Monthly Archives: March 2019

Number Talks and Mental Agility

Below is a link to an electronic copy of the Mental Skills Progression Framework created by Argyll and Bute to help guide your planning, assessment and moderation.  This guidance on mental agility has been checked against the benchmarks, and details all of the skills pupils are expected to have as they progress through the Broad General Education.  To provide feedback and comment on this document please contact Pauline Inglis on or Maria McArthur on


Below is a link to the PowerPoint presentation that has been used to deliver Number Talks training in schools.  It does cover other aspects of Numeracy in Argyll and Bute, including Sumdog and the Mental Skills Progression Framework. Please feel free to edit and use it as you wish within your own schools if you are delivering training to other staff.  The video clips have been removed due to the size of the file but these are available on the Numeracy in Argyll and Bute Sharepoint page –

Do not hesitate to get in touch with Maria McArthur if there is anything you would like more information on or any way I can support you with developing this initiative within your schools.

Power point presentation on Numeracy-in-Argyll-and-Bute

These are planning exemplars for Number Talks which you can download and use within your establishments.  Please feel free to adjust and change to suit your own schools.  We would also be delighted to view different examples of how teachers are planning for Number Talks so feel free to get in touch!

Completed as a guide:  Planning-for-Number-Talks

Blank for your own use:  Planning-for-Number-Talks

Useful links for developing your skills with Number Talks:

Here is a fascinating article by Jo Boaler (Stansted University) which supports the use of Number Talks as a way of raising attainment and increasing pupil confidence in numeracy.  Enjoy!


This article focuses on Number Talks, how it can be used in the classroom, and the impact that it can have on pupils.  It is written by Sherry Parrish, the author of the Number Talks resource that has been purchased for all schools in Argyll and Bute Council.


Fancy using thinkboards with your classes?  Here is a quick video guide on how to create one:

If you have any completed examples you would like to share then send them in to or tweet them to @MariaMcArthur2

There are also a few examples of some thinkboards available. Click here to download and also send in some photos of completed thinkboards from your pupils!

Thinkboard                                                19thinkboard

blank thinkboard

Achievement of a Level

On this page, we plan to share resources to support staff in gathering evidence and making assessment judgements for Achievement of a Level.

General Guidance

Learning Across the Curriculum

Achievement of a Level Days

Materials from these moderation days include:




Argyll and Bute Five Principles of Counting

Counting Handout

Early Years SEAL

Finger Activities

Numeracy Development



Self Evaluation

  1. How good is our early learning and childcare? (HGIOELC – Education Scotland)
  2. Learning and Development Self Evaluation 2016/2017
  3. An introduction to How good is our early learning and childcare Self-Evaluation
  4. HGIOELC QI and Questions Template
  5. Correlation of quality indicators and themes (HGIOELC)
  6. National Care Standards Checklists NCS 1-2 NCS 3 NCS 4-5 NCS 6 NCS 7 NCS 8 and 9 NCS 10 and 11 NCS 12 NCS 13 NCS 14
  7. Transforming the way we work – self evaluation
  8. Improvement planning guidance
  9. Improvement Planning Proforma
  10. Partnership Improvement Guides (HMIe)
  11. Meeting children’s learning needs (HMIe)
  12. Vision and Leadership Improvement Guides (HMIe)
  13. Monitoring Recording and Tracking Success (Journey to Excellence)
  14. Culture and Ethos Improvement Guides (HMIe)
  15. High Level Questions SE
  16. Check list – guidance for registered providers
  17. Self Evaluation LAD Care and Welfare Visit (SE tool – updated December 2017)
  18. Self Evaluation tool feedback form

Professional Development

Early Years CPD Catalogue 2019 2020 (CPD course catalogue for early years training 2019/2020)

Scottish Social Services Council

Child Development Argyll and Bute e-learning module

National Occupational Standards Navigator (list of core units and optional units for SVQs 2,3 and 4  Social Services Children and Young People (SSCYP) plus case studies)

Integrated Children’s Services Training


Early Years Service CPD Record

Scottish ELCC Workforce Review 2015

Working in Childcare Recruitment Poster

Stages of Early Arithmetical Leaning training (SEAL)