Tag Archives: Ipads

Leading Learning, Leading Change with Mobile Devices event

An increasing number of schools are buying mobile devices,  almost exclusively Ipads to use in class with youngsters.

We provide fantastic CLPL opportunities for you to get the best use of mobile devices, whether in a nursery or senior phase classroom.

To really highlight the benefits afforded by using mobile devices we have organised a whole day event on the first Inservice day in February 2016, and we would be really pleased to see you there.

We have speakers and workshop presenters from schools, primary and secondary from around the UK, and each of the presenters has first hand, practical experience of using mobile devices with learners.

The Agenda is almost ready, but there will be themes of  Leading Learning, Leading Change, Literacy, Numeracy , STEM and many more

If you have an Ipad in your school, please bring it along as you will need it for ‘hands on’ workshops, and of course to make digital notes on the day.

We have chosen Ellon Academy as the location for this event as it has the capacity to deal with the expected large numbers attending.

Please sign up at Aberdeenshire Events for this not to be missed event.




Literature Review on the impact of digital learning and teaching

In September, the Scottish Government and Education Scotland launched a public consultation on the development of a new digital learning and teaching strategy for Scotland.

In order to help infEdScotorm and support development of the strategy, today the Scottish Government has published the findings of literature review exploring the impact of digital technology on learning and teaching.

The review looked at published literature from academic, governmental and professional sources, focusing in particular on the impact of digital technology on five key priorities for education in Scotland:

raising attainment;
tackling inequalities and promoting inclusion;
improving transitions into employment;
enhancing parental engagement; and
improving the efficiency of the education system.
The review has found:

conclusive evidence that digital learning and teaching can have a positive impact on attainment in general (and in maths and sciences particularly);
indicative evidence that digital learning and teaching can support efforts to close gaps in attainment amongst learners; and
promising evidence that digital learning and teaching can have a positive impact on the other priorities considered.
The review has concluded that successful implementation of digital learning and teaching requires support for teachers in the areas of:

initial teacher training and continuing professional development;
direction and leadership within a school;
access to digital equipment and tools; and
an educational environment that offers flexibility for teachers in using digital learning.
The consultation document published by the Scottish Government and Education Scotland reflects and builds on these themes.

The full literature review and executive summary are available online … Click here to download the review.

Using Technology to improve learning and teaching: Training opportunities

teacher_trainingWe always have a number of training opportunities available to help you get the best out of the technology already at your school, or to give advice  if you are thinking of purchasing new technology such as Ipads or other mobile devices.

All the events are posted on the Aberdeenshire Events website or please call us for the latest information on any learning with technical logo support events.

Current Events are:

Reaching all learners with mobile technology . Whole day , hands on training at Hill of Banchory

More dates to come in New Year


Serif Craft Artist : Twilight courses specifically aimed at making use of the fantastic range of Roald Dahl material

December 1st, 2nd, 7th and 9th


SMARTnotebook 2015 beginner course: Whole day course aimed at getting you up and running with the new SMART software, this is a hands on course and you will get lots of really useful help and advice and you will be able to create, engaging interactive SMART lessons that you can share and reuse.

More dates to be announced


GLOW and O365 : Twilight courses aimed at beginners and how to use the O365 apps (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote , Outlook) in addition to the calendar, people, mail , onedrive and other apps.

Dates to be announced

Please contact either Susan Sey or Jim Mclean  to discuss any of the above events or to discuss other training requests/issues