Rugby Tournament 5 Schools


I was waiting for this day for ages! I was so excited. On February 2nd we did a rugby tournament with Bowmore, Keills, Port Charlotte and Jura.

First we all got our waterproofs on so we don’t get wet. When we first stepped on the pitch there was so many people! I only knew some of them. All of our group played a wee mini game to practice. Then we got into teams to play the other schools my heart was racing!

Our class got split into teams first the other team played Bowmore. It wasn’t contact rugby it was were we had a tail and if the other team got the ball we have to pull off their tail for them to pass the ball. The other team of our class got 8-5 Bowmore won. Then it was our turn first they got a goal then we got goal. Over all we got 11-4! I learnt the proper way to throw a rugby ball in that game.

The second game we were ready because we’d already played a game. We didn’t see the other half of the class but against Port Charlotte they got 5-4 to Port Charlotte. I passed the ball a lot then we got… 11-6 to us! We were all super happy. Then we were against Jura I was nervous because we heard that they were really good. We all powered through the rain and tried our hardest. Then the score was 6-4 to them. We were all sad but happy for them.

The other half of the class lost 5-4. Then last of all we played Keils. We were all having fun and laughing its didn’t matter if we lost or won. We played with big smiles on our faces. We won again 9-2! The other team got 9-2 too! Over all we had a great time. We all had yummy Pac lunches half way through aswell.

Weighing in P12

During our maths time today, we started talking about weight. We found it tricky at first to think about the different things we would need to weigh and why. After some discussion we realised we needed weight for cooking and some people like to weigh themselves too. We had a go at weighing ourselves and were amazed at how much Mrs Hannett weighed….we think she needs to stop eating biscuits in the staff room! We then used the balancing scales to see if we could find two things that weighed the same, this was really hard. In the end we worked together to estimate how many pieces of Kappla we needed to to balance a block.

Bag Design Upcycling 5/6/7

From the 7th of January to the 12th 2022 we did a project on fast fashion.  Fast fashion is where people buy cheap clothes and they wear out very quickly so they have to buy more . This is a problem because it’s very wasteful and very bad for the environment  since they go to landfill. Did you know that children in child labour pick the cotton for these jeans and they spray it with acid and sand to get ripped jeans which causes the children to get sick and have lung diseases?

We did not like the idea of this and decided to make our own bags’ from old material. By doing this we learnt how to hand sew, use a sewing machine and I learned to use a popper tool. To practice for making the bag we all had to do mock-ups made out of paper, tape and staples.  I feel that when you make something for yourself you look after it more or if it cost a lot of money. On seesaw we have posted 2 seesaw activities one was a collage on bags we like and the other was a bag design with measurements and photos. When we finished our bags we had a fashion show with Mrs Macdonald and posted it on seesaw.

SHINTY P.E By William And Finlay

Shinty  is a sport that we play at P.E and you use a stick that is like a hockey stick and a light baseball on the all weather pitch.

We have been practising our shooting and dribbling and some people have been  defending and goalkeeping.  We have learned that shinty is hard and shinty sticks are easy to break! Shinty sticks in Gaelic are called caman. We wear shinty helmets which are very tight and sore on your head . We have proper sticks and fake ones but the fake ones are better because they are a lot harder so they do not break.

Fitheach: "The origins of shinty are ancient, although the m…" - Mastodon

Gaelic Lessons With Caroline

This term we have been learning Gaelic with Caroline, Caroline is a online Gaelic teacher who teaches kids Gaelic through video call. We have been learning hobbies in Gaelic, food in Gaelic and we also do actions to remember.  We also learned about jumping and sitting down and listening. Some examples are, sit in Gaelic is suidhe, Stand in Gaelic seasamh, jump in Gaelic is leum.

Caroline teaches P12, P234, P567.


On Wednesday p5/6/7 & p2/3/4 had a google meet with Arkdefo to show us  how they make their items of clothing with denim. They came on because  p5/6/7 made bags from old clothes we brought in. We had asked them questions about how they made the clothes and if they hand sewed anything. All of there stuff is machine sewed.

All of there fabric they go to peoples houses and ask if they have any denim or they go to charity shops for denim or you could post them. Some the they make the pattern and then stick it to cardboard.

