Category Archives: Learning and Teaching

SMART Notebook Global Collaboration Project

I am looking for a Primary School who would like to collaborate with a school from the Czech Republic.

I have received a Notebook file with information added by the pupils and they would like some information sent back.

This is an exciting opportunity to share on a Global scale.

Please let me know if your school would like to get involved.


STEM Careers

Real STEM Careers : Engineering Presentation Series

Interested  in a career in engineering? Would you like to know more about what it involves? Why not join a live interactive Atkins Engineering Consultancy STEM Ambassador Career Presentation with Niall Hamilton.

Niall is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer currently working for Atkins Consultancy in Glasgow. He will give a brief talk on his route into an engineering and his experiences gained working in Aerospace and Oil and Gas sectors. He will also highlight some the challenges young engineers will have to tackle in the future.

Join us live in Glow TV on Wednesday 27th January at 11am. Sign up Real STEM Careers : Engineering Presentation Series

If you unable to join us for the live event you can always catch up with the recording at another time – Glow TV’s Watch Again.

Aberdeenshire Learner’s Site

We have now created an Aberdeenshire Learner’s Site in Glow.

This site will be ideal for sharing resources that our learners create in school and will be an opportunity for our learners to collaborate with students across Aberdeenshire.

There is a link to this site on Aberdeenshire Council Site and from Aberdeenshire Council LaunchPad on RM Unify. We would be grateful if you could please share this site with your students and ask them to “Follow” the site.


STEM grants from the Royal Institution


The Royal Institution STEM E&E Grant Scheme offers UK-registered state schools a grant of up to £500 to experience a STEM activity taken from the STEM Directories. The scheme is designed to help integrate STEM Enrichment and Enhancement activities into school practice and to support teachers’ professional development.

Please click on this link for further information , including how to apply for the grant.

Leading Learning, Leading Change with Mobile Devices event

An increasing number of schools are buying mobile devices,  almost exclusively Ipads to use in class with youngsters.

We provide fantastic CLPL opportunities for you to get the best use of mobile devices, whether in a nursery or senior phase classroom.

To really highlight the benefits afforded by using mobile devices we have organised a whole day event on the first Inservice day in February 2016, and we would be really pleased to see you there.

We have speakers and workshop presenters from schools, primary and secondary from around the UK, and each of the presenters has first hand, practical experience of using mobile devices with learners.

The Agenda is almost ready, but there will be themes of  Leading Learning, Leading Change, Literacy, Numeracy , STEM and many more

If you have an Ipad in your school, please bring it along as you will need it for ‘hands on’ workshops, and of course to make digital notes on the day.

We have chosen Ellon Academy as the location for this event as it has the capacity to deal with the expected large numbers attending.

Please sign up at Aberdeenshire Events for this not to be missed event.




Safe Harbor











The learning through Technology team are not in any way legally qualified to offer specific advice on the EU Court of Justice ruling. Please contact our Information Security Officer for up to date advice

However, we all have a legal responsibility to ensure we adhere to the principles of the Data Protection Act.

The section Safe Harbor related to was Principle 8
Sending personal data outside the European Economic Area
The Data protection act (DPA) says that :

“Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area ( EEA ) unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.”

What happens now the Safe Harbor arrangements are no longer in place

The only way of complying with the Data Protection Act would be to gain the specific and informed consent of the data subject (in our case the data subject would be students and teachers)

But, to be properly informed, the data subject would need to be told that their data was going to a country where the authorities’ wide ranging powers of interference and surveillance and the absence of any administrative or judicial means of redress, compromise individuals’ fundamental rights to respect for private life and to effective judicial protection.

And considering the Court of European Justice ruling has questioned the data protection and security regime of the United States, then no contractual agreement will satisfy the EU data protection requirements.

At time of writing Safe Harbor 2.0 (If this is what it is to be called) currently being drawn up by the EU and US authorities, is already being  questioned.

Google Apps for Education and other Software providers have offered Model Contract Clauses (MCCs) as an alternative compliance option to Safe Harbor for a number of years. These clauses are not directly affected by the European Court’s decision and can be used by customers as an alternative means to legitimise the transfer of data. 

The Department of Education  (Scottish Government recognised) document provides further advice on Cloud services  ( Cloud Service Guide 2015 )

In the specific case of Edmodo, Safe Harbor allowed its use , but with qualifying conditions.

The current terms of service for Edmodo can be found here

To agree to using Edmodo, ALL of your learners would have had to have parental agreement as detailed below , and you will have kept a signed agreement , renewed annually for every pupil using the service.

“IMPORTANT! If you are not of legal age to form a binding contract (in many places, this is 18 years old), then you must get your parent or guardian to read these terms and agree to them for you, before you use Edmodo or provide any information to us. Please review this agreement with your parent or guardian so that you both understand how Edmodo works and what restrictions apply to your use of our websites and services. Remember, always get an adult’s permission before going online.”

With the demise of the Safe Harbor agreement, I would take a serious look at the terms and conditions, knowing that personal data is being stored outside the EEA, and look to other services such as GLOW to share data with learners and other professionals.

If you are in any doubt , please contact the Information Security Officer at Aberdeenshire Council who will offer more detailed advice.






Literature Review on the impact of digital learning and teaching

In September, the Scottish Government and Education Scotland launched a public consultation on the development of a new digital learning and teaching strategy for Scotland.

In order to help infEdScotorm and support development of the strategy, today the Scottish Government has published the findings of literature review exploring the impact of digital technology on learning and teaching.

The review looked at published literature from academic, governmental and professional sources, focusing in particular on the impact of digital technology on five key priorities for education in Scotland:

raising attainment;
tackling inequalities and promoting inclusion;
improving transitions into employment;
enhancing parental engagement; and
improving the efficiency of the education system.
The review has found:

conclusive evidence that digital learning and teaching can have a positive impact on attainment in general (and in maths and sciences particularly);
indicative evidence that digital learning and teaching can support efforts to close gaps in attainment amongst learners; and
promising evidence that digital learning and teaching can have a positive impact on the other priorities considered.
The review has concluded that successful implementation of digital learning and teaching requires support for teachers in the areas of:

initial teacher training and continuing professional development;
direction and leadership within a school;
access to digital equipment and tools; and
an educational environment that offers flexibility for teachers in using digital learning.
The consultation document published by the Scottish Government and Education Scotland reflects and builds on these themes.

The full literature review and executive summary are available online … Click here to download the review.