Week Beginning 10.09.18



In ICT this week we learned how to organise and clear our files in google classroom and on our main computer drives. It was fun browsing all of our old work.


In IDL we came up with our ideas. Also we filled out our business plans so that we could get our idea approved and collect our fivers if we had handed in our contracts. We all had different and unique ideas and each group ended up with something that was sure to sell.


We continued our comic strips by adding speech. We learned about all of the different types of speech bubbles and how to punctuate speech correctly. For example a faded bubble with smaller writing would be a whisper bubble and a bubble that is normal with a jagged tail would be a broadcast bubble.


This was our last week with our buddies. It was sad to see them go and play with their friends without us. ( But it was so worth it) 🙂 We also helped P1D log onto their computers in their ICT slot. We helped them get on to colour magic.


In reading one group performed  a play to the rest of the class. It was a play of the fire of london. They all did an amazing job. We really enjoyed watching it.

Authors live

We watched an Author’s live. It was Cressida Cowell. She talked all about her books and one of her books, the wizards of once, is one we are reading in class.


In PE we had fun celebrating maths week by discovering how we use maths in sports. For example in long jump you need to be able to measure how far you jump and when you are running you need to time how long it takes you to run a pacific distance.


 This term we have started learning parkour. This week we were learning how to connect our unique jumps and crawls. We did this by developing our travelling skills.

By Lucy and Abbie

Week Beginning 10.09.18

Due to very exciting progress being made in IDL today, we have not been able to upload our blog entry. This week’s bloggers have been keeping a detailed record of what we have been up to since Monday and will share it with you on the 17th.

Have a nice weekend. Happy spending for those of you who received your Grow a Fiver money today.

Miss Sharp

Week Beginning 03.09.18


Our new topic this term is Grow a Fiver! However, this year it has a twist… we have to help the environment, or a current social or economic issue, that’s why it’s called ‘Grow a Fiver, With a Difference’. So far, we have come up with ideas for how we should spend our money: Giving some to charity, as well as raising some money for Dalguise (Which we are very excited about!) In addition to coming up  with what we should spend the money on, we have also come up with our groups. We are all ecstatic, and excited for the next lesson!



So far this term in VCOP, we have learnt more about:

Prepositions – something in relation to another.

Pronouns – something in replace of a noun e.g. she, he, I, we.

Verbs – A doing word e.g. swimming, running, hopping, walking

Nouns – A person, place, or thing.

Adjectives – A describing word e.g. The shiny ruby.



On Wednesday, P7S went on an AMAZING school trip to Absafe. The purpose of Absafe is to teach children all about the hazards in life, and how to prevent from get hurt. Covering, fire safety, hazards on the roads, the railways, cyberbullying and solvent, we now all know how to keep safe! Everyone one there, made everything as fun as possible which made the learning much more fun!


WRITING – Comic Strips

In writing, P7S all created comic strips about someone who encouraged everyone and taught them about the power of YET! Next week we will be adding speech and pictures to our comic strips to make them even more AWESOME!


By Poppy F and Jack 🙂

Week Beginning 27.08.18


This week we did lots of things. It was Miss sharp’s birthday on Friday.

We did a lot of things like parkour when we were focusing on jumping and we had to land bending our knees. In I.D.L we have made a display of the power of yet and how you get out of the learning pit. We also did drama about a growth mind-set, some people did fixed to growth, or growth, fixed, growth. We went to assembly. In assembly we were looking at rights and responsibilities.

In P.E we played handball it was a lot of fun we were in four teams blue, red, yellow and green.

This week we also learned lots in maths, Big Maths, reading, French, ICT, Art and much more.

In writing we created poems about having a growth mind-set.

Junaid and Nugwis