Author Archives: S. Sey

OneDrive on Curricular Machines

Issue has now been resolved 12th January 2016

It has come to our attention that OneDrive is not loading correctly on curricular computers.

When a user tries to open OneDrive the top ribbon appears but the content is missing. We think that Chrome is trying to download a OneDrive plugin from the Chrome Store and that this download is being blocked.

IT are currently working on a fix for this but you can access OneDrive with Internet Explorer in the meantime.


Aberdeenshire Learner’s Site

We have now created an Aberdeenshire Learner’s Site in Glow.

This site will be ideal for sharing resources that our learners create in school and will be an opportunity for our learners to collaborate with students across Aberdeenshire.

There is a link to this site on Aberdeenshire Council Site and from Aberdeenshire Council LaunchPad on RM Unify. We would be grateful if you could please share this site with your students and ask them to “Follow” the site.


Aberdeenshire Council RM Unify Launchpad

We now have an Aberdeenshire Council RM Unify Page.

This landing page consists of links to resources specifically aimed at Aberdeenshire Staff and Students.

You can find this page from the drop down menu on your RM Unify Launchpad under Shared Launchpads.



Remember you can also create your own Launchpad with Apps from the App Library or by creating your own tiles.



Office 365 Video

This is now live and there for all to use.

School staff can create channels in to which they or their pupils can upload videos.  Owners of channels can decide who can upload and who can view the videos, by default they are shared across Glow when created but this can be easily changed
You can find out more in the National Help area by clicking on the link below,


OneDrive issue for Academy Pupils

An issue has been identified with pupils being unable to access OneDrive in school.

This is not a Glow issue but an issue with our Bloxx filtering system. The Academy Pupil CC4 profile is causing the issue and IT are currently looking for a fix. The issue does not affect the staff profiles so staff should be able to access OneDrive as normal.

I will update the Blog once the issue has been resolved.




Serif CraftArtist 2 Twilights

I have just finished creating the programme for the above twilights.

Serif CraftArtist is a fantastic resources for creating Posters, Graphics and Blog Headers.

It comes with various Digikits including the new Roald Dahl kits.

Please click on link below to register.


Teach IT Training

We have now purchased Teach IT logins for every school in Aberdeenshire.

Teach-IT is an innovative teaching and learning resource full of inspiring cross-curricular learning activities designed to make teaching engaging and learning fun.

Since its launch Teach-IT has helped over 25,000 educators across the UK to:

• Introduce their pupils to the latest web-hosted technologies
• Enhance their own and their classes’ teaching and learning
• Improve their own digital competence and confidence
• Foster students’ higher-order skills such as creativity and enterprise

Teach-IT introduces a wide variety of exciting technologies such as Google Earth, Games Based Learning and the latest free Web tools to help teachers to understand why they are so appealing to young people. Teachers are shown step-by-step how to use and apply ICT to bring the curriculum to life.

Please check out Aberdeenshire Events to register for a twilight training session.


P1 Pupil Glow Accounts

Please be aware that a problem has been detected with all our P1 Glow Accounts for pupils that attended an Aberdeenshire Nursery.

These accounts are causing an error and can be found in the School Transfer Log in the Management Console.

Seemis and Glow are currently working on a fix and once resolved I will e-mail all schools.

Until then I am afraid that calls cannot be logged for CC4 access or Glow access.


SMART Notebook 2015

If your school has recently purchased a SMART Board or SMART Panel then you can log a call with Ask Fred for SMART Notebook 2015.

The SMART Board or SMART Panel comes with 4 licences for the new software and we would advise the following:

  • One licence for the Classroom PC attached to the new board or panel
  • One licence for the Teacher in the Classroom to install the software at home
  • Two additional licences to be used in the school, possibly a staff base

We are keen that these licences are used and not wasted because they only have a 3 year shelf life.

Once the Free 3 Year licence expires then the software remains as it is with no further updates. If the schools choose to purchase the licence then they will be entitled to software updates.

If you need to find out licence key info then please log a call with:
