Week Beginning 26/03/18

This week was the last week of term! We made really cool bath bombs as a treat because we have filled up the Jar of Good Choices! Hopefully you can have a nice relaxing, sweet scented bath with them.  We also did a really cool Easter Murder Mystery; it was a great challenge!

I hope everyone has a lovely holiday and enjoys eating lots of Easter eggs!!

By Carlotta


Week Beginning 19/03/18

On Monday we had The ‘Quids In Workshop’ which is people come to teach us about drama and because our topic is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, we were acting out a scene of global warming. Then we had French with Madame Shepherd. We learned the French alphabet and next week we will be moving on to French cursive handwriting.

On Tuesday morning we started off with writing. We were writing about The Commonwealth Games that are  taking part this year. We were writing a fact file. After lunch, we had P.E. In P.E, we showed our gymnastic sequences to the class.

On Wednesday, we had maths. After lunch, Miss Sharp handed out dreadful homework! L Then we had singing practise for a special play that we’re doing!

On Thursday, we started off in Art. In art we are doing a sustainable picture with watercolours. Then we had reading. We did some more coding and added work to our learning journey. After lunch, we were learning about Zoe, an Olympic athlete, (Miss Lamont’s sister’s friend) and we saw her food plan and then made our own. We then learned about the Easter story with Miss Sharp.

On Fri-YAY! We did a quick maths session before going to the achievement  assembly. We then rehearsed our drama piece and performed it to a big audience in the afternoon.

Elena and Carlotta

Week Beginning 12.03.18


On Monday we did PE, in PE we did our aerobics lesson. After we did reading in our groups. BREAK! Next, we did VCOP. This time we got a sentence on a piece of paper. We had to up level it. After that, we had French! We were doing birthday posters

LUNCH! After lunch, we did Maths. Then we moved on to HWB (Health and Well-being).


In the morning, we did writing; we wrote newspaper articles about the Lorax. We carried on writing our Newspaper Reports after break. In the afternoon we did IDL. We found out that we are doing the Squashed a Tomato Challenge. Then we did gymnastic sequences in P.E.


On Wednesday, we started off the morning with Reading. After break we did Maths with our teachers. In the afternoon we got Homework! Then we did Science. In Science we learned about Physical and Chemical Change. We learned some big words! Unfortunately, the people of the Generation Science couldn’t come; they will re-schedule. Then we practiced our amazing singing for Darwin Rocks!


At the beginning of the day, we used our amazing skills in Art to create our sustainable landscape. Then we did reading. After break we did see, think, wonder. Then we did ICT, in ICT we learned how to program a game! After lunch HWB again. Lastly we learnt our Darwin rocks parts.


On Friday we did some code breaking to figure out the murder mystery culprit.

From Elsie and Amelia 😉

Week Beginning 05.03.18

In IDL we had to make up some raps, songs or posters to persuade people to start caring about our Earth and stop global warming. Some people have been very creative in making songs and posters within a play script.

In mental maths we were learning how to do division mentally and division with decimal places.

In VCOP we have been looking at connectives. We had to make sentences with connectives other than ‘and’ or ‘then’.

During drama we had to act out three freeze frames. The audience had to guess our emotion, place and prop.

During HWB we learned about the different food groups and how much you should be eating every day.

In writing we were learning how to take notes and were writing a report about extreme weather and how it affects peoples’ lives. We did writing with our new student teacher Miss Lamont. She taught us all about notes and how we have to use abbreviations so that it doesn’t take us so long to write them.

In French we have been learning how to count up to 32. Madame Shepherd taught us lots of different ways to remember the numbers – like 15 is quinze so remember it as 15 cans of soup.

In IDL we watched videos about the process of recycling and then mad a comic strip about how paper and plastic is recycled.

By Poppy F and Ben

Week Beginning 26.02.18

The BLOG!!!!!!!

On Monday we did aerobics we did things like push ups and burpees, and the impossible one WALL SQUATS! After we had reading.

We then had French with Madame Shepard we got to say our birthdays and we played French bingo.

At HWB (Health and Wellbeing for any parents wondering) we talked about our worries and how we can resolve them.

We also presented news reports about Global Warming and the effect it is having on our planet.


On Tuesday we did writing about our future planet, we watched a few videos by Prince EA he is really passionate about our world and he explained why he’s sorry to future generations for what we’ve done to planet earth.


We then had P.E. (physical education to any more parents wondering) we did gymnastics where we did vaulting which is jumping onto a springboard and getting on to a platform we then got to jump off the platform in any way we wanted for example a star jump! Some people did handstands, cartwheels and headstands.


In science we got to go outside in the SNOW! To make volcanoes out of snow, after we made our volcanoes we would then pour vinegar (an acid) and an alkali into our volcanoes which caused a chemical reaction to make it explode (not much don’t worry). This released carbon dioxide, which is one of the greenhouse gases we have been learning about.

On Thursday we had school at 10am (more sleep!) after that we then had IDL which was pretty insane. We blew into cabbage juice which caused co2, (quick warning: it gets nerdy here) since we blew CO2 into the juice it made it lighter and it also made it turn pink.

Today we had singing with P6A/D and P6M we sang Darwin Rocks.


By Arya and Elena