Dinnae Forget Your Caddy!

Cairey the Caddy is back!!

Help us fight climate change and be in with the chance of winning a £50 East Ayrshire gift card.

A whopping 69% of food waste in East Ayrshire is not being recycled.

To encourage more people to recycle their food waste, the EAC Sustainability & Climate Change Team has launched a new recycling at home campaign – Dinnae forget your Caddy!

The campaign was successfully rolled out last year in schools and ECCs across East Ayrshire but now the team need your help to raise Community Caddy Counts.

Support the campaign by naming your caddy (Caddy McCaddyface is absolutely acceptable) and register the name online

Write the name in permanent marker on your caddy, then all you have to do is present your caddy each week to be entered into the ‘Favourite Caddy of the Month’ draw.

The monthly draw will run from November through to May, and the recycling crews will select one ‘named’ caddy at random to win a £50 East Ayrshire gift card.

You could also encourage your neighbours, family and friends to take part in the campaign and make it a bit competitive. Let us know if you encourage anyone to start recycling

EAC Waste crews will begin monitoring the number and names/designs of kerbside caddies from 4th November.

At the end of November, EAC Sustainability & Climate Change team will let you know:

  • which family has been selected as ‘Favourite Caddy of the Month’ (we’ll get in touch with the winning centre/school and make arrangements to present the winning prize and certificate to your winning family)
  • number of new Caddies requested by your families
  • number of caddy names registered by your families
  • number of caddy buddies made.

Thank you for your support!



We have registered for East Ayrshire Council’s Shoot To Saturn active travel initiative for session 2024-25. A letter was sent out on the school app explaining the details and how it works. If you haven’t read it you can see a copy below –
We would love if you could help us collect as many S-miles (any walking/ cycling/ scooting/ park-and-stride journeys to school and home again) as we can in our quest to Shoot To Saturn! You can also record Bonus s-miles (any additional journey to the school e.g. delivering a packed lunch box, collecting your child for an appointment, walking to the shop when you usually take the car, walking the dog, etc) by scanning the QR code below or on the poster at the reception.
We will keep you updated with how many S-miles we are collecting on our journey, so look out on the blog for more information!
Thank you for your support!

Mauchline PS Active Travellers

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Twice a year, Mrs Cross and the House Captains attend the local Community Coffee Mornings. These are held in the Church Hall, are very well attended, and raise a lot of money for charity. The school provides promotional material for the event and the Captains have responsibility for serving the cakes and sweet treats to the eager participants. (We always manage to sneak one or two cakes for ourselves!)

Go to this Sway

Dyslexia Awareness Week

We have been celebrating Dyslexia Awareness Week again. Our Monday assembly was all about Neurodiversity and what that means for children in Mauchline PS & ECC. We limit the use of pens and pencils during No Pens Wednesday and we were being creative in many other ways.

We posted some pictures on our Twitter/X page:


Here are P6 completing their active spelling:

P7 engaging in lots of ‘no pens’ activities.

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