If you want to see their website click the link



RSPB Corncrake Project

On the 27th of January David Wood a member of the RSPB came in to the school to teach primary 5,6 & 7 about corncrakes. He taught them all the need to know facts about corncrakes, and gave them some quizzes on corncrakes. Here are some of the need to know facts :                                                                                Corncrake have two sets of eggs each year.                                                                             Corncrakes are extremely rear and we are very lucky to have them on the Isle of Islay.                                                                                                                                                          Corncrakes Latin name is Crex crex.                                                                                             Corncrake males will call at the top of there voices from midnight to three am in the morning.                                                                                                                                          Corncrakes migrate to Africa in winter then come back and stay from April to September to mate the find there way by following certain stars they also know which direction south, east, west and north are in.

How Ireland's elusive corncrake has come back from the brink of extinction


This  year the p7s read address to a haggis by Robert Burns in front of the whole school on the stage. Callie then cut the haggis in half with a knife. We had two weeks to practice it and learn it. The poem had 8 verses and we had to read four of them and we had to stay in sync .  In the poem it was talking about how good the haggis was and was saying it was better than French food . They said that only brave people can eat it. We also had the haggis on our lunch. We then had a great lunch.


P5 Burns Poems Port Ellen Primary school

Port Ellen Primary did some poems and Primary 5 did up in the Morning Early and put it on to seesaw and the poem is

Cauld blaws the wind frae east to west, 
The drift is driving sairly; 
Sae loud and shill's I hear the blast
I'm sure it's winter fairly. 

Up in the morning's no for me, 
Up in the morning early; 
When a' the hills are covered wi' snaw, 
I'm sure it's winter fairly. 

The birds sit chittering in the thorn, 
A' day they fare but sparely; 
And lang's the night frae e'en to morn
I'm sure it's winter fairly
Up in the morning's no for me, 
Up in the morning early; 
When a' the hills are covered wi' snaw, 
I'm sure it's winter fairly.

All the words were hard to learn and the meanings were hard to learn snaw means snow cauld means cold.


P6 Robert Burns Poem

On Tuesday 25th January 2022 P5/6/7 had to learn a poem each.
The p6's had to learn Scots Wha Hae. The scots wha hae poem is about 
the Scottish fighting the English at
Bannock burn. On the seesaw post, we all had to a different verse 
Verse 1 was Finlay and Teddy
Verse 2 was William
Verse 3 was Iona
Verse 4 was Dylan
Verse 5 was Chloe
Verse 6 was James
Here is the poem Scots Wha Hae

Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled, 
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led, 
Welcome to your gory bed, 
Or to Victorie! 

Now's the day, and now's the hour; 
See the front o' battle lour; 
See approach proud Edward's power 
Chains and Slaverie! 

Wha will be a traitor knave? 
Wha can fill a coward's grave? 
Wha sae base as be a Slave? 
Let him turn and flie:

Wha, for Scotland's King and Law, 
Freedom's sword will strongly draw, 
Free-man stand, or Free-man fa', 
Let him follow me. 				

By Oppression's woes and pains! 
By your Sons in servile chains! 
We will drain our dearest veins, 
But they shall be free! 

Lay the proud Usurpers low! 
Tyrants fall in every foe! 
Liberty's in every blow! 
Let us Do- or Die!!!

Art Competitions

On Wednesday we took part on a Edinburgh national art gallery competition. We have been doing a topic on observational drawing with Mrs. Brown that I really enjoy! Observational drawing is were you look at something and draw it.

First Mrs. Brown set up fruit and plants on a table. We all put our tables round the fruit like a bonfire so we could all se it at different angles. We first got to practice our shading on a wee set up of fruit. Then we got A2 paper to do the real drawing on. I sketched all out. Then I started to paint with water colors. Then did some shading with pastels. I finally finished after a long two days.

I waited till I forgot that we did it! Then Mrs. Brown announced that someone in the class won! We all gave a long drum roll then she said “Katie won!” I was over the moon with joy!


