Burns Celidh

On January 25th the school had a Burns Ceildh down in the Ramsay hall. P7 said Address to a Haggis by Robert Burns. They carried the haggis down the stairs round the front of the stage and back up And Jacob cut the haggis.

After lunch we took a mini bus over to the Ramsey hall because there was a village Ceildh and Port Ellen primary school was invited. P7 said Address to a Haggis, P6 said Scots Wa Hae, P5 and P4 said Auld Lang Syne, P3 said Street Talk and P1 and P2 said Wee Willie Winky.

Brody did auld Lang Syne on the tin whistle and Hannah did scots Wa Hae on the tin whistle. We got water and short bread and the adults got pancakes, Irnbru, scones and cakes.

Over all it was a really good day.

Here is the video of P7 saying Address to a Haggis.



Captain’s Meeting!

Every term at Port Ellen Primary School, we have a captain’s meeting, this is where all the houses (Orsay, Texa, Nave) split up. We each go into different classrooms in the school.

We talk about things like; clubs, the rights of children. Everyone in our school gets a say at what we do, so we ask them how they feel about it! We (Captains and Vice Captains) ask them what they think we should do at clubs. They all had some great ideas which we put toward all of the clubs happening.

Overall the meetings went really well!

Maths Inside Winners


Port Ellen Primary school recently took part in the National Maths Inside competition as part of Maths Week Scotland.  Entrants must take a photo and write about the ‘Maths Inside’ the picture they have taken,  identifying and reflecting on the maths in the world around us.

This year we had commended entries from P1- Rosie Hannett  with Boaty Bubbles, P2 Noah Johnston with Rolling In, P6 Archie Logan with Dosing Sheep, P7 Thomas Edwards with Distracting Refracting Reflecting Rainsbows, Rachel Heads with Dancing into Shape, and Hugh Mackinnon with Bend it like Magnus.  Jacob Hart P7 was a runner up at second level with Angel’s Share and Brody Shakespeare P6 was the winner at second level with Taking a Photo of a Photo of a Photo…  Port Ellen Primary School itself was also a awarded best school for the quality of engagement and entries.

Finally we had overall winners in the 2023 competition: in the category ‘Oot An’ Aboot’ Aidan Ambrose P6 won £50 gift voucher for his Archaeology entry and in the category ‘In Motion’ Ellie Chandler P6 won £50 for her Bee Tornadoes Entry.  Well done everyone.

Star Warts The Spectacular Panto!

Star warts is an amazing panto that is set in outer space. It is about a mother who calls a doctor because her son has spots and the doctor leaves with the baby. Little does she know that the baby would gone on to become the umpire. The umpire is an evil villain who is shrinking galaxies into tennis balls when suddenly one goes missing and he tries to capture the thief by hiring 3 idiot space rangers.  

I thought that this was an amazing panto. The acting was incredible, and the scenes were amazing everything was impeccable. The solos in the songs were outstanding and the dancing was perfect. The makeup was brilliant 

For me, the dance battle was my favourite part it was closely followed by Lukewarm water’s solo who was acted by Thomas Edwards.  

“This panto was amazing I thought it was a 10/10.” says Rachel Frances Heads. “The panto was very enjoyable.” says Freddy John Allan Munro.  


By Hugh



Blue Peter Badges

Towards the end of November 2023 Primary’s 1,2,4,5,6 and 7  wrote to Blue Peter about a book we liked and drew a picture from the book . I wrote about Diary of a Wimpy kid. About a month later we got badges from Blue Peter and a letter and we also got special Blue Peter cards. All of the people that got badges or cards had a big picture together.

The Amazing Christmas Fair

This years Christmas fair from Port Ellen primary school was great, there were raffles and baking, toys, wreaths and hangings. Everybody was there, outside Santa had come on his slay giving presents to everybody. The p67s made candles and door stoppers , clocks.

Santas`s  grotto was a hit- the lights, the slay it was so amazing! I hope it will be just as amazing next year!



On lunch break we run clubs! The different clubs are drawing, dodgeball, playground games, reading. The captains of the one house run them and everyone in there house is allowed to come. Every day it is a different house so that everybody gets to go to clubs. It is super fun because everyone gets to play with each other.  We enjoy the chance to run our own clubs and this links to the right to play Article 31.

School Trip to the Isle of Jura!

