Week Beginning 19.02.18

On Monday we did VCOP, we learnt about using a colon to start a list. We also had PE. In PE we did badminton matches. French, in French we did all of the numbers up to 31.

On Tuesday we did writing, in writing we did magazine articles about non-renewable and renewable energy.

On Wednesday we did IDL, we tested our wind turbines. In reading one group read their new book, another group wrote a brochure to advertise the town in the story. In circle time we went over some of our worries. Straight after that we had drama. We were doing our plays, which had to include a place, a feeling for each person and an object for each person. The audience had to guess what the emotion, object and place was. The purpose of the play was to show what emotions people can be going through every day.

In art we finished off our camouflage pictures and had to draw a picture and cover it so it blended in.

We wrote in our learning about which of the four capacities we have been: responsible citizen; confident individual; successful learner and effective contributor.

By Nathan and Elsie


Week Beginning 05.02.18


This week we had a super fun time doing aerobics on Monday, the hardest was defiantly the wall squats. In VCOP we learned about: colons; semi colons and dashes- we had a great time!!! French was amazing we learnt how to spell the numbers ONE to SIXTEEN!


On Tuesday we made lots of incredible internet safety posters in our awesome writing time. In P.E we practised our overhead clears and were all very active.


This Wednesday we got our new homework out, we can audition for the P6 show if we want. There is also singing audition for anyone who want to have a solo part. All other homework is due for Thursday the next week instead of MondayJ. Science was really exciting when we demonstrated our energy transfer experiments two our table groups.

Our fabulous Thursday included mental maths when we learnt how to multiply decimal points mentally. For example 4.3 x 8 = 34.4. In IDL we continued our creative designs for our wind turbines, all of us started to make then. We had to use reusable items or recyclable resources like paper. Some of our reading groups were also creating feeze frames to show scenes in the story we are reading.  These were organized and chosen by the Drama Director. The Defense Lawyer had to make up excuses for one of the characters behaviour and respond to others remarks.

This week on Friday we had assembly and a visitor came to talk to us about the NSPCC. We learnt the different types of child abuse and what to do if you or your friend is getting abused. The visitor came to our class to do a workshop, we went to our tables and answered some questions. The questions were about whether some situation were OK, BAD or if it depends.


BY Lucy and Grace

Week Beginning 29.01.18


In writing, we were writing personal recounts. Recounts are when you tell someone about something that happened in the past. Our success criteria included using at least two dashes.


This week in IDL, we have been trying to clean up an oil spill in a tray. Oil spills can leave the sea in devastating conditions. That’s why Miss Sharp decided that we should try to fix tiny oil spills in trays. Each table group got a tray filled with water and olive oil. They all had to work together to remove the oil from the water. Sounds easy right? WRONG! It was extremely hard, especially because we wanted to keep the water. We have also started to create wind turbines that can lift a cup with weights in it.

Our wind turbine designs.

Our oil spill investigation.

Two of our real oil spill cleaners!

Scots Poems

Over the past few weeks, everyone in the class has been learning scots poems. Everyone was great! We

all voted on who we wanted to perform their poem in front of Mrs Dalziel and Miss Clark. The finalists are Kirsten, Lucy, Rachel D, Poppy F and Cameron. Well done them!!

Mental maths

In mental maths, we learned how to subtract decimals e.g. 3.84-2.13=1.71. We have been using the numeracy wall to help us with sums we get stuck on or to have a practice.


In science this week, we have been carrying out our energy transfer experiments. We also had a visitor who was watching us and helping us with the experiments. At the same time some of us were showing them others were completing tasks to see if we understood what energy transfer was.


Blog by Kirsten and Nugwis