States of Water

We were super excited this morning that our orbeez that we had put in the freezer had frozen. 🥶 We enjoyed experimenting with them and we all chatted about different changes that water goes through. ⭐️ We are learning the different states of water (ice, water and steam) and using words to describe it. 👣 Our next steps are to continue using ice and experimenting with it inside and outside. Maybe we might even get some frost!




Sorcha’s Winning Fish!!!

Sorcha won the Marine Design a fish Competition. She drew a picture of a imaginary fish and won the Competition.  The fish was very colorful and creative.

First you had to draw the fish on a piece of paper. Then you need to send it in a email to the Marine Design a fish competition leaders.  Finally they pick a winner and turn the winners designs into a toy.

Here is a picture of Sorcha’s fish.

Outdoor Learning in ELC

We went on an Ardventure this morning down the dump road and to the rocks at the far end of the Ard. We were Ardventurers! It was great fun and we hope to go more adventures and be Ardventurers again soon 🤩



We have been learning about COP26 and what it is about. It started on the 1 of NOV to the 12 of NOV and it is held in Glasgow. There are 30,000 people going to attend at COP26, and 198 of them are very famous people from all around the world. Some of the famous people going are Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and Greta Thunberg and many more will be there at COP26. COP26 stands for conference of the parties.

COP26 are going to try and solve the problem of CLIMATE CHANGE! Some major disasters, that might happen if we don’t try to stop climate change, is that the temperature might rise up 1.5C and the water levels might rise 1.1 meters. But if we don’t do anything until 2030, the water levels might rise up to 5 meters. WHO WAN’TS THAT TO HAPPEN! What the Scotland is trying to achieve is to be net zero by 2030 and to make all cars electric, and to make the cheaper.

The reason why they are doing it is because everyone needs to help solve the problem of climate change.

James= I think that the people at COP26 have not done enough because I don’t think that any of them are going to do anything about it.

Dylan= I think that they have done enough because they have discussed that what they are going to do and what is going to happen.


COP26: What are these climate talks and why are they so important? | Climate News | Sky News


Message in a Bottle

The Message in a Bottle project was created for COP26 and involves school children from islands around the world. The idea came about when a film-maker on Uist found a message in a bottle from a local man in Greenland that had been buried in the iceflow that then melted; the message was about his worry about the effects of climate change on his island.  We decided to take part as we live on an island and are worried about the effects on our island and others around the world.  Islands are more likely to be affected by rising sea levels.

The whole class did it and went on the beach and Mrs Clark filmed us. We sent them to Andy McKinnon. Andy made a three meter bottle and he made videos of us then he sent them to COP26 where anyone can see.  We are very proud to be involved in this project.



We had a google meet with Jenni Minto.  She is a member of the MSP and she used to work in the museum in port charlotte.  She taught us about the important about the environment and planet. She has been to COP26 and she passed a speech. Jenni talked with us for a long time on the google meet and showed us cool things about climate change and how we can help the environment. Jenni told us that we have rain forests on Islay but they are not tropical rain forests. The reason Jenni is doing this is to help our future.

help out planet. If we do not stop this out future is gone.  Jenni also grows her own plants to help the environment you should to.  Port Ellen Primary School is inspired by people like Jenni for the things that she is doing to help the globe, she also explained to us about the worlds blanket / the worlds atmosphere. The worlds blanket is a blanket the covers the world and it is called that because of the suns heat that gets trapped inside it. This heats up an atmosphere like a blanket.

By Iona and Mya

Gaelic Google Meet

Primary 5/6/7 have had some google meet’s with people from Lewis and know Gaelic very well and were teaching P5to7 Gaelic  and all the essentials in Gaelic. So P5/6/7 are getting good at it the person’s name is Caroline she is very good at Gaelic and today we were learning about family.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance day is a day to respect fallen soldiers. People wear poppies  because a soldier stood in a field were war happened and poppy stood  tall and a wrote a poem and that give people to wear a poppy.  Mostly every person on earth at the 11 month the 11 o’clock people have two minutes of silence. Poppy are different every where. At school we had one minute of silence at eleven clock.

ELCC Library Van Visit


We got out to the library van today and got to choose a book to bring in to nursery. Charlotte enjoyed looking through the books and chose “A Piglet Named Mercy” 📚 🐷 ⭐️ I can explore and choose books to read and listen to. 👣 We will look at and read the books we chose from the van in nursery.

