Primary 6 Class News

Term 4 P6 Class News  

 Welcome back to the final term; a busy and exciting one for Primary 6. During this term, P6 will prepare to transition into Primary 7 by applying and interviewing for Captain and Vice-Captain roles. P6 will also have the chance to apply to be a buddy to our new Primary 1’s in August. P6 will get the opportunity to meet the Pastoral Care team from St Joseph’s Academy. Probably the most exciting news is that the Senior Summer show has returned! In June, the P6 and P7 will return to the stage to perform ‘The Wizard of Oz’.  

 Alongside all these exciting events lots of learning and teaching will still be taking place as outlined below.  



This term our focus returns to fiction texts. P6 will read and study books appropriate to their level. They will complete daily reading to writing tasks and work on active comprehension tasks both independently and as a group. Focus comprehension strategies this term is understanding the difference between fact and opinion, inference and author’s use of language. All pupils will complete a final fiction reading assessment at the end of the block of lessons. 



This term P6 will be introduced to and experience writing persuasive essays using sources and/or evidence from a text to backup ideas and opinions. Some groups will learn to acknowledge sources by recording the titles and authors of texts used.  



The spelling groups will continue to experience the Active Literacy spelling program, some groups will be completing the spelling planner they are currently working through, ready to start a new spelling planner in P7. The pupils will revise the Active Spelling strategies throughout Term 4, these include diacritical marking, syllabification, and words within words.  Some weeks pupils will be given topic-specific vocabulary as part of their topic.  



This term P6 will focus on Area, Perimeter and Volume, Angles, Information Handling and Function Machines. Some groups will be introduced to BODMAS. Daily revision and rigour of decimals, percentages and fractions and the four operations will continue. Pupils are encouraged to make use of Topmarks and Sumdog to revise and practice multiplication tables.  








ealth and Wellbeing 

At the start of the term P6 will complete a mini topic on Substance Misuse looking at the dangers of smoking/vaping, alcohol and drugs usage. Through this topic  

 Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Pupils are asked to bring FULL PE kit on these days. If pupils are without PE kit the school will be able to provide pupils with required items of clothing. The focus in PE this term is Volleyball, Athletics and Orienteering.  

 Expressive Arts 

 The Expressive Arts are key to any child’s education, giving them opportunities to enjoy being creative and imaginative, expressing emotion, performing for different audiences, and being part of audiences for others, as well as learning key skills in Music, Art and Design, Dance and Drama. Our Senior Summer ‘The Wizard of Oz ‘will incorporate all key areas of the Expressive Arts. A school play is a fantastic team-building exercise and it’s a great way for children to understand what’s possible when everyone pools their skills and weight. 



This term P6 will continue to listen to and reflect on stories from the Gospel of Matthew. P6 will also continue to work on their Pope Francis Faith Award, focussing on a different gift each couple of weeks.  


Modern Languages  

P6 receive weekly French lessons from Mrs MacKinnon. This term pupils will focus on hobbies, food and drink and descriptions.  




Homework this term will include Spelling, Reading, Mental Maths, and one other curricular area (RME, topic, etc). Homework is issued on a Monday and is due back on a Friday. I appreciate and wholeheartedly support wider achievement outside of school. If there are any reasons why pupils cannot complete the homework, due to activities out with school please contact the school.  


In Primary 6 we promote hard work and amazing attitudes. Our reward card system allows pupils to gain reward cards for Wonderful Work, Amazing Attitude, and being a ‘Superstar.’ When the pupils gain five cards, they can choose an individual reward. They can also choose to go for a class reward once everyone reaches five reward cards; this promotes teamwork within the class.  

If you have any queries or questions, please contact the school directly.   

Thank you for all your support.  

   Mrs. Terras