Primary 2 Term 4 Curriculum Update

Hello, I cannot believe I am writing that we are now in term 4. During term 4 we continue working hard with new learning but also consolidating the learning that has taken place throughout the year.

Please see an outline of what we will be focusing on for each subject below:


Phonics – during term 4 we will continue to learn our sounds following the Active Literacy Framework, we will be introduced to split phonemes and focusing on the words with the magic ‘e’. We will still practice new spelling words related to our sounds and learn new common words which can sometimes be tricky, these will help develop our independent writing skills.

Writing – Our focus this term will be narrative writing, we will use our skills from descriptive writing to create detailed characters and settings.

We will still be putting in a lot of effort into handwriting, ensuring we are correctly forming our letters and taking care with their position and size on our lined pages. Our writing targets will still include capital letters, full stops, finger spaces.

Reading – This term our focus will be on reading for information. Children will be introduced to skimming and scanning a text to select key words. We will continue to focus on features of fiction and non-fiction texts.


Following on from Term 3 we will continue to learn about multiplication and division. We will be using a lot of concrete materials to complete activities which focuses on making groups and sharing amounts. We will then be exploring fractions by taking part in practical activities to show how a single item can be shared equally into halves and quarters. As part of our cool clubs topic we will also be looking at data handling, this will involve selecting, recording and analysing the information gathered.

 Health & Well-Being (HWB)

In term 4 we will be continuing with our PATHS programme, last term we introduced some new emotions and we will explore these in more detail this term. As always children will gift and receive compliments through our pupil of the day. As a whole class we will be taking part in Do Be Mindful activities throughout the term to gauge our focus and have better attention skills. Children will complete their own do be mindful booklet to record feelings. We will explore where some food comes from and have some healthy eating taster activities, thinking about how some foods are better for us than others.


During our PE sessions in term 4 we will be taking part in expressive dance, striking and fielding games and athletics.

(PE days continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday.)


At the start of term 4 during the month of May we will honour Mary, reciting the hail Mary prayer and revisiting bible stories. As a class we will prepare our class alter in honour of Mary and learn to say the Rosary. During this term we will link HWB with RE through the teaching of Gods Loving Plan, we will be thanking God for our bodies and consider ways we can look after our wonderful bodies.

 IDL (Topic)

Our two topics this term will be cool clubs and science in the news. For our science in the news topic, we will be exploring the news of the first plants to grow in moon dirt. We will grow our own plants in the classroom, we will be exploring, observing and discussing the basic needs of plants and what they need to grow. We will be observing how plants grow from seeds and recording their height and appearance in different conditions. We will also be busy caring for our own plants in the classroom in the hope that we can take them home to continue to care for them over the summer. For cool clubs we will be exploring our likes and dislikes in relation to hobbies looking at gathering data to record and analyse the information. We will also explore aspects of drama creating our own club which children need to run for the others in the class.

Expressive Arts

Our art, music and drama in term 3 will again link in with both of our topics this term.

Another busy and exciting term for primary 2 with lots of playing, exploring and learning but also preparing for out next step in our school journey as we get ready for primary 3.

 Thank you for visiting our Primary 2 blog on what we will be learning this term!

Miss Maitland