Signs in ELC

When we were up the path this morning for a walk we noticed lots of different signs that help tell us different things. The construction site had lots of big danger signs right round it telling us about all the dangerous construction vehicles are hard at work. We absolutely loved watching them and even got a few waves and toots from the construction workers! ⭐️ I am learning that signs have meanings and what they are. 👣 next steps we will be making a construction site with signs and construction vehicles. 

My Place Photography Competition Winners!

We are pleased to announce that 3 of our pupils have achieved the highly Commended place in the Scottish Civic Trust’s My Place Photography Competition this year in the primary category.

The theme this year was climate change and the pupils had to take photos of their local environment that reflected this theme.

Katie took a photo of an abandoned house with the maltings smoke in the distance and called it Distant Threat.

Caillin took a photo of the electric charging point at the pier which looks very rusty and called it Charge Up!


William took an interesting photo of different building materials and called it Green Build- Stone, Metal ,Wood.

Well done to our three photographers!

Maths Inside Competition Winners

For Maths Week Scotland this year the school took part in the Maths Inside photography competition.  Maths inside is a photo competition open to everyone in Scotland and asks people to take photos and then comment on the maths that relates to those photos.

There are three categories-  in the homein the wild, and climate change.  We have 2 children who have received a Second Level Commended Entry and certificate; Iona for her picture of the logs from chopped down trees on the Oa in the ‘Climate change’ category and Connor for his use of maths to estimate the number of words he read in a book in the ‘In the home’ category.  We also have a highly commended at Early Level for Elana’s photo of the sea and questions How many fish are left in the sea?

Even more exciting we have an overall winner at second level; Finlay for his photo of fishing boats in Port Ellen- he talked about the different maths you needed to be a fisherman in the ‘In the wild’ category. He gets a certificate and £20 Amazon gift voucher.

Even MORE exciting we have the Overall Category Winner for ‘Climate Change’; Evie for her photo of one a locally caught fish we filleted for our food topic. She wondered about the maths needed to calculate how many fish and other creatures are left in the seas and how we know if we are overfishing. She receives a £50 Amazon voucher and certificate.

We also were a highly commended school for the number and quality of our entries.

Congratulations on your success in the maths inside photo competition! This really is an enormous achievement!

Peatland Poetry Winners

Earlier in the year we had Fiona from the INHT taking us out and about around the Ard and teaching us all about peat.  As a part of this project the children in P567 wrote peat poetry.  The winners and runners up of the poetry competition can be read below.  Well done to those who took part.


Dodge Ball Tournament


7 weeks ago Ben and William planned the dodge ball tournament. 3 weeks ago they started it because they are in the healthy group and have been wanting to do a tournament for a while, they had a vote so that it was fair and everyone voted for dodgeball the scores were Orsay won nave came second and Texa came third the points were Orsay 49 nave 46 Texa 33 it was very was played on the school pitch .

Football Tournament

We done a football tournament and Nave came first, Texa came second and Orsay came third that was the scores for the football tournament. We are going to do a basketball tournament next time we do a tournament. And we had a referee just in case there was a foul and the referee kept the scores and Nave had a total of 48 goals and then Texa had 39 goals and Orsay had 33 goals and that was the scores for the football tournament.


P234 went to visit the RSPB farm at Gruinart.  Here is a wee video from the trip. We had a fantastic time and it was very ;hands on” – much to the children’s delight. A huge thanks to the RSPB for organising such a great visit.


In the be leaders group I am the leader for Texa with Dylan  as a vice captain, Callie for Orsay and Iona is the vice captain, Mya for Nave, and Finlay as the vice captain. As captains and vice captains we have to count up the house points every Friday. We also have to make the notice board look nice. On the notice board there will be a large sign saying Texa Orsay and Nave with a golden eagle next to Texa , Orsay with a stag and Nave with a salmon. Also we have to do a activity on Fridays were we tell Mrs. Clark who is here and what we have done in that afternoon. After the October holidays we will change the captains to other people for 1   term  and then there will be 2 different captains.

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