Category Archives: Primary 3 2020-2021

Our First Live Assembly


assembly-clipart-school-assembly-color | Windsor Elementary School

All of the children were able to take part today in our first full Live Assembly.  Mrs McConville and Mrs Fergusson shared our certificate winners from last week and some photographs of things that were happening around the school.  Each class then got to say hello to each of the other classes.  Next time we look forward to showing off our Christmas Tree and have a special message from  Primary 6/7.


Tier 4 Restrictions

Due to yesterday’s Scottish Government announcements regarding Tier 4 restrictions our planned class Masses can no longer go ahead. We hope to be able to reschedule these as soon as guidelines allow.

Also, we now have to revert back to PE taking place outdoors only. Please ensure that pupils are still coming to school appropriately dressed on their PE days.

Thank you.

Primary 3 – Term 2

Primary 3 Blog Update – Term 2


I hope you all had a lovely October week.  Pupils have been working hard in term 1 and these are our learning intentions for term 2.



In term 1 we completed our book study ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.  We enjoyed learning about Plop and how he overcame his fear of the Dark.  We are now working in our reading groups and reading a mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts (also some plays). We have been looking at the key features of fiction and non-fiction texts such as contents and index pages.    Pupils will continue working on Bug Club books with a focus on making predictions of what we think will happen in the text or what we think the story will be about from looking at the front cover.  We are also working on developing our tone and reading with expression.


In term 1 we have focussed on writing from personal experience. We have been linking our sentences to make sure our stories make sense.  In term 2 we will continue to develop this further and now expand our writing by writing imaginative stories.  We will make sure our stories include the 5ws (who, where, when, what and why).  We will continue to work on the formation of our letters making sure our handwriting is well formed and attractive.  Thinking about our ascenders and descenders.   We will continue to reinforce capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops and starting to build on our knowledge of punctuation such as: commas, question marks and exclamation marks.



Each week we work in our spelling groups and have a

different joined phoneme focus.  We use say, make/break, blend, read and write to aid our understanding of how words are made.  We are also continuing to build on our knowledge of common words and using our personal dictionary/word book to add words that we need in our writing.

We are all looking forward to receiving our two new storybooks as part of the Scottish Read, Write and Count! The book Wow! Animals: A Book of Extraordinary Animal Facts  will be fantastic in helping us with our new Science  topic.


In Numeracy, we have been practising our numbers to 100. We have been practising skip counting in 2, 5 and 10s and starting to link this to our timestables.  We have also been looking at odd and even numbers.   We have been partitioning numbers into ten and units.  We will now start to look at addition and subtraction strategies.  We will be learning different Number Talk strategies.   In beyond number we will continue to work on 2D and 3D shapes with Mrs McIntyre.

Health and Wellbeing

As part of our PATHS lessons, we have been selecting a Pupil of the Day and writing a compliments list to explain why they are a special member of our class.  We have also been discussing diff

erent emotions and recognising that every emotion is ok.   We talk about if we feel comfortable (yellow) or uncomfortable (blue).  When discussing an emotion for example Scared or Safe we discuss times we have felt this emotion and what they look/feel like. We also try to recognise what signs our face show to indicate these emotions and how we could identify how others are feeling.  We are now moving onto learning about Self Control.


In P.E. we will continue to go outside every Tuesday and Thursday and play games and we will work on our Ball Skills.  Please make sure  your child has appropriate clothes for going outdoors.  Especially in the cold/wet weather.


In R.E. we have been practising our prayers and are currently practising our Hail Mary and moving onto the Act of Sorrow.  We have spoken about different Bible Stories such as the Story of Creation and Noah’s Ark.  We will move onto learn about different Saints such as Saint Andrew and then move onto learn about Advent in preparation for Christmas.


Our topic this term will be Science based Living Things – Classifying Vertebrates.  We will be learning about Living and Non Living things.  We will be looking at animals that have vertebrates (backbones)  and animals that are invertebrates (no back bone).  In doing this we will also look at food chains and how animals depend on one another.

We are looking forward to working hard and another busy term 2 ahead. We are very excited for our next fun Fridays for Halloween and Children in Need.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Strachan




Face Coverings

As of tomorrow, following reviewed national guidance, all staff are now required to wear face coverings more often during the school day.

We know that this might be upsetting for some children. Staff will ensure that pupils are supported in adapting to this change and will reassure them that it not something to worry about. We would appreciate if you could also discuss this at home.

Thank you, as always, for your support.


Homework Primary 2-7

Dear Parents/Carers,


In Mount Carmel we are following a new homework procedure in line with our current restrictions. On a Monday your child will receive their personal Homework folder. In this you will find a login card with details of all logins and passwords that may be required over the coming months. The folder will also contain a Homework Task Grid and for some classes there may be a copy of a reading book. To begin with homework will focus on reading and active literacy. Over the coming months there will be a variety of tasks from different areas of the curriculum.

The Homework Task Grid will provide details of a core reading task which must be completed, a selection of Active Literacy Tasks and an additional Sumdog task. Please help your child to choose two of the Active Literacy Tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks will be completed.

We ask that all homework folders are returned to the school on the Thursday to allow for items to be quarantined appropriately. New homework grids and reading books will then be provided on the following Monday.

We thank you for your continued co-operation and support at this time.


Kind regards,


Mrs McConville

Primary 3 – Term 1

Welcome back to all of our Primary 3 children!  It is fantastic to be back at Mount Carmel and we are all delighted to see our friends and are really looking forward to learning lots of new things this term!



Our class novel this term is ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson.  We are really enjoying reading this chapter book and finding out how Plop overcomes his fear of the dark.  We are completing comprehension tasks related to the text and enjoying cross-curricular links such as Outdoor Education.

We are also working in our reading groups and continuing to complete tasks linked to our Bug Club books.  In doing this, we are making predictions before reading. We are also looking at the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts.



In writing, we are writing personal accounts and focussing on including capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces and ensuring that our letters are formed correctly.   We are leaning how to write independently, using appropriate punctuation and ordering our sentences to make sure our writing is structured and makes sense.



We are continuing to use the Active Literacy spelling programme.  We are revising our known phonemes  (such as sh, th, wh) and introducing a different phoneme and spelling words each week. We are also practising our common words (words that appear frequently in our writing such as friend, that).  We will use say, make/break, read and write to aid understanding of how words are made.  Also we are beginning to use our knowledge of the alphabet to use a dictionary to locate words.



In numeracy we have been revising our numbers to 100.  We are consolidating our number bonds to 20 using both addition and subtraction strategies.   We are also looking for patterns in the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and moving onto link this with division.  We have been practising skip counting and are starting to transfer these skills to our times tables.  On a Thursday we will work with Mrs McIntrye on Beyond Number concepts such as 3D shapes and information handling.


Health and Wellbeing

As part of our PATHS lessons we have revisited the characters Twiggle, Henrietta, Duke and Daphne.  In doing this we have discussed how to be a good friend and read some of the PATHS story books.  We have also made our own class charter with a Lego theme and discussed our rights and responsibilities. During PATHS lessons we have spoken about the importance of rules and that we have rules to keep us safe.  We have started to introduce our Pupil of the Day and look forward to giving compliments to our classmates and making them feel special.  We will continue to learn more about different emotions and strategies that we can use to calm down.

Primary 3 look forward to working hard and sharing their learning with you!

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Strachan  🙂