Friockheim Primary School Parent Council – Minutes

Friockheim Primary School Parent Council

Minute of meeting of Friockheim Primary School Parent Council on Wednesday 23rd October 2013 at Friockheim Primary School.


 Miss A Greig – Chairperson

Mrs S Beveridge – Depute Chairperson

Mrs L Robertson – Head Teacher

Mr S Gallon – DHT

Mrs A Robertson – Parent Member

Mrs A Anderson – Parent Member

Miss L Geekie – Parent Member

Rev P Phillips

Miss A Medlock – Secretary


 Mrs H Davis

Mrs B Lawson

Miss D Milne

Mr D McLeish


 The minute of previous meeting was agreed.


 No matters arising.


SPTC membership and public liability insurance has been received. These have been filed. A. Greig will liase with the chairperson of PTA to confirm that they are a sub group of the Parent Council in order to ensure that they are covered by the public liability insurance.

Information has been received from Angus Council about forthcoming training dates for members of the Parent Council/PTA. Details have been circulated to members and they have been requested to confirm their attendance prior to 7th November 2013.

(At the time of writing, information has only been circulated to Parent Council Members as we do not have contact details for PTA).


It was announced at the meeting that the secretary has given notice and will stay in post until the end of this year. Parent Council members are requested to consider anybody they might know who would wish to be considered for the post. If there are no volunteers, the post will be advertised in school newsletter and in the village.

The issue of bikes and scooters not being allowed at school was raised. Mrs Robertson stated that they believe they have resolved the problem. Due to the location of the bike shed, it is difficult to monitor. A letter is due to be circulated in early November stating new rules that must be complied with in order to use the bike shed.

A.Greig asked if parent helpers were being used to their full potential. Mrs Robertson advised that each teacher has been allocated their own parent helper, but as last term was so busy, only 2 teachers have managed to contact their allocated helper. A discussion then took place as to whether parents who help at social events are PVG checked and if any are first aid trained. Mrs Robertson confirmed that she has a list of all contact details for parents/carers in the event of an emergency.


A.Greig asked if there will be a Christmas show this year. Mrs Robertson confirmed that there will be a production, although due to the current lack of a stage, it will be on a smaller than usual scale. (Enquiries are on going as to whether it would be possible to borrow a stage from elsewhere in the mean time. Suggestions were put forward as to possible options).

The harvest festival was a success. Very positive feedback has been received from the local residents who received the donations.

Internet Safety – an information evening is being planned for parents on this subject. More information to follow.


The PTA are in full swing organising events to raise funds for the school stage (which is estimated to cost £3000). On Friday 1st November there will be the Hallowe’en Disco and on Fri 8th November there is a prize bingo evening which is being held jointly with Friockheim Co-op. This will raise funds for the PTA and also the Co-op’s charity of the year.


A copy of school development plan was circulated to all present – this will be discussed at the next meeting.

Mrs Robertson asked if an information pack/leaflet could be assembled by the Parent Council for any new families who join the school. S. Beveridge suggested a buddy system for parents of families new to the area/school (with the possibility of a volunteer from each class). Rev. Phillips stated that the Church had previously had such information leaflets. He will try to find it to see if it could be updated. It was also suggested that parents could input any local activities they are aware of.  


The next meeting will be on Tuesday 14th January at 3.30pm 



 cc. Susan Duff

Parent Council Training Event



The training events listed below for all Parent Council members are being led by the Scottish Parent Teacher Council, in partnership with Angus Council.

Parent Council Essentials – information attached

21 November 2013, Rooms A/B, Angus House, Orchardbank, Forfar, 7-9pm


3 December 2013, Room A, Bruce House, Wellgate, Arbroath, 7-9pm

Parent Council Essentials: 2 – information attached

11 February 2014, Room A, Bruce House, Wellgate, Arbroath, 7-9pm


12 February 2014, Boardroom, Angus House, Orchardbank, Forfar, 7-9pm

The outline of the ‘Parent Council Essentials’ and ‘Parent Council Essentials: 2’ training is attached for your information and I would be grateful if you could share this with all members of your Parent Council inviting them to this event.

