
Tomorrow the Nursery children are getting their teeth varnished by a dentist. So if you go down to the nursery tomorrow their teeth will be very nice and clean.

They have also been making their own obstacle courses because the obstacle courses that the teachers had made were apparently too easy for them.  They were very pleased with their results and had great fun navigating their obstacle courses .

The nursery pupils have also been looking for patterns around the school. They saw patterns outside in the playground and in the school.

by ellie b6b blogger

Children in need

Children in Need is on Friday 15th Novenber 2013 . Children in Need fundraises for charities both in the UK and abroad. Sometimes in Asda Pudsey will be walking around.

At Gordon Primary pupils and staff are invited to wear silly socks, and to tuck their trousers into their silly socks to show them off! Pupils can bring in 1ps and 2ps towards a collection for Children in Need.

Nursery Halloween Party

Wooooooooooo!  On Friday the 1st of November the nurseries had a Halloween party. They all wore fancy dress

They dooked for apples and made them into toffee apples. They were also tried to eat a donut dangling on a piece of string; they got lovely and sticky! They also danced, they made halloween craft and got all sticky and messy in the process.They had lots of fun and really enjoyed some nice Halloween themed party food!

Tree Planting

Last week we planted trees. We left the school at 10 o’clock and walked to the meadows. On the way we saw tiny rabbits. We finally got to the amazing meadows. First we had to get gloves from a man with a black bag. Then we got into groups and we all planted tiny trees. Next we all got to see everyones trees. Me and Annie planted a tree together and we named it Smeagall. We all had a marvellous time and we really did not want to go back to school. As time went on we got to have our play piece. Just before we went went we quickly got to plant one last tree. Then we walked all the way back to school.

By Davina P4A

Netball club

On wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30 there is a after school netball club. The  leaders are Miss P.S and  Mrs Fitzpatrick. It is great fun and everybody learns lot of new things, such as Passes, working as a team, positions and drills.

Thank you to  Miss P.S and Mrs Fitzpatrick for running the netball club and giving up their free time.

By Fiona P6 Blogger

Learning Council

The motto that they came up with was – ‘Everybody has a Voice’!

The votes for the school motto have been overwhelming! Parents’ views were sought by some of the children at the Parents Evenings, and almost 100% were in favour of a motto!

Before the October Holidays, Dennis Robertson came into Gordon Primary to answer some of the questions that the council had came up with! They found out a lot of information about how to run a council, it was very successful!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

Christmas Craft Afternoon

There will be a Christmas Craft Afternoon on Friday 15th, so that parents can come into school and help classes with their Christmas Craft!

Teachers were given some money to spend on crafty items to make something for the Christmas Fair! 

We hope the Christmas Crafts are successful and everybody enjoys making them!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)

satrosphere trip

On Thursday p6b and p6a went to Satrosphere. They sang some songs on the way there and ate lots of sweets. At Satrosphere they got taught a lot of sciency things. A woman called Jen introduced “Science on the Spot” where they were taught things like if you get a small container and fill it up with water and drop a orange vitimin c tablet  in it , the lid would pop off .

Then, while the other class were doing “Science on the Spot”,  p6b went into the science lab and when we were in there Lola held a torch and Andrew, the person who was doing the theatre, held a lazer pen and we found out that the torch that Lola was holding was a lot more powerful than Andrews lazer because the normal torch would change colour, while Andrews laser was just be red and it wouldn’t change colour like Lolas. We also learned that if you take some fire to a balloon it would go BOOM!  PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME !!!!!!

When they got to wonder around they played on a bike that if you pedalled hard enough a model train would move. Also at Satrosphere there was a green screen that if you leaned against it your image would come up in black. There was also a thermal camera and a skeleton cycling a wave machine and lots of magnetic things.

On the way back everybody was tired but had had  an enjoyable and  jam packed day.

By Fiona and Ellie p6 bloggers