P4 Curriculum Update Term 4

Welcome back to term 4. We hope you have had a restful time over the Easter break. We are looking forward to a wonderful new term of lots of new learning, fun and new experiences with our fantastic P4 class. 


For our reading focus this term we will continue to look at building expression and fluency in our reading aloud. We will use the comprehension strategies we have been learning and look at what inferential and evaluative questions are and how we can use the text to help us with this. Please ensure your child accesses their Bug Club weekly to support their reading in these lessons. 


In writing, we will look at persuasive writing, focusing on our use of persuasive language and how to structure a persuasive piece of writing. This term, we will also start to incorporate the use of ICT for re-drafting some of our pieces of writing.  

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level. 


Numeracy & Maths  

This term we will continue to build on our work with the four operations and will explore how fractions are related to division. We will look at the meaning of the numerator and denominator and will be able to order and compare fractions.  

In Beyond Number we will finish looking at time, children explore digital and analogue time as well as solving time duration problems.  


Health and Wellbeing  

We will continue with our PATHs programme, looking at problem solving and the idea of fair/unfair and accident and on purpose. We will continue with our Pupil of the Day, so keep a look out for your children coming home with their compliment sheet! 

The class are also engaging in a mindful activity each day. Through our Do Be Mindful programme and other class activities, we are learning about building and developing life enhancing skills, tools and habits that will foster emotional and mental wellbeing.  



PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. This term we will be covering; 


Tennis /Badminton 

PE kit must be brought in and left at the start of each term. Before the holiday, the kit was sent home for washing to be freshened up and should now be returned for the current term. Lessons may be outdoors if weather permits.   



This term along with developing our basic conversational vocabulary, we will look at ‘Sports’, ‘Our home’ and ‘Famous French People and Landmarks’. 



P4 will be continue from our fairtrade topic last term to look at Food production. We will complete a comparison study between food production in Scotland and in another country. In May, we are very excited to visit Dumfries House to participate in their ‘Spring Festival of Farming.’ We are really excited for this visit and it will be a lovely ending to our topic.   

We will then move on to our new topic, Charities. We will look at a range of charities both at home and further afield and the work that they do in supporting and helping those in need. We will also look at how we can give back to our community in different ways. 



Religious Education  

This term we will be focusing on the importance of the Eucharist, linking to the Last Supper. We will also focus on the Mass as the source and summit of our Christian life and will continue to become familiar with the part of The Mass, including the various prayers and responses. We are all very excited to support our P4 children who will celebrate their First Holy Communion later this term.  

In May, we will focus on Our Lady, we will learn about the Rosary and become familiar with this beautiful prayer.  


Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, signed and returned by Friday. Keep an eye on the class blog for regular updates to what is happening in class, recent learning and relevant upcoming events.  

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a wonderful term with P4! 

Mrs MacKinnon and Mrs McIntyre.