2013 E Parent Council Essentials                                                2013 E Parent Council Essentials 2

Forfar Academy Parent Council AGM – Minute




Held on Wednesday 4 September 2013 at 7.00 pm

in the Library

Present :               Melvin Lynch ,Head Teacher

                                   Jane Esson, Depute Head Teacher

                                   Lesley Cromar, Chairperson              

                                   Robert Scott , Treasurer

                                    Gloria Garland, Vice Chairperson           

                                    Bob Baldie

                                    Annette Baty   

                                    Debbie Dallas  

                                    Edith Hampton

                                    Anna Cheyne

                                    David Shepherd

                                    Karen Smith

                                    Mel Richards

                                    Julie Brown

                                    Alison Kydd

                                    Susan Russell                                                                                                                       

                                   Angie Barr, Secretary

 Apologies                 Jane Maguire

Welcome and Apologies

Lesley welcomed everyone to the AGM and apologies were noted as above.

Approval of Last Minute

Minutes approved by Mel and seconded by Jane. 

Matters Arising

New School

Mr Vannet gave an update at last meeting.  Information on this is available in the school library as well as on the Angus Council Website. 

Excellence Awards

S3 didn’t get the pens for the excellence awards, they got key rings instead.  Lesley advised for the benefit of the new PC members that the S3’s had received the pens in S1.

 PC Budget 2013/2014

Agreed to discuss this at the next PC meeting. 

Ebern Ceilidgh

Mel advised that this was a success and praise given for the whole exchange. 

 Election of office bearers

 Chair Person – Lesley agreed to stay on for one more year. 

David enquired about the time limit in the constitution.  Lesley stated that this had been read over last year and there is no time limit. 

Seconded by Annette and David

Vice Chair Person – Gloria nominated

Seconded by Annette and Lesley

Treasurer – Robert nominated

Seconded by Gloria and Annette

Lesley advised the new members that they are welcome to attend future PC meetings and all members will have the opportunity to vote on PC matters.  Lesley also reported that the secretary is impartial and doesn’t vote on PC matters. 

New PC members

Karen – Debbie proposed and seconded by Edith

Melanie – Lesley proposed and seconded by Anna

Julie – Gloria proposed and seconded by Annette

Alison – Lesley proposed and seconded by Gloria

Susan – Lesley proposed and seconded by Gloria

Mel gave the PC an update of the new school term. 

The new S1 intake has been a success, smooth transition during the 3 transition days. 

Jane stated the new uniform is a big improvement. 

Staffing changes – Mel

Ali Miller – Art Teacher is taking early retirement.

Ken Ray is interviewing for similar post at Montrose Academy and leaves at end of term.

Alison Fraser is off on maternity leave. 

Scott Bennett is taking paternity leave

Mel advised the PC that the N4 and N5 courses have started.  Teachers are still coming to terms with this as this is a significant change from SG as most courses demand more internal assessment. 

Mel reported to the PC that the school photos went very well and will be available for parents to buy.  The school photo was taken on Monday and it is aimed to do this every 6 years, however due to the new school opening in 2016 this may be done earlier. 

Mel stated he is happy to answer any questions in relation to the new build.  A parents evening to give feedback on the plans will be held before the October break.  The plans are available in the school library and feedback can be given on the Angus Council website. 

Jane informed the PC about groups in the school aimed at assisting pupils – 

Smart start group – Aimed at pupils with social and emotional needs and who may find the transition from primary to secondary difficult. Forfar Academy is the only secondary in Angus that offers a group of this kind.  Consultations are held with primary teachers to discuss needs of the pupils and recommendations from the primary teachers are taken into account. 

The group is held Monday to Thursday during first period. 

The intensive literacy group – Aimed at assisting pupils who may be prevented from learning because of poor literacy and numeracy.

Some pupils come to secondary without basic learning so the group is aimed at going back to basics.  These are small groups which were piloted last year.  This has been going very well and improvements have been noted in the pupils who have been attending. 

Learn2Learn- Last year was the first year of tutor time.  This is aimed at finding a way to support pupils and enhance learning.  Every Monday the pupils are encouraged to reflect on how they are progressing in their subjects and decide what they need to work on during tutor time.  The focus is on helping pupils study and to give them support. 

Anna raised concerns that the seniors may think this is a waste of time. 

Some concerns were raised that some pupils get to do what they want in form time. 

Annette enquired whether some seniors be utilized in form classes.  Jane confirmed that seniors could be useful in assisting other pupils.   

Mel advised the PC that the new director for Education in Angus Council is Margo Williamson and Neil Logue has retired. 

A leaflet was circulated about internet safety.  This is massive issue in schools with the ready access pupils have to technology and websites that are concerning.  The leaflet is to be addressed during form time and a parents evening is to be held to discuss these issues.

