Please click on the links below to access minutes for the previous parent council meeting and agenda for 12 June 2013
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Southmuir Primary School – Coffee Morning
Southmuir Primary School are holding a Coffee Morning on Saturday
18th May 2013
from 10 am – 12 noon
all welcome
Forfar Academy Parent Council Secretary
Forfar Academy have a vacancy for a Parent Council Secretary. Please click on the link below to view further details
Ladyloan Primary School Fete – 15 June 2013
Ladyloan Primary School are holding a school fete on Saturday 15th June 2013 10am till 12pm.
They are raising funds to buy an adventure playground for the kids to use during breaks and lunches.
All the usual stalls including the following.
- Tombola
- Cake & Candy
- Beat the Goalie
- Bouncy Castle
- Fire Engine Display
- Win A Teddie!
- Hook The Duck
- Find A Lucky Nail
- Gunge The Teacher!!
- Raffle
- Face Painting
- Nail Bar
If the weather is not suitable on the day they have the facilities to house the function within the school. Admission Adults £1 & Children free (includes tea, coffee, juice and biscuit)
National Parent Forum of Scotland Learner Journey April 2013
Please click on the link below to access the above newsletter
Visual Explanation of the CfE Learner Journey
Please click on the link below to access a visual explanation of the CfE learner journey
NPFS – Curriculum for Excellence Learner Journey
NPFS – Learner Journey Leaflet
Please find attached a graphic illustration of the Curriculum for Excellence Learner Journey which we hope you will find
These have been produced in response to parental questions about key CfE terminology, ages and stages etc. They are also available to view on our website detailed below.
To summarise, they now have the following resources on our website for parents and for schools to share with parents:
Nationals in a Nutshell (20 subjects covered at National 4 and National 5, four new ones are added each week) The Let’s Talk resource – a full checklist of good ideas and good practice for effective home-school partnerships The Curriculum for Excellence Learner Journey
Whitehills Primary School – Parent Council Summer Fayre
Whitehills Primary School Parent Council are to be holding their summer fayre on Saturday 8th June 2013.
More details to follow
Whitehills Primary School – PC Minutes
Please find attached a copy of Whitehills Primary School PC Minutes which was held on 11 March 2013
Please click on the link below