On the 14th of September we went on a school trip. We went on The Banana Bus and headed to Kennacraig. As we were waiting for the ferry, we all got out of the car and had a bit of HIIT. With a cool breeze on our faces, we done squats and lunges, which was great fun. When we were on the ferry it was so beautiful, there were dark blue wavy waters, with fish all around. With a bump, we arrived at the pier. It was so fun driving with all the big bumps of the road and the massive stag everywhere. 

When we arrived at the town, the sun was shining like a fireball in the sky trying to set us on fire. When we arrived at Small Isles Primary School, they showed us where to put our stuff and where the classroom was. When we got in, we got to choose where to sit, and they were so kind they even gave up their seats for us to sit in. Not a big class, but they were all so kind. We decided to play a game… It was where you had to walk around the class and when the music stopped you had to turn around and the person beside you must tell you their name and then three facts about themselves (and vice versa). After we done that, we got into our groups that were on the board. The people in my group from the different school were: Grace and Shein. They were kind and had a lot in common with me. Shein was the same age as me and Grace was a year younger than me. We made a hilarious team name; can you guess what it was… THE GREESY BESTIES! Thirdly, we done a team quiz all about climate change and children’s rights. After that, we done a thing where we had to produce ideas to become eco-friendly. Each group produced two ideas to write to the government or Jenni Minto. We all had great ideas. Then for the main event… drum roll please! THE BEACH. We all went for a lovely walk to the beautiful beach. We all sat down and then we heard the teacher shout “The Greesy Besties please come and line up for ice cream,” a smile showed up on our whole team’s faces. We all got our ice cream and went to sit on the beach side. 

We arrived at Jura at about 10:30. It was a fun journey, and we enjoyed it. 

The school was in the middle of Jura, which was a beautiful place. 

Overall, we all had a blast and would absolutely love to go back to the Isle of Jura. 

Rachel Heads 

Dance a Thon

On the last day of term Port Ellen primary school did Dance a Thon to raise money for making Blytheswood shoe boxes for children in Romania. Children in the school danced to different songs in the hall and in each class the best dancer got a prizes.  Everyone has enjoyed the Danceathon and it has raised a lot of money, helping children meet the right to health care article 24.

Our Trip To Jura

On Thursday 14th September we all went on a trip to Jura primary school to share our Rights Respecting Schools work with each other. Small Isles Primary already has their silver award and we wanted to learn more. We went with Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs. Clark and Miss Clark.   When we got there we learned about the Outright  campaign on climate change and we worked in groups to come up with a problem we want our local councillors and MSP to solve.  We will work together to write to them about it to see if we can make a change.  We got to go out and play at break in Small Isles playground and then we went to the beach for lunch and ice cream.  We had a great day out and enjoyed making friends with children from Jura.

Philip Reeve and Sarah Mcintyre Visit!

On the 8th of September we got a special visit from someone. They were book authors! Philip Reeve and Sarah Mcintyre came to our school and did some games, talked to us about how to write books, and also joked around with us. They wrote books together like Pugs of the Frozen North, The Legend of Kevin, and many more. We did it in the hall and they had things on the wall where it was like a quest and we had to come up with ideas to make it more exciting to travel through. They also read a bit of one of their books which we all really enjoyed listening to. They came to Islay for the Islay Book Festival. That is where lots of famous authors come to Islay for this special festival.

Over all this was a great afternoon with good fun.


Lari Don P4 to 7 Google Meet

On the Thursday 7th of September 2023 primary’s 4, 5, 6 and 7 had a google meet in the primary 6,7 class room with Lari Don. In the meet they discussed writing books, her style of writing and much more! She read the children a small section of her book Storm Singing and a bit of her favorite fairy tale about a welsh monster. She did the meet for the Islay book festival.

Lari Don is a wonderful author who has written book for all ages here is the blurb of one of her most popular books First Aid for Fairy’s and Other Fabled Beasts.

Helen has absolutely no interest in becoming a vet like her mother she wants to become a musician. So she isn’t the best pleased when asked to help an injured horse. Only this isn’t a horse rather a centor. Helen is thrust into an extraordinary full of mythical beasts and fabled creatures.

Here is a link to Lari Dons website.


Rights are very important to children up to 18 all around the world.  We have been working on them to help us understand the value of it all. We have learnt that our opinion should be heard, no matter what age you are, All children up to 18 should have their rights and know them but some children in wars don’t get their rights,  like education, Safety, health, and to be heard.  If you think that you are not getting your  rights tell someone you trust. In Port Ellen school we have made a playground charter of rights so children can respect other children no matter what they look like or what country they are from.


