satrosphere trip

On Thursday p6b and p6a went to Satrosphere. They sang some songs on the way there and ate lots of sweets. At Satrosphere they got taught a lot of sciency things. A woman called Jen introduced “Science on the Spot” where they were taught things like if you get a small container and fill it up with water and drop a orange vitimin c tablet  in it , the lid would pop off .

Then, while the other class were doing “Science on the Spot”,  p6b went into the science lab and when we were in there Lola held a torch and Andrew, the person who was doing the theatre, held a lazer pen and we found out that the torch that Lola was holding was a lot more powerful than Andrews lazer because the normal torch would change colour, while Andrews laser was just be red and it wouldn’t change colour like Lolas. We also learned that if you take some fire to a balloon it would go BOOM!  PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME !!!!!!

When they got to wonder around they played on a bike that if you pedalled hard enough a model train would move. Also at Satrosphere there was a green screen that if you leaned against it your image would come up in black. There was also a thermal camera and a skeleton cycling a wave machine and lots of magnetic things.

On the way back everybody was tired but had had  an enjoyable and  jam packed day.

By Fiona and Ellie p6 bloggers

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