Book afternoon!

On November  20th 2024 we had Scotland book week! Before we done anything  we separated into our houses. We had lots of activities such as, charades, dressing up as book characters, making book marks, A book quiz and to finish the day off hot chocolate! We also read some of our favorite stories and we got to bring into school our favorite  pajamas! We got some delicious biscuits! We also got a small group from our house to help make some cool newspaper hats and accessories for our book character.

Invisible Fiends Review

Barry Hutchison, is the author of many books! He was born in 1978 in Ireland and right now is 46! He made his first book in 2010; INVISIBLE FIENDS and then started making more series and books. In total he made 70 books, for children and teens!

I Have just finished the book INVISBLE FIENDS’ MR MUMBLES by Barry Hutchison; to be honest I thought it was called Invisible friends but anyways! It was AMAZING! I loved every single bit! It starts off with the main character that is named Kyle properly about 11 who thinks he has an imaginary friend and turns out he is right! But his once friendly friend wants to unleash mayhem on the WORLD! With his new friend’s help called Ameena they will work together to survive!

This book’s theme is a spooky scary monster type of theme, and I just love it! The author had exceptionally good descriptions about the main character, but at the same time I feel that he could have added more description about the other character’s but here is an example of one is my favorite quote: “He had had jolly, rosy cheeks, but now they were paled and wrinkled” It describes one of the main characters which I love! Because it reminds me of how once a character was but is not anymore and Mr. mumbles is one of my favorite characters, I really recommend this to people who love to read spooky stories especially on Halloween month! It makes it even better, in my opinion of course! But in the end, I really enjoyed this book, it just lives rent free in my head and properly always will. So overall I am going to give this book… Drumroll! 5/5!!!

Hannah P7

Mr Mumbles: Book 1 (Invisible Fiends): Hutchison, Barry:  9780007315154: Books

Book Review Of Marcus Rashford Breakfast Club

This book is an adventure book. This is written by Alex Falase Koya. This book was inspired by Marcus Rashford for kids to like books and football. My favorite quote from the book is “Now, that deserves an investigation.”  I chose this quote because I liked it, and it sounded cool.

This book is good for people because it’s about an adventure and football and monsters. This book is set in a high school of a couple of kids who are in a club. They made they investigate strange characters and the mystery of the treasure hunt. Marcus Rashford is a brave person who is always destined to find out what is going on and he likes football. He finds the mystery with his friends. The theme of the book is Marcus working together with his friends.

Children would enjoy this book because it is about finding a monster and at the end it is a person or a dog. I liked this book because it reminded me of a comic because it is easy to read. This book should be recommended for 8-year-old’s because it a bit tricky. I really liked the fonts of the books. I think the author done an excellent job to make kids read this book really remind me of planet Omar. Both are funny and cool. I would recommend this to kids who like adventure books and mystery. I would give this 5/5.

By Alfie P7

The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Treasure Hunt Monster


Skellig is a fantasy book written by David Almond. Skellig was written in 1968. My Favorite quote from the book was,

‘I was sure I saw for a second the ghostly image of her wings’,

because I thought it was a good quote for an ending because wings reminded me of Skellig having wings.

This book has many different meanings. Skellig was based in a new house where Micheal and his family moved, with a shed where a strange person lived with wings called the Skellig. This book is a story about a mythical creature called the Skellig that Micheal found in his abandoned shed. Michael gets Skellig something called number 27 and 53 from the Chinese’s menu. Skellig is dying but Michal needs him to save and help his baby sister.

Michal was a boy who had a mum and a dad that were really stressed because they had a baby with a disease and had a new house to work in. The theme of the Skellig is overcoming stress and fears. Children would enjoy this book because it has a lot of twist and turns and is weird in a way that makes it fun to read. I enjoyed it because it was a weird fantasy that has a beast creature person that is funny, and I liked how Skellig memorized his order 27 and 53 and the fact it was full of mysteries.

