class visit I will be reminding pupils about the following items and bits of information they will need to bring with them next week:
Our school cafeteria has kindly agreed to provide a free school meal for any pupil who would like to sample what’s on offer, although, you may wish to bring your own packed lunch. Please note that our new S1 will have a designated area to eat lunch as a year group and will not be allowed to leave this area at interval or lunch during their two day visit.
Kind regards
P McGurn
Depute Head Teacher
The Robert Burns Academy