World Book Day – Decorate a POTATO as a book character

World Book is on Thursday 4th March this year.  All classes – in-school and virtual – will be having lessons or arranging activities to celebrate all things ‘book-related’.

We thought for a bit of fun this year – and due to COVID restrictions – that instead of the children dressing up as a book character (due to shops being closed at the moment), they could dress a potato up as a book character (or use any vegetables that you have lying around the house).

Click the link to a planning page (to use if you would find it helpful):    Potato character sheet

I am sure you will be super creative in your design ideas and we MUST see the finished results.

Either add them to our Twitter page, email the results to the class teacher or email them directly to me:

I have added a couple of links to some pages to give you an idea, however I am sure your creations will be even better.

We can’t wait to see the results!!

10 World Book Day potato character ideas


Virtual Assembly – Do walls divide us or protect us?

An interesting subject for the assembly this week. Please click on the link to take you to the virtual assembly video.

Then try some of the activities in the sheet attached.

Learning from home Ideas – 22nd February


Article 15 (freedom of association)
Every child has the right to meet with
other children and to join groups and
organisations, as long as this does not stop
other people from enjoying their rights.

Does the building of walls sometimes stop this right from being met?

Have a think about it……

Welcome Back

Welcome back to in-school learning for our ECC and Primary1-3 children!

Primary 4-7 children will continue to learn through their digital platforms – school blog and Teams. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we are all back together.

Please check the school APP for all the latest information.

Virtual Assembly – Why is planting trees important?

Thursday 11th February

Please find below a link to a voiced-over powerpoint all about planting trees and their importance.

The last slide has a link to the full video however I have also added it below.


Video Link

Safer Internet Day Assembly – including link to BBC live lesson at 11am on Tuesday 9th

Good morning boys and girls…the theme for this week’s assembly is staying safe online.

Safer Internet Day 2021 - Hill Top School

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for all children and young people.

Safer Internet Day celebrates the amazing range of information and opportunities online, and its potential to inform, connect and inspire us, whilst also looking at how young people can separate fact from fiction.

Primary 4 – 7 pupils can tune in to the virtual assembly using the link below.

Now watch this clip…

Primary 1 – 3 pupils can watch this video story of Detective Digiduck. This story will encourage young children to start to think about online content, and help them to understand that what they read or see online might be true, untrue, or someone’s opinion.

Detective Digiduck by Childnet - issuu



Article 17 of the UNCRC says children and young people should be able to access information, particularly from the media. They should be able to get information from many places— from their country and beyond.

This Article applies to all kinds of media, including:

  • print media― such as newspapers or magazines,
  • electronic media― such as websites, and
  • audiovisual media― such as radio and television programmes.




Virtual Assembly – National Storytelling Quiz

This week is National Storytelling Week and we have created a fun quiz (mostly for the younger children) to take part in.

Click on the link below to take part. Remember to watch the story at the end.


Please send me a photo of you enjoying a story/book this week and I will post it on Twitter for everyone to see. Enjoy!,uk

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