Bob advised the PC about new wifi in the school and looking to use new technology to the schools advantage to assist pupils learning.

Mel reported that the school will be looking to promote Gaelic and Celtic/Scottish studies throughout the year as the school now has two Gaelic teachers.

Items for discussion

 1.      School Ties

Lesley reported that ties weren’t available up until last week of holidays. Jane reported that the ties are cheaper from the school and Mel stated that the delivery date was late.  Mel would like to revisit the uniform in advance of the new school.

Gloria queried about the sports kit and was advised that this was cheaper buying directly from the school. 

Lesley wondered if they could have been on sale at parents evening.  It was confirmed that they were. 

  1. 2.      Confirmation of dates of forthcoming meetings

 13 November at 7pm in the training suite

5 February at 7pm in the training suite

19 March at 7pm in the training suite

11 June at 7pm in the training suite


Lesley – In November looking for helpers to help on the bar for the belly dancing group hosted by Nora Chalmers (support services).  This is a women only evening.  To be held on Friday November 8th.  Lesley to organize bar license and Angie to email out to PC group neared the time to ask for volunteers. 

David – Enquired about the design of new school and if this could be influenced.  Feedback can be givenia Angus Council website. 

Planning for a school of 1250 capacity, concerns raised regarding space available.  The PC were advised that the council has projected rolls up to 2020 and new house builds are taken into account. 

Lesley asked if there is room to expand if necessary.  Mel confirmed this could be a possibility. 

Anna raised concerns regarding work placements.  The S4s have been told that because of the N5s they have to arrange their own for weekends and evenings. 

Jane reported there has been a change with the work placements.  Rather than putting all S4s out, there will be a more targeted provision.  The school will assist pupils who are looking to enter a specific profession.  The school will help to organize it and encourage pupils take more responsibility. 

Jane reported on the national course.  She has been speaking to a member of staff about this who advised that pupils are receiving better results.  Still early days but looking positive.

Survey completed during meeting as a collective.  Lesley sent this off. 

Date of next meeting

Wednesday November 13 at 7pm in the training suite. 


The meeting closed at 8:55pm.   

Developing your Parent Council to Engage Parents Workshop

Parent Councils UK

 Developing your Parent Council to Engage Parents

Workshop for school leaders, teachers, parent council members and local authority advisers.


 Tuesday 5 November, Glasgow IET Teacher Building

To book a place go to:

  Wednesday 6 November, Inverness Mercure Hotel

To book a place go to:


 Are you making the most of your Parent Council to engage parents?
Would you like to explore ways to create a genuine partnership with parents at your school?

When parents are involved in their child’s learning and in the life of the school, children do better. Parental involvement is thus a key lever for school improvement. The Scottish Government recognises the vital role that parents play in their children’s learning and encourages schools to strengthen their links with parents.
The aim of this event is to help you make the most of your parent council to develop an effective partnership with all parents at your school. It will cover:

Improving home school communication

  • Building parental support for learning
  • Working with parents to encourage positive behaviour
  • Reaching out to disengaged families
  • Listening and responding to parent voice

Fiona Carnie has extensive experience of working with parent councils and parent forums having led a government-funded project on this subject. She has written widely about innovative ways of involving parents including The Parent Participation Handbook (2011) and Harnessing Parent Power (2013) both published by Optimus.

Cost of workshop £110 to include refreshments and a light lunch.
The workshop takes place from 10am – 3pm
For further information or to request an invoice please email
tel. 01225 460640

Feedback from Training – Maisondieu Primary School






What worked well today?

  • Meeting people from other councils.  Sharing ideas
  • Explanation of issues arising from post-its on board.  Provided lots to think about
  • Very informative – only spent one year on the parent council board at Maisondieu.  Learned a lot from tonight to take forward into new year.  Understanding the public liability insurance cover
  • Discussion and explanation of Parent Councils.  Discussion with other Parent Council members.  Suggestion of fundraising activities, etc
  • Lots of practical ideas.  Loved the true/false activity and the discussion that followed.  I feel I know a lot more about Parent Council – legal issues, requirements, etc
  • Good discussions between the different councils and an opportunity to network and share ideas.  Lots of ideas to take forward within our own Parent Council
  • I liked post-it session.  Great way to share ideas
  • All very informative
  • The informality – the tone was perfect!  Mixing with other Parent Council members from other schools.  The lack of powerpoint was wonderful!
  • Topic on communication.  Incident book on events happening in the school.
  • Evaluation on work being done.  Getting some good fresh ideas.  History info J
  • Useful discussion
  • Good opportunity to share ideas.  Well presented. Variety of activities.  Meet members of other PCs – networking.  Informative.  Insurance!
  • Everything worked well – activity got people talking, thinking about what we can do, how the SPTC can help.  Use of post-it notes and mythbusters True/False very good ways of getting us involved.  Eleanor did usual excellent job of getting attendees to contribute as well as getting the activity/presentation balance right

 What would you change about the workshop?

