The Park Olympics

The Park Olympics                                                                                              





On  the  1st of  March to  the 28th  Cameron,  Mark and  Callum .Hunter  ,with Mrs Park  a  support  teacher,  made up  the Park  Olympics.

They  made up the Park Olympics because  the Olympics  were  only  two  months  away .They  also  made  it  for  fun .However they  made  it  for  everybody  who  paid  50p  in  the  big  class.

The  Park Olympics  was  held  in  the  school  hall  in  a  cardboard  box  that had  been  painted  so  it  looked  like  a  stadium, the  Park  Olympics  took  place  on  the  28th  to  the  29th  of  March,  the  whole  of  P4-7  took  part,  it  was  also  50p  to  enter.

There  was  also  some  great  games  such  as  finger  footie,  penalties,  bowling  and  tiddlywinks  and  the  winners  for  finger  footie  were 1st  Teri,  2nd  was  Hannah  and  3rd  was  Hamish  and  for  penalties 1st  was    Callum Sharpe , 2nd  was Callum Hunter  and  3rd  was  Lucy. On  to  bowling  now  1st  was  Sandy  2nd  was  Mhairi  and  3rd  was  Callum Hunter  and  into  tiddlywinks:  1st  was  Shannon  , 2nd  was  Cameron  and  3rd  was Mark.

The  overall  results  were  Teri  in  1st , 2nd  was  Hannah  and  3rd  was  Shannon,  but well  done  to  everybody  who  took  part.  It  was  also  very  fun  and  I  am  sure  everybody  was  proud.   

By Sandy

Generation Science

Generation Science

My name is Ellie and I am writing about Generation Science. On the 19th of March 2012, some people from Generation Science in Glasgow came to see us at Brydekirk Primary, to show us how to control robots.

Now the robots were made out of Lego and sometimes they fell apart, mostly the head, it was very funny. They were about the size of your hand. We were shown how to control the robots like turn left or right, forwards or backwards. Next we got put in to groups and we got test cards: they were put in test abc…After all the tests we had a disco with lights, it was amazing. We all made our robots dance but one group didn’t dance and instead stood still instead of their really cool dance.

I had a vote about Generation Science. It was mostly amazing and good feedback. I thought it exiting and I would love to do it again next year. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it by Ellie.

Lockerbie Manor

Lockerbie Academy       by Hamish 

On the 18th April 2012 the P7’s went to Lockerbie Manor .We organized the trip going to Lockerbie Manor by sending letters to parents and having meetings about what clothes we should wear and what equipment we shall need and then that we had to go with Claverack.

On our first day at Lockerbie Manor we did a blind trail which is where you get blind folded and you had to do an obstacle course. You had to find a football, blind folded and you had to make shapes using only a strip of rope and yes you had to do it blind folded. Our next event was having a disco going to bed or watching football.

The next day our first event was, well we had breakfast but our first event was wall climbing, then a scavenger’s hunt and zip wire, well in between scavenger hunt and zip wire we had lunch and then after all that we went to bed.

The next day we had breakfast then did an O.C. which means Obstacle Course. On the O.C. we went over logs, under ground through tier. After that we had lunch, then played some football after that we had tea then it was bed time.

Our next day was our last day so we had breakfast, archery, lunch and fencing then we packed up ready to go home.

When I was at Lockerbie manor most of the time I was happy, nervous and excited but when I was alone I was sad because I missed my friends and family

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