A document has been placed in the Document Page giving details on Insurance for Parent Council Activities
Category Archives: Both Primary & Secondary School Category
A booklet has been added to the Curriculum for Excellence Factfiles Page on Building CfE through Positive Relationships and Behaviour
A letter has gone out to Parent Councils regarding the next set of meetings to be held in October/November 2011. This letter has been placed in the documents page of the Blog
Letter and Factfile from the National Parent Forum of Scotland
Also posted is a letter from Joanna Murphy from the National Parent Forum of Scotland which is placed on the Documents Page and a Factfile on Curriculum for Excellence – Overview of Key Terms and Conditions which is placed on the Factfile Page
Letter and Factfile from the Scottish Government
I have enclosed a letter from the Cabinet Secretary which is being issued to the parents/carers of all current P7 pupils and is placed on the Documents Page and a Factfile on 3 to 18 Transitions which is placed on the Factfile Page
Budgets to Schools
With reference to the recently issued devolved budgets these documents give details of how funds have been devolved by budget head to schools for 2011/12. Accompanying notes that went out re Primary/Secondary and Primary PPP are attached to the Financial Matters page. Any queries regarding these please contact Kim McAully on 01307 476316.
Factfiles – Curriculum for Excellence
Four new Factfiles have been added to the Curriculum for Excellence Factfile Page. This has been placed in the Category of Both Primary and Secondary Page and can be found by either clicking on the Category or going into the Factfile Page. Any queries please contact Angela on dunlopam@angus.gov.uk
Schools Devolved Budget and Parent Council Budget
All Parent Councils have been sent a copy of their schools devolved budget and Parent Council budget for 2011/12 via the Parent Council Secretary or the school. If you have any questions on this please contact Kim McAully on 01307 476316.
A copy of the letter that was sent out to Parent Council Secretaries has been placed on the Financial Matters Page of the Blog.