Sometime last term the primary 4 to 7s got a bus to Lochmaben to take part in the annual cross country festival. First up it was the primary 4 and 5 small schools girls. They had to run 800m. They all were brilliant and managed to win the group shield and be in the top three.Next primary 4 5 boys they all did well as well unfortunately they did not manage to get the group shield. Followed by the middle schools races.Then back to us primary 6 7 girls small schools. We did really well by scooping the group shield again and being in the top three and to add to that cross country champions shield. Last but not least the primary 6 7 boys scooped the shield and the champion shield. Everyone put in a 101% and we came out with good results. Thanks for the cross country training and it was all
well worth it.