Friockheim Primary School Parent Council
Minute of meeting of Friockheim Primary School Parent Council on Wednesday 23rd October 2013 at Friockheim Primary School.
Miss A Greig – Chairperson
Mrs S Beveridge – Depute Chairperson
Mrs L Robertson – Head Teacher
Mr S Gallon – DHT
Mrs A Robertson – Parent Member
Mrs A Anderson – Parent Member
Miss L Geekie – Parent Member
Rev P Phillips
Miss A Medlock – Secretary
Mrs H Davis
Mrs B Lawson
Miss D Milne
Mr D McLeish
The minute of previous meeting was agreed.
No matters arising.
SPTC membership and public liability insurance has been received. These have been filed. A. Greig will liase with the chairperson of PTA to confirm that they are a sub group of the Parent Council in order to ensure that they are covered by the public liability insurance.
Information has been received from Angus Council about forthcoming training dates for members of the Parent Council/PTA. Details have been circulated to members and they have been requested to confirm their attendance prior to 7th November 2013.
(At the time of writing, information has only been circulated to Parent Council Members as we do not have contact details for PTA).
It was announced at the meeting that the secretary has given notice and will stay in post until the end of this year. Parent Council members are requested to consider anybody they might know who would wish to be considered for the post. If there are no volunteers, the post will be advertised in school newsletter and in the village.
The issue of bikes and scooters not being allowed at school was raised. Mrs Robertson stated that they believe they have resolved the problem. Due to the location of the bike shed, it is difficult to monitor. A letter is due to be circulated in early November stating new rules that must be complied with in order to use the bike shed.
A.Greig asked if parent helpers were being used to their full potential. Mrs Robertson advised that each teacher has been allocated their own parent helper, but as last term was so busy, only 2 teachers have managed to contact their allocated helper. A discussion then took place as to whether parents who help at social events are PVG checked and if any are first aid trained. Mrs Robertson confirmed that she has a list of all contact details for parents/carers in the event of an emergency.
A.Greig asked if there will be a Christmas show this year. Mrs Robertson confirmed that there will be a production, although due to the current lack of a stage, it will be on a smaller than usual scale. (Enquiries are on going as to whether it would be possible to borrow a stage from elsewhere in the mean time. Suggestions were put forward as to possible options).
The harvest festival was a success. Very positive feedback has been received from the local residents who received the donations.
Internet Safety – an information evening is being planned for parents on this subject. More information to follow.
The PTA are in full swing organising events to raise funds for the school stage (which is estimated to cost £3000). On Friday 1st November there will be the Hallowe’en Disco and on Fri 8th November there is a prize bingo evening which is being held jointly with Friockheim Co-op. This will raise funds for the PTA and also the Co-op’s charity of the year.
A copy of school development plan was circulated to all present – this will be discussed at the next meeting.
Mrs Robertson asked if an information pack/leaflet could be assembled by the Parent Council for any new families who join the school. S. Beveridge suggested a buddy system for parents of families new to the area/school (with the possibility of a volunteer from each class). Rev. Phillips stated that the Church had previously had such information leaflets. He will try to find it to see if it could be updated. It was also suggested that parents could input any local activities they are aware of.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 14th January at 3.30pm
cc. Susan Duff