P6/7 remember local hero

Major General Alexander McDougall was one of the most important men involved in the American War of Independence. At Portantruan where he was born, a cairn to him was unveiled last Thursday, 1st September. This young boy, born on Islay in 1732, grew up to be a truly great man.
We went to Portantruan in a minibus and then we climbed a small hill to get to the cairn. It was overlooking the Major General’s place of birth. Lord George Robertson, people from the Bank of New York, Mr Oglivary and Mr Reavey from the Museum of Islay Life were there along with some invited guests. Lord Robertson gave a speech and then we left. The others went to have lunch.
The Major General was born in 1732 at Portantruan. His family left Islay to go to America when he was only 6 years old. When he was 14 he became a merchant seaman and then a privateer. The British put him in prison for five months because he thought that America should not be ruled by the British. After the war, he became the first President of the New York Bank. He died when he was only 53. His last act was to be carried on a stretcher to vote against paper money.
I was very honoured to have been invited to the unveiling and I thought that it was very interesting what Major General Alexander McDougall did. It proves to me that if you work really hard you can do anything you want. I wonder what he could have achieved if he had lived longer?
By Elinor Baker (P6)


Today we were visited by port Charlotte and Keills school because we were having a visit from Kilmartin Museum.  We were doing woodworking, viking food, weaving and spinning, runes on clay and Viking music.  We were were chopping wood with an axe and turning wood with a pole lathe, and I liked making the wood round on the lathe.  I learned that Vikings used some horns for blowing to make music and had a spinning bone that made music.


Islay Book Festival

For the Islay book festival this year we had lots of visitors and authors.  One was Ruth Rendell and another Allan Burnett, also John Fardell and Debbi Gliori.  I went to see Allan Burnett and brought three books and got them all signed.  I got to dress up as Columba again.  I learned how to be an author and I love Allan Burnett’s books.  Thank you to the Islay book festival.


Allan Burnett at Port Ellen Primary School

Allan Burnett was at Port Ellen primary school and he was talking to us about his history books.  These are some of his books Columba,  Wiliam Wallace, Mary Queen of Scots, Bonnie Prince Charlie,  Rob Roy,  Robert Burns,  Robert the Bruce and Invented in Scotland.  Oliver dressed up as Columba and looked like Darth Vada.  It was great fun!


Welcome Back Everybody!

Hope everyone has had a great holiday and is settling down to the new term in school. We have already hosted the Islay book festival, where we were visited by author Ruth Rendell! We also enjoyed some interesting talks by children’s authors Allan Burnett, John Fardell and Cathy Macphail. Thanks to the book festival organisers for providing us with such great events.
Coming up this term is a visit from Kilmartin Museum to discover all things Viking, and a Gaelic awareness day on the 30th September. Keep in touch to find out what the pupils think.


On Thursday 16th June 2011 primary 4/5 had a glow meet with the great author Andy Stanton, he writes Mr Gum books,they are really funny. He talked to us about his first book which was called You’re a Bad Man Mr Gum, he wrote it for his cousin 9 years ago. Then he warned us about him drinking water then going aaahhhhhh! It looked really weird, so he did that almost every 10 minutes but it was really funny and I think all of Primary 45 loved it.

by Emily P5


On Monday 20th June the first quail egg hatched it was Reece’s egg.It hatched two days early. It took the chick a long time to hatch from the egg. James’s egg was the second to hatch. James was holding the egg when it hatched Mrs McDonald also saw the egg hatch. We took the incubator which the chicks were in downstairs for school grounds open day. Alica’s egg hatched downstairs.  Now some of the chicks are in a brooder which is a box with a heat lamp. Another few chicks have hatched over night. One of the chicks died, which is sad.