Skellig was full of emotions from happy to sad it made me laugh when Skellig tripped other the stone on the way to new hideout and I was sad when I read that the baby was in hospital. I think David Almond achieved making this sort of strange book. This book also reminded me of the enchanted woods because of the wondering what comes next and all sorts of mythical creatures. I rate it 4/5.

Neil P6


No Ballet Shoes In Syria Book Review

This book is written by Catherine Bruton. The characters are Aya the main character, Aya’s mum and Aya’s little brother Moosa! It all started with an eleven-year-old girl named Aya having to flee her home in Syria with her family.

You might enjoy the book from how relatable it is to you or how interesting and spreads awareness for refugees! Personally, I enjoy how interesting it is and how it’s based on real things that could be happening in other people’s lives. As it has war, injuries and death people (people as teachers and parents) might not want a young child reading it, personally I recommend it for either nine or ten plus! Parts of the book were a bit upsetting knowing that Aya knows she’ll never see her friend’s little sister, and her mum and her think they’ll never see Aya’s dad again, this made me sad for Aya and her mum even though it’s just a book.

There was nothing I really disliked about the writing except from when the author wrote a bit too much about the exact same thing. I think Catherine Bruton did a fantastic job at writing this, not only making an awesome book she is spreading awareness about the refugees and the wars.

My Favorite quote from the book is “A mother’s fountain of tears flows forever”-Mrs. Massoud. Compared to all the books I’ve read this is one of my favorites!

By Scarlett P6

No Ballet Shoes in Syria : Catherine Bruton: Books

Bee Readers Citizenship Group Meeting

We are the Bee Readers group.  Today we recorded for the Islay podcast to say about what our favourite  book is and why.  Also we wrote a letter to Laphroaig and Mrs Mcgilvery to ask if it is OK to set reading rocks so when tourist or locals come over there will be a QR code for them to scan. So they can listen to our stories and our amazing podcasts!.

The Book Festival

It was a normal day in Port Ellen primary but then Nadine Aisha Jassat came in to speak to us, she was speaking about her stories and how every story had a bit of her in them. 

She also said how her parents met, one lived in Africa and one in the UK and they met because both went on a trip to the same place. 

At some point we got to say story name ideas to go on the board then she asked people to come up and one person would say a part of the story the next person would say the next.  She did a thing where she would pick a random story and that was the one they would make up, the story name chosen was the mystery of the mountain, they made it about a tree house on the mountain. 

Then we did a poem thing where we had to say positive things to put in a poem, it went like this “We are here for you, you are always so good at everything you do, so go out and do your best.” 

At the end she sold some of her books that were signed by her.   She was fantastic!

Philip Reeve and Sarah Mcintyre Visit!

On the 8th of September we got a special visit from someone. They were book authors! Philip Reeve and Sarah Mcintyre came to our school and did some games, talked to us about how to write books, and also joked around with us. They wrote books together like Pugs of the Frozen North, The Legend of Kevin, and many more. We did it in the hall and they had things on the wall where it was like a quest and we had to come up with ideas to make it more exciting to travel through. They also read a bit of one of their books which we all really enjoyed listening to. They came to Islay for the Islay Book Festival. That is where lots of famous authors come to Islay for this special festival.

Over all this was a great afternoon with good fun.


Lari Don P4 to 7 Google Meet

On the Thursday 7th of September 2023 primary’s 4, 5, 6 and 7 had a google meet in the primary 6,7 class room with Lari Don. In the meet they discussed writing books, her style of writing and much more! She read the children a small section of her book Storm Singing and a bit of her favorite fairy tale about a welsh monster. She did the meet for the Islay book festival.

Lari Don is a wonderful author who has written book for all ages here is the blurb of one of her most popular books First Aid for Fairy’s and Other Fabled Beasts.

Helen has absolutely no interest in becoming a vet like her mother she wants to become a musician. So she isn’t the best pleased when asked to help an injured horse. Only this isn’t a horse rather a centor. Helen is thrust into an extraordinary full of mythical beasts and fabled creatures.

Here is a link to Lari Dons website.

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