  • More time.  Things were rushed as it was getting late
  • Nothing
  • Probably would get a huge benefit having Eleanor attend a single PC meeting (without an agenda) to get feedback on what works well elsewhere
  • Length of it.  Very informative though
  • Time built in for different councils to share/discuss success stories
  • If it was slightly longer we may have had more opportunity to network
  • Longer session (maybe over 2 nights)
  • Can’t think of anything – honestly
  • Nothing. Very useful workshop. Thank you
  • It was great. J
  • More members of PC attending to hear information first hand
  • Nothing!  Except it was so interesting at times I felt we could have easily continued well beyond the allotted time

 What will you take forward with your Parent Council?

  • All the info leaflets.  I now have a better understanding about parent councils
  • Need to discuss this meeting with PTC and see what items we wish to include
  • Maisondieu – combing PTA/PCA.  New name. New fundraising ideas. How to attract new members
  • How we can raise awareness of Parent Council?  Stall at events. Wish lists to pupils and teachers for items/resources
  • Parents having their own notice board to show who they are and what they do.  Labelling what PTA buy for school. Having an incident book at events.  Use Parent Council to be a focus group for policies, etc
  • Lots of new ideas for fundraising and reaching out to the parents
  • Joining our PTA and PC together as one organisation
  • There are so many …. Change of name, incident book, class reps – I like,, using Parent Council as a “test” for leaflets
  • Ideas about the Parent Forum.  Incident book at events. Leaflets on what’s being taught to children in the classroom
  • We would talk about leaflets for parents about homework.  Webpage. Incident book
  • Great ideas from the event
  • Pupil/Parent Council partnerships. Parents invited into school – world of work idea, sharing skills during Golden Afternoon.  Parent-led information leaflets for parents … and many more!
  • Several (actually a lot) ideas/areas covered.
  • Attending pupil council meetings
  • How/need to publicise (highlight) PC achievements and how to do so
  • “Donated by Parent Council” stickers for books, etc
  • Focus groups for Headteacher, etc to try out presentations
  • Not necessary to call outselves a Parent Council – something more suitable?
  • Claim for expenses – childcare, etc

 What else can SPTC do to help?

  • Definitely more information sessions
  • Provide additional sessions in Angus region or for Brechin cluster.  What is the full range of sessions available?
  • Just be on the end of the phone – which I now know you are!  Thank you very much
  • Insurance matters
  • Although other sessions may be relevant, will discuss at next PTC meeting to see which ones are a priority.  Guidance on gaming issues ie 9 year olds playing 18 year olds games
  • Online protection.  Fundraising.  PVG.  (Will check leaflets)
  • I need to think … sorry J
  • Will consult with Parent Council members
  • Still trying to get other PCs to attend a Communications event – SPTC only too happy to help a lot – but let down by other PCs!  Not giving up though!

2013 E Parent Council Essentials

Backchat from SPTC

The Big Issue Backchat from SPTC

There are three big issues for parents in this issue of Backchat

– The Named Person proposal from Government and what that means for every child, parent and carer in Scotland

– SQA’s changes to its Reasonable Adjustments to qualifications, affecting young people with significant support needs

– Proposals for changes to the process around school closures

We’ve also launched a new partnership, so can now offer  A free Film Club resource for Parent Groups!

Read Backchat here.

Plus, here is all the information you need on SPTC’s membership-linked insurance. There have been some updates and improvements, so this is important stuff!

Hope you enjoy reading this issue – please let us know your thoughts on any of these or other education issues!

All at SPTC

PS: the current Parents Voice survey is on the question of the Named Person. This affects you! If you’re not already signed up, please consider doing so. It’s important we get as many parents and carers as possible to tell us their views.

PTA or PC membership renewal?You can click here to complete the form 


Are you a Parents’ Voice member yet?
Click here for more information
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