Tag Archives: Primary 1

P1 learning plan wb 01.03.21

Well we had smiles, tears, acts of kindness and friendship, falls but most of all we had the joy of being back in the classroom last week.  The happiness of being back with friends, sharing experiences and having fun with our learning.  Mrs Forsyth and I really enjoyed our first week back with your children.  As we worked so well as a team throughout lockdown, we would like to continue sharing our plans for the learning taking place in P1.  This will keep you informed and enable you to continue having an input into your child’s education.  We intend to post a plan every couple of weeks or so.  There are areas in the plan indicated with a star for any extra input at home if you have time.  The children told us that they enjoyed sharing their learning experiences with adults at home and would like for this to continue.  Thank you again for all the hard work you put into remote learning.

learning plan wb 01.03.21

P1 Remote Learning Week 6

Great news everybody!  We will be back in school on Monday!      Mrs Forsyth and I cannot wait to see your smiling faces!

I hope that you have all had a good few days holiday.  For what is left of the week, we thought we would have some fun learning about Chinese New Year.    I also have a couple of videos which will upload tomorrow morning about a dragon called “Zog” written by Julia Donaldson.  There is also a short film of the story to give adults at home a bit of peace and quiet in their busy day!

Be sure to check out the school app for a JRSO competition – designing a cycling helmet.  Also there will be a virtual assembly to take a look at on Friday.

Can’t wait to see you all on Monday!

Learning across the curriculum wb 15.02.21

Feel Good Friday – Space biscuits!

Well I’m amazed at all the amazing “cooks” and “bakers” we have amongst us!  I’ll bet your custard creams were delicious – I know mine were!  I had everyone fighting over the last few of the batch.      I may have to make more.

As our space topic is coming to an end and we are thinking about Feel Good Friday, I thought why not have another nice recipe to share with our family over the weekend.

So here is a simple recipe for space biscuits which I hope you all enjoy and I would love to see your results.  Don’t worry if you don’t have star shaped cutters – you could cut them free hand or make planet or moon biscuits instead using the same recipe.


star biscuits

Good morning P1 Wednesday 3rd February

Mrs Forsyth and I are loving all the photos and videos you are sending in about your learning.  Please keep this up – we love to see your smiling faces and the improvements you are making in your reading, writing and numbers.

Mrs Forsyth will be in school today but like me, she is looking forward to speaking with you all at our V-scene meeting this afternoon at 1.30pm.  Mrs Greig asked everyone to bring something they would like to share or talk about with everyone – just like “Show and Tell” at school.

I would also like to ask you to get a bingo board ready using our red words.  If you look at the red words PowerPoint (link below) there are many to choose from – although looking back I realise that I’ve written one twice!  If you have a bingo board ready then we can have a game of bingo together – just like we would if we were in school.

Another thing I would like you to do for me before the meeting, is to have a think about where we want our learning to take us next.  I can see from your photos and videos that you have been loving our “Space” topic.  Let’s think about what our next one could be and we can have a chat about that today too!  See you at 1.30pm!

Red words bingo

Good morning P1 – Wednesday 27th January

Good morning everyone.  It’s the middle of the week already – can you believe it?  I can’t even believe we are near the end of January!

I was hoping for nicer weather today but I am surrounded in mist.  I’m hoping that it will improve as the day goes on because I want to get outside for some fresh air and keep a look out for snowdrops.  If you go out for a walk this week and you spy some could you please take a photo to send me because snowdrops make me smile.  They always look so beautiful amongst the ice and snow!

P1 Remote Learning Week 3

A massive well done to all the hard work being sent in last week.  It’s lovely to see smiling faces when your children are showing us their learning.   We loved watching all the Scot’s poetry recitals!

Here are the learning grids for this coming week beginning 25.01.21.

As ever, short, active bursts each day in some literacy and numeracy tasks with time built in for fun activities across the curriculum, learning new life skills and keeping our minds and bodies fit.

Mrs Forsyth has made a video with additional info for the week which will help out with carrying out the learning at home.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any additional support or anything explained more fully.  We are an amazing team!

Learning across the curriculum wb 25.01.21

literacy wb 25.01.21

numeracy + maths wb 25.01.21