Moral Tales

Yesterday, P4/5 were doing Moral tales.

Moral tales are stories with a meaningg, and the Moral is the meaning, the story is called a Fable.Soon we will be putting our stories on Glow I hope you will enjoy them.

Earlier we were looking at Aesops Fables who was a Greek writer. Milleniums ago, they all have a meaning, and he wrote hundreds.

Also we are doing a play called the Selfish Giant, a short story by Oscar Wilde, that has a Moral as well. I have read a lot of his books and they all have a meaning.


Sport Relief

On Friday 23rd March 2012 Port Ellen Primary School went on a 1 mile walk for the charity Sport Relief.

We had been to a Swimming Gala that morning, so it was a very sporty day.We got up with our buddies, and some of us took a balloon and a charity box.

All the classes and teachers went for the walk around Port Ellen, the School went down Lennox Street, turned right, then our feet lead us to the Islay Hotel, where once more we turned right. We wandered past the White Hart Hotel, and came to the park.

Then all of us got together and a picture was taken!!
After that we walked back to school and had break.

On the walk some people stopped to donate, also we stopped some cars too.

When it was over, everyone assembled ourselves in the hall, and Mrs MacDonald announced what we had raised. And we had raised…


We were extremely pleased, I hope Sport Relief will appreciate what we have done!


Selfish Giant (skills)

1. You will need a good memory for the script.
2. Speak loud.
3. Either be very tall for a giant or have building skills.
4. Follow stage directions
5. Don’t speak too fast.
6. Know which side to go onto the stage.
7. Have the right props
8. Have enough people for all the characters.
9. You will need to practice.
10. Speak clearly.

The Selfish Giant

It is our classes turn to do the Easter assembly we are doing it on the Selfish Giant I am Flora the brainy box. Our play  is this Thursday I am very very excited!!! We have made a giant out of a chair we have a voice for the giant and a puppeteer. We all wrote at least one line in the play. We have had to think about how much time we have to get everything ready. We have made lots of things we have brought in costumes from our houses we are all very excited.

By Emily Mackie P4

The selfish giant

Today we did a run through of our play and it was very good at scene one but it got bad at scene two and three. We did all the songs and dances. I had to dance for Oliver because he was absent. I think our play is going to be very good. It is on Thursday 29th of March which is this week. I love our play so,so much it is the best in the world.

By Annie P4

The organisation of The Selfish Giant

Hello again,

P4/5 are doing a play named The Selfish Giant, which is adapted from a short story by Oscar Wilde. In another blog I have written about the cast but now I am going to give you more details about the play.

Firstly, we had to write the script so we all wrote a different part of the story. Then we put it all together. Our teacher, Mrs. Clark, added a few more lines and jokes, so everyone in the class has a part.

The next stage of our task was to design costumes. We had some from pantomimes we have done in the past and also we brought clothes from home.

The third thing we had to do was very hard. We had to make the giant and he was going to be a very big puppet.  There were two people controlling him, one for moving him, and the other for his voice. By the end of Thursday he was nearly completed. We just needed to put the head on. But Mrs. Clark put it on that evening and it stunned us all when we walked into the classroom on Friday morning.

In the story there is a scene set in Winter and two scenes set in Spring. To change the seasons some of us got two gigantic pieces of paper. One side was white to show it was Winter, and on the other we painted a spring scene. On Thursday we watched two ‘How To’ videos, one to show how to draw a tree in spring and the other of a tree in winter. Everyone’s tree was very good, but we had a vote to choose the best three from each season. The children whose spring trees were chosen were Abbie, Robbie and David, and the winter ones were Ciara, Maisie and me(Harry).

We also have some songs and even dances. Here they are in order. Firstly ‘Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m 64?’ which is a song by the Beatles. Then ‘Can’t Touch This’ which has a dance to it. After that the Spring does a dance with a bird which does not last for very long. Then the Snow, Frost and Hail do a ballet, which changes into a different dance called ‘Ice, Ice Baby’ and the North Wind joins in too. The final song is ‘Heaven Is A Place On Earth’.

I hope The Selfish Giant will be a great success. And thanks to Mrs. Clark for directing it and Oscar Wilde for writing the story.

P4/5’s Selfish Giant play

We are doing a play, named the Selfish Giant, which is a short story by Oscar Wilde. This is the cast…
Old Man-(Me)Harry
Old Lady-Maise
Giant puppeteer-Ello
Giant voice-Torin
North Wind-Oliver

I hope it will be great!


The Selfish Giant

On the 29th March we are going to do a play called the Selfish Giant. I am the bird, Maisie old woman, Harry old man, Emily Flora, Oliver North Wind, Alica Hanna, Robbie Tom, David Bob, Danni Snow, Abbie frost, Jodie hail, Nick Jesus, Torin giant,Ello puppeteer and Izzy Poppy. I love being the bird.
By Annie P4

Newtons 3rd Law

This week was National Science and Engineering Week and we were learning about Newtons 3 laws, on the Scrap heap challenge every group did a small presentation on what we have learned this week. My group did a presentation on Newtons 3rd law, it goes like this ‘ Every action have a equal and opposite reaction. We used Newtons Cradle to prove it.

Newton’s Laws

From the 11th March-16th March it is science and engineering week. Primary 4-7 are all taking part in a whole week of science and all the activities we do is about forces. The first thing that we learned was Newton’s 3 laws and they are very important because they describe forces very well. The first law is “when forces acting on an object they are balanced,it will remain at rest or move in an straight line at constant speed”. The 2nd law is “force=mass x acceleration”. The 3rd law is “every action has an equal and opposite reaction” and that is Newtons 3 laws.

Science and Engineering Week

On the 12th of March we started to do some science for the whole week and today we are making a car and it is really, really tricky. But we manged and it is really fun. Angus was at the dentist so he didn’t really get to do much but he did the wheels and they fitted perfectly. After lunch Abbie and I are going to decorate the whole car.
By Annie p4

Science in p4/5 and p6/7

This week is science and engineering week. Our aim is to be able to successfully make a car by the end of the week. We are also trying to know Newton’s three laws off by heart, the first one is when forces acting on an object are balanced,it will remain at rest or move in a straight line at constant speed, the second rule is force=mass x acceleration and finally the third rule is every action has an equal and opposite reaction. On Monday we had science activities in groups to complete my group is Daniel Ewan Izzy and I . My favourite activity was buoyancy!:)

By Emily!!!

World Maths Day in P1/2

P1/2 have been very busy celebrating world maths day. We started the day with a mental maths quiz then we got into groups to work on different maths activities.

We were doing direction work with Beebot. Ellie

We were on the computer playing the world maths day game. Eva

We were trying out different maths games like matching times up and dominoes. Matthew

We played a money game. Taylor

We played a new beebot game on the computer. Kaitlyn

We had a shop to play in. Natalie

We were making up 100 squares and colouring in different tens and units numbers.Kaya

We did lots of clock activities on the promethian board. Ruaraidh

We gave each other directions to move on the roamer mat. Natalie

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