Author Archives: J. McLean

Profiling : Tile Update


We met with RM at the Scottish Learning Festival and robustly enquired to when the tile would be available. RM responded that they were being delayed by Microsoft who have to provide them with the code required to allow the tile to be included onto our site. They are expecting the code to be released this month (October) with the tile completed by November. We can only apologise for the delay.

However…it is very simple to create a OneNote document in Glow or on the desktop and pupils can then record achievements.  When the tile is available the pupils could continue with one they may have created or transfer to the automatically created profile when the tile is selected.

We have and are continuing to run O365 twilights this term.

If you require any further advice or help then please contact Jim or Susan


Scottish Learning Festival 2015

Dr Alasdair Allan MSPSheila Marr, Moira Lawson, Ian Parkin, Susan Sey, Graeme Slapp and Jim Mclean attended the 2015 Scottish Learning Festival and put on their best smiles and shiniest shoes to welcome people to the Aberdeenshire stand in the Local Authority village. Thousands of people passed by with many stopping to talk to us about learning and teaching in Aberdeenshire. Our static posters highlighted Developing Technologies, Professional Learning, Learning Spaces and Outdoor learning, Integration and Inclusion, Health and Wellbeing, Work Experience and Business engagement and Raising Attainment. Our visual displays Featured Numeracy work from the staff and pupils at Kemnay primary, Digital report writing from Echt Primary and lots of clips of engaged youngsters from schools across the ‘Shire learning inside and outside of classrooms.

We saw colleagues from many schools who were down to see specific seminars or keynotes, and of course we had great networking opportunities with colleagues from Local Authorities across Scotland.

Aberdeenshire team + Susan who took the photo


Dr Alasdair Allan dropped by the stand and spent time talking to Sheila Marr and Jim Mclean, following his launch of the Consultation paper on the development of a digital learning and teaching strategy for Scotland

A very busy three days, but lots of information gathered , contacts made and new exciting products seen.

See some of the video highlights here


Learning Resources in Glow or the Education Scotland Website


Many hundreds possibly thousands of resources can be found in Glow or on  the Education Scotland website to help in every age and stage of the curriculum.

Click here to access a professional learning resource that has been designed to support the vibrations and waves line of the development within the sciences experiences and outcomes

Or need a resource on Haunted Scottish Castles? Click here , if you dare !

There is a link on the Aberdeenshire Council and Aberdeenshire Staff Glow sites to take you to the National Glow site, where you can then search for thousands of resources



aberdeenshire events

A number of dates have been added or are in the process of being added to to the Aberdeenshire Events web pages for :

Glow and Office 365 twilights,
TeachIT (in remaining clusters)
Tablets (Whole day Ipads in Learning sessions at Hill of Banchory) .

Please browse through the events we are organising and if there is a twilight or session that captures you interest then please let your line manager know and register online.



SMART Exemplary Educator

Almost every classroom in Aberdeenshire is equipped with a SMARTboard

The software that works with the SMARTboard is always being upgraded, and the Learning through Technology team regularly run training sessions for any teacher to bring their SMART skills up to date.

Our lead trainer and SMART EXEMPLARY EDUCATOR is Susan, and earlier this year she submitted a short video to SMART In Canada to see if her work would qualify to be awarded a place at an international conference.

During the school holidays Susan travelled to Calgary in Canada to meet 77  other educators from 22 countries for a fantastic week of keynote presentations, hackathons, networking  all crammed into days that started at 6am and finished not before 7pm

Susan said the highlight for her was participating in the Hackathon and seeing the passion and determination the developers at SMART have to provide their customers with the very best end product.

The video made by Susan  can be found here and gives a tiny flavour of the trip.

We support schools in various ways with SMART training, your first port of call should be Aberdeenshire events to see if there is a training event near your school. Or call Susan at the Learning Through Technology team to discuss your specific requirements.




Scholar logo used with permission

Scholar logo used with permission

All the data for Scholar users including teachers will be at your school now.

Could you please ensure you pass login details to students studying courses supported by Scholar?

If you require any training for staff or students then please contact any of the Learning through technology team and we will arrange support.

Please remember even if you do not use Scholar as part of your lesson planning, by giving login details to students you give them a resource that is relevant to their studies