Port Ellen Primary School’s Open Day

On 20th July 2011 was Port Ellen primary schools open day.  It was a very exciting and busy day!  We had the giant monopoly, the lovely baking, a book swap and even real live chicks!  While the open day was running, Lord Robinson came to our school and he was talking to us about our school and he just wasn’t here to talk to us he was also here to judge a photo competition.  All the photos were amazing but he had to choose a 1st a 2nd and 3rd.  Mrs Cusworth came to plant her lovely tree in the front of our school, it was a weeping cherry tree and it was a very nice moment. Lord Robinson said the 3rd is Beth 2nd is Ellen and 1st is Elinor! So that was a good time for everybody.  Everybody would of been tired but it wasn’t over there was a yummy barbecue on at night! There were mums and dads selling burgers, there was nail painting, football and a big photo exhibition for people to look at.  There was also a disco on on while the barbecue was going. and there was kids dancing for a long time but then sadly it was time to go home and everybody enjoyed their day at Port Ellen primary school.

By Ellen


On Monday 20th June 3 0f p4/5’s quail eggs hatched. My egg was the first egg to hatch. When we came in it had a wee crack in it then we had to go for a business meeting and when we came back up it was hatched. A while after another egg was hatching. It was james’s egg it was 2nd to hatch. James’s hatched on his hand. Then Alicia’s egg hatched. Over night Eilidh’s egg hatched but it’s not well. When the quails came out at first they were all slimy but two hours after they get all fluffy.



On Monday 20th June it was the photography competition. It was also school grounds open day. All the children in the school took photos to enter the competition.Lord Robertson judged the competition.  Some of the pictures were of plants others were of animals there were also some landscapes. It looked like a very difficult decision Lord Robertson had to make.  Beth came in 3rd, Ellen in second and I came first. We all got a prize and had our photo taken. Ellen and Beth got sweets and I got a book token.


On Wednesday 15th June 2011 all the children and parents came to the school to join Mrs Cusworth’s retirement concert at 6:30. during the night we had piping,highland dancing,solo singing,class songs and duets. The whole night was wonderful, at the end Mrs Cusworth was in tears but she still read out her speech that she had written that morning and for the finally we got a bunch of people from the school,2 from each class went up behind the stage and got her presents.we got her a big weeping cherry tree,a wooden chair with a brass sign so that she can remember us , we got her a box of chocolates and a really big card.the whole night was absolutely fabulous and we hope that Mrs Cusworth had a really great night.by Emily P5

Helen and Ellen at the Islay Mod.

On Saturday 4th June we went to the Islay Mod. It was an exciting day, people shivering with tension. ELLEN-I did a solo and a poem, and it was the best experience ever. The choir sang 4 songs, and won three firsts. We really liked the 2 part.
It was amazing to win so much and sing in the concert. It was such a thrill.
Ellen and Helen

Click below to hear a gaelic poem read by Ellen and Ruby

Gaelic Poem Read by Ellen and Ruby

P5 Science Trip

On the 9th June me and Scott went to the Science centre in Glasgow along with Ellen, Emily, Ewan and Eilidh. We did a presentation in front of 4 judges of our Mission SOS topic. Afterwards we did some STEM challenges, they were fun and quite tricky. After that we went to the Imax to find out we had won an amazing prize of £250 for the best presentation on the day. It was a really great trip.
Jason and Scott.

Sports Day

At sports day it turned out to be a good day to have races. We had the three legged race and of course the relay and much, much, more. I really enjoyed the three legged race because me and Reece won for the second time in a row. In the relay all the houses took part and Orsay won all three relays. In the senior championship Bailey and Anna won the trophy. I thought sports day was great.
By Calum and Robbie

The Land Of Me

Lots of exciting things have been happening in P1/2 since Easter. We found a map of The Land Of Me in our classroom and we drew what we thought the places on the map might look like. We then worked together to plan how we could recreate each of these areas within our classroom transforming it into The Land Of Me.
We had to be very organised and collect lots of materials.
We invited our mums and dads to come and help us make The Land Of Me on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Everyone was very excited as we worked together making, painting, building and designing. It was great fun having so many of our mums and dads working with us.
We worked really hard and our classroom looks fantastic! We even have a real forest and a cave which we can play in.
Some of the animals who live in the Land Of Me have come to stay in our class for a wee holiday and want us to teach them all about the wildlife of Islay so we are going to be very busy!

