Week Beginning 22.04.19



Junior Journalist

We finished our writing our piece for the junior journalist competition. They all looked great with their main stories, jumps, adverts, pictures as well as bright colour. Everyone was so creative there is a high chance some people will get far in this competition.


Outside VCOP

For VCOP this week we went outside since it was warm! We took chalk outside and wrote nouns, adverbs and adjectives on the concrete. Then we made sentences with them – it was great fun!!! We hope it will stay warm so we can go outside again in more of the weeks before summer.


Outside library

Just like VCOP we got to go outside for our library session this week. We all choose our books and brought them outside to sit and read in the sun.



In our three sessions of IDL this week we learned loads about our new topic ‘our world of work.’ We took a personality quiz to find out what animal we were and what sort of jobs we might do well in. Some of the animals consisted of: teddy bear, cat, koala, tawny owl, seahorse, lion, seal, tiger, barn owl, black bear, clown fish, dolphin, eagle, falcon, panther and polar bear. What every animal you got could also tell you about your personality. We also started a practise of our P7  profiles. We learnt how to use google sites, which is a tool to help you create a website. We learnt lots of things about google sites including, how to upload pictures and videos. Another season of IDL was about different jobs and why they are all impotent.


Science with P1S!!!

P1 Science this week was all about mouldy bread and washing your hands. We had to show them a hand washing song and then get them to make their own. We then used this song to help them wash their hands properly, not forgetting the soap!



In P.E this week we did two practised for the P7 pentathlon, in particular the long distance run. Our first practise included running around the playground three times and attempting to maintain the same speed through all three of the laps we ran. Our second practise we ran around the perimeter of the school just like we will for the pentathlon.



This week for RME we were sharing our perfect Shabbat. You could display this in any way you wanted. Such as a poster, a drama or a powerpoint. Some rules of Shabbat are: no electronics, no working of any kind, including cooking. Some things you might do on Shabbat would be spending time with family and friends.



In technologies we are preparing  presentations about either computer components, binary or networks. We will be presenting these to 7T in the hope we can pass on some knowledge.



For reading we started a new book called Kensuke’s kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and have been reading it outside as well as doing tasks on it.


Outside Maths

We have been creating algebraic equations outside using leaves, stones, flowers and sticks.


By Lucy and Abbie 🙂

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