Tag Archives: parents

Sports Day!

Sports for P2,3 and 4 started at the begining of school. My  team  had  to throw a football  in  a  tyre and parents came to watch us at sports day.  It  was  amazing at the start  but then it  got  hard. There  were16 stations. There were hurdles and javelin. It was exciting at sports day and the Ospreys 1, 2 and 3 won sports day and I was excited and I felt for the other teams.

By William P4B

Balhousie Open Day

On Friday 20th of June p4b are going to Balhousie for the open day. We are going with our class but our parents and grandparents are coming to admire our work. The butterflys are beautiful and I think they will brighten up the place.

The care home looks wonderful with all the butterflies. We will be singing two songs; “I went to the cabbages”and “Downtown”. We are all having our face painted but only if our parents give us permission. We are all looking forward to be going to Balhousie.

By Charis and Mazie P4B.

P2’s and P5’s Assembly

Last week p2’s and p5’s did an assembly about Makaton which is a way of communicating using hand signs. We learned a song and we all had fun singing the song, everyone was joining in. We learned some Makaton to go with the song. Some of the words we learnt to say using makaton included; hello, you, me, friend and play. The song is sung by Mr Tumble. P2 and P5 worked very hard to put their assembly together and learning the Makaton and teaching it to us. They did a very good job.


By Charis and Rachel P4

Gardening Club

Every Monday 30 pupils, ranging from P2 to P6 have been working hard in the gardening club, helped by some parents and staff. They have got a lot accomplished in just a few weeks!

Some have marked out the boundaries of the new allotment, and helped in putting up posts.

Others have helped to fill the raised beds in the sensory garden with soil. The beds are designed to stimulate different senses; sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. The gardeners have planted leeks, parsley, rosemary, sweet peas, marigolds to name but a few. With the warm weather and rainy showers, the plants are growing well and starting to become quite colourful.

Allotment Club

Over £700 was raised at the recent coffee morning at the Stewarts hall, in aid of the Gordon Primary allotments! The money will go towards developing the new allotments on the school grounds. The new allotments were designed by Heather and Brogan in Pp6. The design consists of raised beds, along with fruit trees and bushes, surrounded by a fence.

An enthusiastic group of pupils, parents and staff have formed an Allotment group who are meeting on Mondays after school to develop the allotments. Their first task is to design and plant up the sensory garden. This consists of 5 raised beds containing plants to stimulate the five senses; taste, small, touch. hearing and appearance. Already the beds are planted with chives, marigolds, sweet peas and broccoli, to name but a few.

Crikey Moses!

This Wednesday (2 April) the Primary 3 classes presented a play named ‘Moses’ which they had been working on for the past 3 weeks to the whole of Gordon Primary and their parents in the Afternoon!

There were lots of props and costumes, the props illustrated the scenes beautifully! There were lots of well rehearsed songs as well!

All the school and parents enjoyed the play loads.

Well Done to all the Primary 3 Pupils for putting on a marvellous show!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

Banana Recipes.

Thanks to Vicky Dunbar for this banana recipe

Vickys Free-From Banana Loaf, Gluten, Dairy, Egg, Soy & Nut-Free

320 grams – Gluten-Free Plain Flour Mix

2 teaspoon – Gluten-Free Baking Powder

2 teaspoon – baking soda / bicarb of soda

1 teaspoon – xanthan gum

1 teaspoon – salt

1 teaspoon – ground cinnamon

125 ml – olive oil plus extra for greasing

3 large – bananas, mashed well

150 ml – rice milk

150 ml – agave nectar

1/2 teaspoon – vanilla extract

150 grams – optional extras such as cherries, chocolate chips (I use Moo-Free brand), chopped walnuts etc

Prep time is 110 min, serves 20.


1 Preheat the oven to gas 3 / 170C / 162°C and grease 2 loaf tins

2 In a bowl combine the flour mix, baking powder & soda, xanthan gum, salt and cinnamon

3 Add the oil, agave nectar, rice milk and vanilla and stir until mixture is smooth

4 Stir in the mashed bananas & any optional extras you might like to add and split the mixture into the tins, they should fill around half way up

5 Bake for 35 minutes then turn the tins around and bake for a further 20 minutes

6 The loaf should bounce back when pressed lightly on top and a skewer test will indicate that it’s done

7 Let it sit in the tins for 20 minutes before removing and setting the loaves on a wire rack to cool

8 Cover the unsliced loaf with clingfilm and store in a lidded container for up to 3 days

9 This makes 2 banana loaves each with 10 servings

P5a Assembly

Last week (Wednesday 28th Febuary) Primary 5a presented an assembly about their topic, the Jacobites.

They have been learning about the Jacobites since the start of term 3, they have learnt loads and are very knowledgable about them.

Their Assembly was about a group of children from Gordon Primary who built a time machine and decided to visit the time of the Jacobites. The Jacobites spoke a different language at first (gaelic) but then they found out they spoke English. The children from the past and the children from Gordon Primary had a chat, and compared their lives. The jacobite children worked hard every day collecting water, looking after animals and collecting firewood. They drank water if they were thirsty, and ate shop, bread and cheese. They didn’t eat potatoes because they hadnt been introduced to Scotland yet. They had no electricity, mobile phones. The children learnt how different life was back in the time of the Jacobites.

The whole school and P5 parents enjoyed the assembly and learnt a lot!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

The owl who was afraid of the dark

The p2’s yesterday did a wonderful assembly for p2 parents and the whole school.

In school as the class novel p2a have been reading “The Owl who wasAfraid of the Dark”. The book is about an owl who is afraid of the dark but has a series of meetings with  different people. They tell him that dark is exciting, kind, fun, necessary, fascinating, wonderful and beautiful. In assembly the p2s told us that they had been learning how to make a summary of a book. They had also been making posters  about nocturnal (really good) and firework displays made with chalk pastels and glitter (Absolutely Amazing!!!!)

Everybody spoke clearly and loudly. It was a very good performance  – well done!

by |Fiona (p6 Blogger)