SPTC Backchat – January 2016






Happy new year and welcome to 2016! We’re kicking off the new year planning now for our next Annual Lecture (and AGM) on 8 March and working on possible changes to our membership for 2016-17. Members will soon receive a short survey to help us work out the best way to re-design our memberships, so you have more choice and flexibility about the member benefits you pay for.  Here’s what else you can read about in this issue

  • Parents’ Voice on IT and technology
  • What’s new with Partnership Schools?
  • Insurance changes
  • Your thoughts on the National Improvement Framework

Download your copy of Backchat and your leaflet on the role of the PC Treasurer.  We hope you enjoy reading this term’s issue – and remember Ordinary Members of SPTC are entitled to a paper copy of Backchat – just let us know that you would prefer to receive your copy this way. Telephone 0131 474 6199 or email sptc@sptc.infoAll at SPTC