Category Archives: P4 Mrs Rees

Eco Fortnight Update and BBC Bitesize Lessons

A huge thanks to everyone for sending all their Eco work and ideas in. Each class received lots of lovely Eco posters and items of work.

Here is a great  example of a piece of work that was shared.

We also had a number of photos sent in for tracking animals during your daily walks.

I have added some here –

We have also been very lucky to have been sent some photos from our Schoolhouse neighbours, can you guess what bird has made a nest in our greenhouse?

Our reporter tells me there are 6 hungry mouths waiting to be fed.

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

If you have some time this week or next and want to learn more about the planet around us I have looked up the BBC Bitesize lessons to share some with you.

Schedule – BBC bitesize

This week the Geography lessons are –

P1/2/3 Oceania

P4/5 Mountains

P6/7 Rainforests

Next week –

P1/2/3 South America

P4/5 Weather/Climate

P6/7 Fossil Fuels

If you watch them leave a comment to let everyone know if they were interesting or not. So far the lessons have been really interesting and some have guest presenters.  You can find them on catch up once aired so don’t feel you have to stick to the timings.



‘My Worry Box’ – Spicy Poem

Good morning, everyone.

Many of us are experiencing all kinds of emotions at the moment, which is perfectly normal, but we don’t want to let ourselves become overwhelmed by them.  It’s good to find ways of helping ourselves stay positive.

Today’s poem focuses on the subject of keeping our minds healthy, and describes one person’s way of dealing with his worrying thoughts.

Click on the first Sway to read the poem.

Now click on the second Sway to access the follow-up questions. Remember to answer in full sentences and check that you have included capitals and full-stops.

Extension task:  What else could the poet have done to make himself feel better?  What do YOU find helpful when you’re feeing sad, worried or upset?  Discuss with your family and write your thoughts in your Home Learning Journal.


Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN – Trailer


We asked you to create the poster for this week’s Big Night In. 

Get your posters up and get excited. 

Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN is coming to you Live in your Home from 7pm on Friday 22nd May. 

Here is the Trailer it is only 4 days away!

The Show will begin at 7pm on Youtube. Like a premiere you can have the link open waiting but the video wont begin till 7pm. 

Afterwards you can watch it at anytime over the weekend and the answers will be posted on the Monday. 

Since the show is on Youtube you can watch from your Game Console, Smart TV, Phone, Tablet, Laptop and Computer. 

We can’t wait to share with you the work the community of Methlick have put into this special night! 

The Methlick School Spelling Bee!

Time to get your Spelling Bee Hat on

and challenge yourself to take part in…..

The Methlick School Spelling Bee!

These are the levels you can move up through –

10 words for each level!

A maximum score of 50

Anyone can have a go!

Score Sheet – click to open a PDF to download and mark your score on

The sheets we have been using to learn about the ‘ee’ sound are attached below, just incase you want to ‘brush up’ your skills before you start!

Dandelion Level

Long vowel ee sound

Bee Level

Long vowel ee sound ea

Honey Level

Long vowel ee sound at the end y or ey

Hive Level

We have been learning about the parts of the bee by listening to the Campbell Family, reading for information about bees and to label diagrams with Mr Mutch. By doing this you have been learning to sound out and read and write these words. This level will ask you to spell some of the bee’s body parts.

Queen Bee Gold Level

The parts of any living thing can be called it’s anatomy. Find out more information about the anatomy of a bee on this site. This level will ask you to spell some of these specialist words. Remember your spelling strategies.

  • Break the words into syllables.
  • Look for smaller words within the big words.

Feel-Good Friday – Build a Butterfly Bar!

Good morning everyone.  Time for another bit of Friday fun.

As the weather is getting warmer, we are starting to see more and more butterflies visiting our gardens.  Plants like lavender and buddleia (also known as ‘the butterfly bush’) are very attractive to butterflies, but not everyone has them growing in their garden.  Today’s activity is designed to encourage more butterflies to visit yours.

All the step-by-step instructions are contained in the Sway.  You should have most of the ingredients at home and, if not, they are easy to find.

I hope you give it a try – the butterflies will be grateful!

Hopefully you will soon have lots of visitors to your garden.  Don’t forget to come back to the blog and let me know how many butterflies you have seen.

You can find out how to identify butterflies here:
Butterfly Identifier


Bumblebee Reading Comprehension – Spicy

As our Eco-fortnight draws to a close, here is one last post on the subject of bumblebees.

The Bumblebee Conservation trust has a collection of activities and fact files for all ages.  Click on the link below to find out more:

All About Bees

Read the article in the following link.   If you can, print off the worksheet, complete the crossword and label the different parts of a bee.

Bee Facts

Finally, click on the Sway to find a series of questions to test your knowledge of bees!  Remember to answer in complete sentences.


Meat Free Meal

Following on from Mrs Taylor’s lovely recipe I hope some of you have managed to think about the idea of a meat free meal.

I’m sure many families have meat free meals at various points without realising it – for example Macaroni Cheese or even a salad. Those of you that are vegetarian or vegan will be doing this daily.

The idea of ‘Meat free Monday’  is a interesting debate as it opens up some good questions about whether or not it is good for the environment. (It doesn’t have to be on a Monday you do this)

Have a look at the website and read some of the ideas, some of you might need some adult support  –

Task 1 – Write a short report sharing your view on Meat Free Monday.  You may have to research the website and note down some ideas before you start a report.

Remember to include your feelings and thoughts. Is your report for or against Meat Free Monday?

These questions may help –

  • Do you think Meat Free Monday will make a difference to climate change?
  • Do you think it will affect farming? Would this affect farming in our area?
  • Do you think it will improve health?
  • Do you agree with the information on the website?

Task 2 – Design a menu or recipe sharing your Meat Free meal. Did you make it?

Feel free to try one task or maybe some of you will manage both.

Remember to comment on here or share with your teacher we would love to see your ideas.



As tomorrow is a holiday, we won’t have another Feel-Good Friday activity until next week.  However, I thought I’d set you a Literacy challenge to keep you going over the long weekend.

Today’s challenge is all about finding one word which links with each of three other words.

Click on the Sway below to access the quiz and to find out what to do.

It’s a tricky one, so good luck!

Have a lovely weekend.  🙂