Category: 2013-2014
Cross Stitch
Every Monday afternoon we would go and get our Teacher Mrs Mann to come into our class and help or teach us how to cross stitch. We have a girl in our class called Saskia and she was amazing at cross stitch and so she helped other people and can still do her own. We all started of doing a cross stitch bookmark where as soon as you were finished you were to go and ask to make something like a frog witch a lot of people did. Some of us did flags or dogs ect. Some of us kept getting in an knot.
First Day Back
Hope everyone had a great Easter Break. We’re all back in school and refreshed after our holidays. Here are some photos of the p1 – 4 class working hard on a picture of what they did during the holidays and some of them at lunch time, there are also a few new faces.
Cross Country 2014
Sometime last term the primary 4 to 7s got a bus to Lochmaben to take part in the annual cross country festival. First up it was the primary 4 and 5 small schools girls. They had to run 800m. They all were brilliant and managed to win the group shield and be in the top three.Next primary 4 5 boys they all did well as well unfortunately they did not manage to get the group shield. Followed by the middle schools races.Then back to us primary 6 7 girls small schools. We did really well by scooping the group shield again and being in the top three and to add to that cross country champions shield. Last but not least the primary 6 7 boys scooped the shield and the champion shield. Everyone put in a 101% and we came out with good results. Thanks for the cross country training and it was all
well worth it.
Easter Holiday
I hope everyone is enjoying a break over the Easter holiday.
If anyone is looking for something to do:
- find out about the surnames in your family and where they came from
- do something about a book you have read, for example a book review, book jacket, comic etc.
- find out more about Scottish history from the last 1,000 years
- create something to do with Easter and what happened to Jesus
- write a poem, story or report about something that you have been doing
- do something about anything
- or anything about something
Don’t eat too much chocolate and enjoy the rest of your break.
Mr Archibald
Weekly Timetable 22nd April 2014
Weekly Timetable 31st March 2014
Our Village
This term primary 1 to 4 children are learning about Our Village Brydekirk for their topic. The children have made a video about what they have learned so far.
Here is a link to the video, we hope you enjoy it.