P7 Term 3 Update Jan-Apr

Happy New Year everyone and hopefully you had an enjoyable Christmas break and Santa was good to you!  Here is a brief outline of our learning this term.


Our focus this term is narrative writing.  We will be looking at plot within stories and how they are constructed as well as how dialogue moves the story forward.  There will also be input on how stories can be started effectively to grasp the readers attention.   All reading groups will continue to develop use of Active Literacy strategies through Bug Club reading books.  The Blue reading group will explore their comprehension through Literature Circles.  For Talking and Listening we will be looking to use gestures and notes to assist our presentation.


Mental strategies will continue to be explored through our daily Number Talks, with the Circles accessing the Daily Rigour Newspaper.  Focus will continue to remain on the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages before moving on to number patterns, expressions and equations.  For Beyond Number, the class will be investigating coordinates and data handling.


In PATHS this term we will look at respect and how it can be demonstrated in all situations: at home, in school and in the community.  P7 have been discussing this recently in relation to their playground behaviour.  We will look at different cultures to explore how people all over the world live and discuss our differences with respect.

Our PE unit for this term will be fitness and netball.  In fitness, we will learn about different muscle groups and various exercises to work them.  For netball, we will explore working as a team as well as reflecting on their individual role within the game.


Our topic for this term will look at land use and sustainability.  Specifically, we will focus on the 5 R’s (refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle) and discover ways we can reduce our carbon footprint.   We will also investigate some global goals that the government has set out in order to make the country more sustainable.  Children will also investigate the debate between developing land and conservation using real life case studies.

Mr Bertoncini