Head Teacher Challenge- Poppy Field

I would like to create a ‘Poppy Field’ display within the School and ECC to raise the awareness of ‘Armistice Day’. Armistice Day is on 11 November and is also known as Remembrance Day or ‘Poppy Day’.

It marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918. A two-minute silence is held at 11am to remember the people who have died in wars.

The Head Teacher challenge this month is to design a Poppy to be put on our display. These can be designed in anyway you can think of, using any material you choose. It should reflect the theme of remembrance and peace.  It should be no bigger than the palm of your hand.

When you have made your poppy please write your name and class on the back of it and bring it into school by the 10th November to be displayed. 

Dyslexia Awareness Week Scotland

This week we are raising awareness throughout the school about the strengths and challenges associated with Dyslexia, as part of Dyslexia Awareness Week Scotland.

Dyslexia Awareness Week this year is all about ‘Unlocking Potential’.  To tie in with coming out of lockdown, the title reflects all the amazing and sometimes unexpected ways that children and adults have adapted to our ‘new normal’, not to mention parents, teachers and others.  It’s not been easy but we have been struck by the resilience shown by so many. -Dyslexia Scotland, 2015, https://www.dyslexiascotland.org.uk/dyslexia-awareness-week

For more information about Dyslexia, please visit http://addressingdyslexia.org/


Well done to all those who took part in the Head Teacher challenge!

Certificates have been given out today. If we have accidentally missed your photo post due to the ‘technology gremlins’ please contact the office and we will get a certificate out to you next week.


Have a Spooktacular weekend.

Ms Dougan

Head Teacher’s Challenge: Halloween/Autumn Competition

With Autumn here and Halloween fast approaching I’d like to set you a little family challenge. Are you up for it?

Create an Autumn or Halloween themed display in a window or other area of your home. All the family can help. Try to recycle and re-use items as part of your display or try to make use of natural materials such as leaves, sticks etc.

Take a picture of your display and post it on twitter using the tag @MauchlineC           OR leave it in the comments below. Please add your child’s first name only, and class to the entry.

The competition closes on Thursday 29th October.  Certificates will be presented to all those who participate.

We look forward to seeing your efforts!

Good Luck and have fun.     Ms Dougan

Home Learning Activities

Please find a selection of learning activities for your child to access at home should they need to self-isolate or stay at home due to being unwell. If your child is too unwell to do any work while at home there is no pressure to complete the tasks. These are here to access as you wish. We do hope that you find this helpful.

A new page has been added at the top called ‘HOME LEARNING’ and this information will always be available if required at any point throughout the session.

Generic Home Learning Activities for P1-P7 20.21

P1 and P2 Home Learning Grids 20.21

P3 P4 P5 Home Learning Grids 20.21

P6 and P7 Home Learning Grids 20.21


Teach Your Monster to Read – free download

We have used the above resource in school to assist our younger pupils with their phonics and early reading skills. It is a fun and engaging resource.

We have just received information that the resource is now free to download – details below.

To help you get back into the swing of things, we’re making Teach Your Monster to Read free to download from Wednesday.

We know it’s been a very challenging year and we hope to help out a little by giving you the entire series of award-winning literacy games for nothing.  

The not-for-profit app is approved by the government’s DfE Hungry Little Minds campaign and has been played by over 22 million kids across the world.

Once downloaded, there’s nothing else to pay. Please let your friends know so we can help their kids learn to read too. 

Oh, and if you want to play across a few devices, make sure you sign up for a free account at teachyourmonstertoread.com first. 

Download your Teach Your Monster to Read app between Weds September 16th and Tues September 22nd 2020: 



You can also access the app on GOOGLE PLAY


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