This term we have been working with the new primary ones and twos. We have been reading them stories and they have been loving it, playing with them with the parachute and more. We all had a good time. On Friday we had a teddy bear picnic with them. We also had banana muffins when we were outside. We built houses boats and more for our and our buddies teddies. we looked after the new primary ones  at their first day. After we had the muffins we did a teddy bear race, it was fun!



On Wednesday the 28th of June we took part in the Commonwealth fly fishing parade to the NO1 gardens from the school.  The nursery wore yellow tops, p1,2s wore red tops ,p3 green top, the p4 wore light blue tops and we also wore purple tops. Evie designed  the tops with the fish on them the design was a fish on Islay with a fishing rod going around it. We got free burgers and drinks and even pin badges and we asked all the countries for their badges to collect them. The countries what took part were Australia, England, South Africa, Scotland, Northern Ireland and  Lots of people where there Heathers ices was there you got to go on the bouncy house Thomas and Marcus mum was selling stuff like bracelets  key rings, bottle openers. The highland dancers were dancing outside on front of every fly fishing team was watching. We done it because we were supporting all the countries.

Leavers Dinner And Disco

These two events were held on the 17th of June. At 5:30 the P7 class headed to Seasalt for their dinner, all of the P7s had pizza. At this dinner, the whole P7 group attended as well as Mrs. Clark, Mrs. McFarlane and Mrs. Leask. Everyone had a wonderful time and ate lots of pizza! When we left, we all expected to have to walk. That’s when a luxurious jeep pulled up to Seasalt and surprised us. Everyone was shocked as nobody expected it to be our ride back to the school. As we got in we were shocked by how fancy it was, in the moment we all felt like royalty. Once we arrived at the school everyone was waiting for us at the door, this is where the school disco was held. When we arrived some of the P7s were already at the disco, everyone was having so much fun! The school gave everyone free drinks and crisps, and also hosted fun games for P1-P7 pupils could play! Mrs. Bonar was taking amazing photos in the corner with silly props, every pupil was able to take part and take class photos. This was a really fun night for all the students and especially for the P7s!


The leavers assembly was on Monday in the hall and it was all the p7 pupils had a video of them on the screen and they got to choose where they went and there song to. The video had 10 pictures of you and they where baby photos and photos of you now. Every P7 had an individual video and the was also a lip dub and a walking on the waves memories.

Towards the end we got an award assembly and Finlay, William, Chloe, Iona and Orsay all won an award at the assembly. Finlay won the sports boy champion and citizen trophy, William won Drew’s math trophy, Chloe won the girls sports championship trophy, Iona won the Endeavor cup and Orsay won the most points. And finally after all of that we got to go outside to get ice cream from the ice cream van and we got a break!

Leavers Boat Trip

On the 26th of June, the P7’s, Mrs Leask and Mrs MacFarlane went on a boat trip after school. On the boat trip we went from the Port Ellen pier to Ardbeg Distillery.

On the boat trip we saw some Seals and even baby Seals too! We also got a chance to drive the boat from distillery to Distillery.  When we got to each Distillery we stopped and the tour guide told us some facts about the Distillery. when we got to Kildoghtan, they told us about a haunted house on the top of a hill. They told us that the owner was buried on top of a different hill. On the way back to the pier we went really fast and we all got soaked!

Australian Team Assembly

On the Monday 26th of June we got a visit to our school. This year the Fly Fishing competition is happening on Islay this year! The Australian team came to our to talk to us all about Australia. They talked about what types of animals there was, there was stuff like spiders and poisonous snakes, where everyone came from and everyones names. This was the women’s Australian team that came to our school.

It was really fun to hear people with different accents from us because we usually hear the same accents everyday. It was amazing to see these people and we all really enjoyed it.

Archaeological Dig

P5,6,7 went to a archaeological dig on 20th June 2023. We were close to Port Charlotte. We were  and we got split into three teams, there was P5,P6 and P7. First, we got a tour around and got to see all the black houses from around 200-300 years ago. After that we got a tray of mud that had pottery in it. Ayla, Ella and Ellie got water to wash all the dirt of and a tooth brush to scrub it. Finally, we got a small dirt patch that we could dig up and find some rocks. We put all the Excess dirt into a bucket which was dumped into a massive dirt pile. We done it because everyone would love to learn all about it. It was really fun and we would all love to go again.