Science Week

It was science week last week, primary 4 to 7 were doing a lot of science on the 17th March. We were trying to solve Japan’s horrible earth quake by trying to separate a handful of the dust from the quake. It was so hard! We were learning how to separate mixtures. I have learnt so much from how to separate mixtures. It was so fun!

By James and Ellen

Creation Stories

This term we are learning creation stories and doing puppet shows and shadow puppets. One of the creation stories is about how the world came from an egg, a dog breaks out of the egg and he holds up the sky, his tears fill the streams and rivers and seas. Another creation story is how the turtle carried the world, we are using shadow puppets to act the scenes out, well there was a sky city up in the clouds and there was a hole in the sky and sky women fell down and nearly drowns but then 2 swans flew up and caught her, then some animals went under the water but couldn’t bring any mud up, then the grandmother toad went under and brought up mud and place it on the turtles back. Now the puppet show, there is 5 puppets one is called Bob that is very crazy because he makes weird noises, there is Jim who is the clever one and does all the research, there is Killer who wants to eat the humans so him and his gang can RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!, Fred talks very slow because he is the thickest out the lot and finally Zob is the one that has a deep voice and always says dude after every word he says. They want to find out about all the different creation stories.

Ruby (P5)

How to make a shadow puppet

How to make a shadow puppet.
First you draw any animal or any sea creature then you cut it out. Then you can get a bit of clay or any soft object to pot under your thing.
After that you get a pencil then you pop the holes out of your object.
Finally you put your object in front of a Projector or a screen.
by Alicia

Comic Relief

On the 18th March 2011 was comic relief day or some people call it red nose day. Port Ellen Primary School did loads for red nose day. The first thing we did was have a Glow meet with schools all over Scotland. We had a bit of a difficult time because every one kept moving the pods so we only had our turn then we turned off the camera and returned to our red day. Every one dressed up as some thing red just by wearing some thing red. We then had a beach clean in the afternoon and every one went in to groups. I was in group 1 and we went first to go round the street to get money from people for red nose day while every one else cleaned the beach. Aileas and Erin were really good at stopping cars and getting money of them.

All together we raised a whopping £700.

By Emily Logan p5

P1/2 Circus

P1/2 had a circus on Tuesday 22nd March for their end of topic.

Darren was a snake charmer and the hula hoopers were Katie, Sturan and Bronagh. There was lots of gymnastics and a lion tamer. The clowns were extremely funny. It was very entertaining and at the the end they started spraying water at us and other stuff. It was fantastic!!!

By Eilidh

HMS Vanguard Submarine

On the 23 of March some people came in to talk to us about submarines. There was a lot of information. The royal navy submarine was the same length as a football pitch. They had no phones so they could not contact their family. And they had to share a bathroom, and a bed, but not at the same time! I think it would be not good to be in a submarine. Because they didn’t get to contact their family. The royal navy helped us with our round house. They painted our benches brown. We got some gifts from them. We got a hat and a picture of their submarine and a sticker. I thought it was brilliant.
By Alicia

Our Circus Show

On Tuesday 22nd March P1/2 held their very own circus show. To prepare for our show we brought in colourful clothes to wear for our costumes and we made hats. We made posters and tickets so that everyone knew about our show. Tink and Jeremy came to help us rehearse for our show and we worked really hard to make it the best it could be.
We were feeling very excited about performing our circus act especially once we got into our costumes and got our faces painted!
The whole school came to watch and they all seemed to love it!
Ronan, Julie and Ellie were clowns.
Mirren, Eva and Caitlin were acrobats.
Finlay was a juggler.
Bronagh, Struan and Katie were hula hoopers.
Ross worked with Jeremy to be a Ring Master and he was also a scary tiger.
Darren was a snake charmer!
Ruaraidh thinks it was great fun doing our circus show.
Bronagh liked performing her act and says it made her feel good.
Ronan felt nervous but he enjoyed it!

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