Week Beginning 18.03.19


In science this week we taught the P1s about how to wash their hands we did three stations.The first station was we had to show them a video or a song about how to wash your hands thoroughly and in different ways! The second station was you had to rub oil on your hands then wash them but you could not get it of so you had to use special soap (cinnamon) and the oil would come straight of their hands. station three they had to get a piece of bread and rub it and touch it with dirty hands so microorganisms would grow and they are going to find out after the easter holidays maybe mould would grow on it.

Rights Respecting Schools

Two P7  boys chose to do a talk on Noruz which a celebration they participate in as part of the Islamic religion.


We looked at everyone’s Anderson and Morrison shelters that we did for homework. We had a yellow piece of paper and wrote what we liked about others’ models. We were also learning about Hitler and the influence on the youth of Germany.  

Elsie and Poppy M

Week Beginning 11.03.19


This week in maths on Wednesday and Thursday had maths in our own classrooms because of a visit, which is Homefront History. On Wednesday we did a candle box challenge where we had to make a box which had a hexagon top and bottom and rectangle sides  which 1 had a thumb hole to open – we all enjoyed working in 2s and 3s to make these creations. On Thursday we did a murder mystery where in 2s we had a poly pocket of clues, in the end everyone enjoyed maths this week!



French this week was improving our dictionary skills by which Madame Shepard  gave all of us a sheet between 2 and a dictionary to get the meanings of the words in English some of the words we went over the past week -in the end most of us  got them done



This week in reading we have been reading and be doing tasks on chapters 11 and 12 in Boy in Striped Pajamas. It was 2 chapters which wanted to make you read on-like all of the others. John Boyne has been very clever and made us remember about the start of the book and ended ch11 with the same sentence as the 1st chapter’s start – everyone of us loved reading this week.    



In technologies this week we learned binary code.



By Emily and Jack   

Week Beginning 04.03.19




This week in p7 we did science with the p1’s, we focused on mould such as slime mould, wall mould, and food mould. In groups of 3 – 4 we made up activities through story telling and got them engaged in these fun activities so they would have fun while learning.

World Book Day

This Thursday was World Book Day. Groups of people from the 3 classes in p7 made up quizzes that were combined at the end to show the different classes about world book day.


This week during IDL we made up posters about what life must’ve been like for many different type of people in different countries during WW2.


By Ellie and Arya

Week Beginning 25.02.19

Tuesday 26/02/19  Writing/ VCOP


In the morning everyone planned a story ready to enter the BBC 500 words challenge. Uniqueness was a key success criteria, along with a clear plot all adding up to a maximum of 500 words. Everyone successfully started a plan and were soon writing down all their crazy ideas down in their jotters or on a computer. We are now roughly half way through writing them, they will be submitted to BBC’s 500 word judges soon.


Tuesday 26/02/19 Music


Later on that day we went to music with Miss Cowan – our music teacher – and started with categories, everyone’s favourite warmup, soon after we continued to learn the words to  ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning’ and ‘ We’ll meet again’ , which are well known songs used during WW2 to boost morale. Beforehand we revised the things that we had previously learned about Vera Lynn and Glenn Miller along with the Glenn Miller Orchestra.


Wednesday 27/02/19 IDL


On Wednesday we learned about Morse code and how to decipher it along with caesar shift codes. Miss Sharp gave us all a sheet of different codes, a mixture of Morse code and caesar shift codes. We were in groups to decipher all the codes and make up our own ones up.


Thursday 28/02/19 PE


After lunch we went straight in to the gym hall for PE when we learnt more about frisbee and how to defend for your team. We started with a warm up and soon started to play games in teams. We played two games and all had lots of fun!


By Grace and Matt