On Friday the 7th June we had our Sports Day. It was a beautiful afternoon for Sports Day and all the children had a wonderful afternoon. Thank you to all the staff for helping make the afternoon run smoothly, and thank you to all the parents who made it along to watch the children. Finally thank you to Mr McBain for taking photographs of the afternoon.
Author: Miss Johnstone
Rag Bags
The rag bags were collected last Thursday, we are still waiting to see how much we have collected but we will put it on the notice board when we find out. Thank you to everyone who brought in rag bags, and a special thank you to Mrs Clark who helped load the lorry.
Toddlers Visit
On Monday morning Brydekirk Toddlers group were invited to spend the morning at Brydekirk Primary. The Toddlers played inside and outside with the Primary 1 to 3 class and the parents were shown around the school. A big thank you to Mrs Mann who provided delicious cakes and biscuits. We hope to do this again next session, and look forward to meeting new families.
Lockerbie Academy Awards 2012/13
A Day in the Life of Lilian
Last week Lilian had our Vtech camera. Here are some photographs of her week.
The Book of the Week
This weeks book of the week is read by Lilain and is The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse from our Storyworlds reading scheme. Duncan recorded Lilian reading the book and edited the video.
Please click on the link below to watch the video.
100% Attendance
Will Brydekirk get their Zoo?
Primary 1 to 3 held a meeting on Wednesday afternoon to try and persuade the villagers of Brydekirk to let them build a zoo. Here is a video of the meeting, with our chair person Molly in charge of the meeting.
Edinburgh Zoo Trip
The Book of the Week
This weeks book of the week is read by Hannah and is The Bears and the Honey from our Storyworlds reading scheme. Duncan recorded Hannah reading the book and edited the video.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/3clAEmcTySo" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]