Author Archives: J. McLean

SQA Study Ninjas Free app – but only for a short time-

A huge thanks to those of you who have already given Study Ninja your support by talking about it, sharing it and in some cases buying it.  We are already delighted with the response which has included us creeping in to the top ten in the productivity chart on the App Store.  For just a short window we have decided to make Study Ninja completely free on the App Store, so please share this information with your colleagues, parents and pupils and you can help to make quite a buzz happen during the run-in to exam time.  The link for Study Ninja on the App Store is here for all those iPhones and iPads out there.

For those with Android devices, we didn’t want you to miss out on this offer but it did prove a little more tricky to make Study Ninja free on Google Play.  We do however have a few hundred codes that we will send out and this will allow you to claim a Study Ninja app on Google Play.  Just tell us that you want some codes and we will send them out in groups of ten at a time which you can then pass on to students.

This offer is only available until the exams start for Scottish schools in May 2016 so please don’t delay, share, and hopefully we can see the impact on results in just a few weeks’ time.  Apple Store has no restrictions on volume so you can fill your boots… so to say.  Android does have a limited number available so they will be sent out only until we run out of codes.

FREE online CPD, developed with Imperial College London

From the website….   Science CPD Website

Why have we created Reach Out CPD?

by Professor Robert Winston

“If you’re going to single out the most important job in our society, it has to be teaching.

Whenever I stand in front of a primary school class it’s a bit terrifying because they will ask the most difficult questions about science.

It’s often harder to teach an 8 year-old than an 18 year-old, but the rewards are massive because of the enthusiasm you gain. If we want a better society, we have to invest in these younger children.

Science isn’t just for scientists

Primary science isn’t just about nurturing the scientists of the future. It’s about ensuring every child develops a natural curiosity about the world around them and starts to think analytically about situations.

Why should I eat this food or that food? Why is this product better than that? Why should I vote for this energy policy? Science is behind so many of today’s decisions, let alone tomorrow’s.

Helping teachers feel confident

Teachers are key to creating this science-literate society. They can inspire children to think more scientifically. Teacher confidence has been proven to impact children’s outcomes in science, but, naturally, most primary school teachers don’t have a science background.

That’s why we have developed Reach Out CPD – to give every primary school teacher the professional development, support and materials they need to teach science with confidence. And to make it fun!


Twig and TigTag

Tigtag and Twig online resources are currently accessible via the Glow login and are used by schools across Scotland.  These award-winning resources provide high-quality videos and accompanying learning materials for sciences, mathematics and social studies. They were procured by Education Scotland in July 2015.  The contract was for one year initially with the possibility of a one year extension.

Education Scotland and Twig World have agreed to this one year extension which means that both Twig and Tigtag, and also TigTag Junior and Reach Out CPD, will continue to be available to state schools through Glow until 31st July  2017.

It will not be possible for Education Scotland to extend the contract further beyond this date.

Scotland Excel, the local authority procurement organisation, will include Education Software and Digital Content as an additional lot within their re-tender of their Education Materials framework with a start date of 1st April 2017.  It will therefore be for local authorities to purchase digital content via this route in the future.

OneNote profiling tile

Great news! At last after direct work from Microsoft and from RM the Template for the digital profiling and profile tool is now available on Glow.


Log into Glow and access the Aberdeenshire App Library ( Shown on above image with red text “New”)

The learner would click on the Aberdeenshire Council E-Portfolio tile, and a profiling template will be created in the learners OneDrive in Glow.

This process takes about 2-3 minutes, so best to only get a few learners at a time to generate the template, or ask for this as a homework task.

Detailed information on using the tile and the profiling and profile process will be emailed to schools next week.



STEM Careers

Real STEM Careers : Engineering Presentation Series

Interested  in a career in engineering? Would you like to know more about what it involves? Why not join a live interactive Atkins Engineering Consultancy STEM Ambassador Career Presentation with Niall Hamilton.

Niall is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer currently working for Atkins Consultancy in Glasgow. He will give a brief talk on his route into an engineering and his experiences gained working in Aerospace and Oil and Gas sectors. He will also highlight some the challenges young engineers will have to tackle in the future.

Join us live in Glow TV on Wednesday 27th January at 11am. Sign up Real STEM Careers : Engineering Presentation Series

If you unable to join us for the live event you can always catch up with the recording at another time – Glow TV’s Watch Again.

STEM grants from the Royal Institution


The Royal Institution STEM E&E Grant Scheme offers UK-registered state schools a grant of up to £500 to experience a STEM activity taken from the STEM Directories. The scheme is designed to help integrate STEM Enrichment and Enhancement activities into school practice and to support teachers’ professional development.

Please click on this link for further information , including how to apply for the grant.

Leading Learning, Leading Change with Mobile Devices event

An increasing number of schools are buying mobile devices,  almost exclusively Ipads to use in class with youngsters.

We provide fantastic CLPL opportunities for you to get the best use of mobile devices, whether in a nursery or senior phase classroom.

To really highlight the benefits afforded by using mobile devices we have organised a whole day event on the first Inservice day in February 2016, and we would be really pleased to see you there.

We have speakers and workshop presenters from schools, primary and secondary from around the UK, and each of the presenters has first hand, practical experience of using mobile devices with learners.

The Agenda is almost ready, but there will be themes of  Leading Learning, Leading Change, Literacy, Numeracy , STEM and many more

If you have an Ipad in your school, please bring it along as you will need it for ‘hands on’ workshops, and of course to make digital notes on the day.

We have chosen Ellon Academy as the location for this event as it has the capacity to deal with the expected large numbers attending.

Please sign up at Aberdeenshire Events for this not to be missed event.




Help wanted! Student Research

Kirsty McKay, a fourth year teaching student from the University of Dundee, is carrying out a research assignment on Twitter in the Primary school classroom.  She is appealing for teachers and parents to complete her online questionnaire – details at

Kirsty has offered to make her final research report available for circulation.