On 19/06/23 We had a Endeavour fair. For the Endeavour fair we had to set up our targets and make one big aim its like a independent topic that we do on our own. Also it has to be something that we have not done before.  The whole school do an endeavor but p5/6/7 get judged and you win a trophy the winner this year was Iona Kirkpatrick. To make an Endeavour it takes about 6 weeks to complete it. here are some good examples of Endeavour. Mya Munro  who won the endeavor cup last year for doing sewing. Iona did history on Islay for he Endeavour. another good example was Finlay Addison who did football training for the whole school. Also Our parents got to come in and see the projects and it was set up for Monday many people came to see our things. In my opinion it was really fun.

Sports Day

On June 12th 2023 Port Ellen primary school had a sports day for everyone from nursery to P7. We all had different races like the flat race, sack race and obstacle course. At the end of the sports day we had an inter house relay for the p5,6 7s. For the relay the captains chose 4 of the fastest runners form their house in primary 5,6 or 7 and then pick an order. After the relay they announced the winners for the sports championships the winner for boys was Finlay in second Hugh and in third Dylan the first for girls was Chloe in second Iona and in third Evie. The overall winning house by points for the whole of sports day was Nave.  For winning sport day Nave you get a plaque/trophy.

Scottish Maths Trip

On the 7th of June to the 8th of June the primary silver-award-winners went on a trip to Glasgow. The Scottish Maths Challenge is a series of difficult word problems that children in Scotland compete in. The different awards you can get are bronze, silver and gold. The silver winners of Port Ellen Primary (Chloe Bonar P7, Iona Kirkpatrick P7 and Evie Wood P6) were also accompanied by Ciara from Bowmore  Primary. There were a lot of different  activities for the four pupils that went on the trip. To name a few; the Glasgow Science Museum, the Cinema and a lot of shopping. At the awards ceremony all the girls received certificates and mugs. When they were at the ceremony they got asked some difficult questions about big numbers like, how many people are there in the world? The answer to that question is around 7.8 billion! One of the other questions was about Islay! The question was, how many people could you fit on Islay? The answer was a shocking 3.095 billon! All the girls had a great time and really enjoy themselves.


At Bruichladdich I danced, and I did the Flora and Lilt. The dancers that do the flora and the lilt get a special outfits and I got dark blue Chole got red Evie got green and Mia got light blue. We all looked great, and we all had a black leotard and we all loved them! 

Me Chloe Evie and Mia and everybody danced on a small stage with black fabric put on. Everybody danced like the where under a spell that makes their feet go so light. Lots of people were watching and lots were taking photos and Videos somewhere smiling like their lives depended on it. I had lots of fun and I hope the other dancers liked it too. 


Ellie’s Endeavour

My Endeavour 

My name is Ellie, I’m in primary 5 and I am sewing for my Endeavour. Endeavour is where you pick a project to do, and it starts on April the 18th and ends sometime in June. Ambitious, new learning shared with others and independent; are the key things for Endeavour. These are the different things I have learned: to sew a needle in a sewing machine, make a knot in a sewing machine and do a knot in thread.

My Book Writing Endeavor

Book Writing Endeavor 

What is Endeavor? 

Endeavor is a project where everyone works independently. You pick what you do for your endeavor, but it must be something productive where the result isn’t just a power point or sway. My Endeavor is to write a book. Endeavor starts in February and ends in June.  

My Endeavor 

So far, my book has 2,509 words so far and that is just chapters 1 and 2. I work on it when I’m at home and at school. My book is about a dragon princess called Shadow, who wants to find out the truth. Here is a small extract from my book. 

Shadow had come to the library to find answers. About the Grand Dragons, about her mother, Chiefs Truth’s lies, about everything. 

The Blurb of the Book 

We need a hero to save us. We need someone to unite the clans. 

Shadow, the Bas dragon princess always feels like she is the only dragon who notices things. She would think that it was just her imagination except that her friends noticed things too. When the Chiefs’ lies are too big to ignore, she acts. But isn’t the burden of trying to find out the whole entire truth too big for an eleven-year-old dragon? 

A fantasy story set in the Outer Hebrides, with chiefs and clans like old Scotland. 

By Evie 

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