SPTC & Bemis
Survey Special
Can you please spare just a few minutes to help with a little research?
SPTC is working in partnership with BEMIS, an organisation which works to promote equality, inclusion, active citizenship and human rights education. We are trying to find out if and how ethnic minority parents engage with parent groups such as PTAs and Parent Councils. We will use the information gathered to work out how best to support groups to make sure parents from all ethnic backgrounds can get involved.
We are looking for a response on behalf of each Parent Council and PTA in Scotland. The survey can only be completed once (but it can be completed by anyone who is nominated) and should take a short time only.
If you don’t access the internet, please let us know and we’ll send you out a paper copy of the survey to complete.
Just call on 0131 474 6199 or email sptc@sptc.info |