Port Ellen Primary School’s Endeavour Fair

On the 17th of June Port Ellen held their Endeavour Fair. The Endeavour Fair showcases everyone’s endeavors, from healthy tuck to a guideline on paddle boarding safety. This fair is held every year with primary six and seven in the hall and all of the other classes showing their work in their class rooms.

Endeavor is a personal project that we do every year, where you pick a topic to research and to produce something at the end that’s physical not just a power point, or presentation. Every single class takes part in endeavour, from primary one to seven. At the endeavour fair, you are expected to have a main thing that you have done, like something to sell or to showcase that has been your focus. You should also be able to answer some simple questions and know about the history of what you are studying. Say your endeavour was hatching and raising chickens, you would need to know about different breeds of chicken, the rarest and most popular chickens and maybe even about the native breeds of chicken.

Some examples of Endeavour in P67 were Hydraulics-building of hydraulic bridges and a website, Coopering- making crafts from whisky barrels and learning how to be a cooper, Bird and Bat Boxes- making them to sell and finally creating a school newspaper.

In P12 we had a pancake palace, an ice cream stall, all about the Titanic and Tree frogs.  In P34 we had baking, squirrels and bath bombs.  In P45 we had sewing cushions, digital art and a nail salon.

Lots of enterprising Endeavours throughout the whole school!

P6/7 Microorganisms Topic

In the first term of 2024 primary 6/7 started a topic on Microorganisms. Their aim was to understand different types of Microorganisms and how they helped and harmed the world.

One part of their project was researching different Microorganisms and making posters about them. The things they needed to have on their posters were an explanation of Microorganisms, a list of helpful and harmful Microorganisms, a fact file about two different Microorganisms, and fun facts. Almost all of the children were successful in this and some even had to use two sheets of A3 paper!

Another part of the project was  looking at things through microscopes, the class looked at a lot of different things through microscopes like worms, moss and sand. They were fascinated by this and spent a long time looking at different things.

They did two small mold experiments, one where they did different things to two slices of bread to see which grew more mold. They also got a variety of different food, some that was processed a lot and some that was not processed much, and out them all in an airtight box to see what grew the most mold.

In conclusion this was a great project and the class enjoyed it a lot.

Lari Don P4 to 7 Google Meet

On the Thursday 7th of September 2023 primary’s 4, 5, 6 and 7 had a google meet in the primary 6,7 class room with Lari Don. In the meet they discussed writing books, her style of writing and much more! She read the children a small section of her book Storm Singing and a bit of her favorite fairy tale about a welsh monster. She did the meet for the Islay book festival.

Lari Don is a wonderful author who has written book for all ages here is the blurb of one of her most popular books First Aid for Fairy’s and Other Fabled Beasts.

Helen has absolutely no interest in becoming a vet like her mother she wants to become a musician. So she isn’t the best pleased when asked to help an injured horse. Only this isn’t a horse rather a centor. Helen is thrust into an extraordinary full of mythical beasts and fabled creatures.

Here is a link to Lari Dons website.

Scottish Maths Trip

On the 7th of June to the 8th of June the primary silver-award-winners went on a trip to Glasgow. The Scottish Maths Challenge is a series of difficult word problems that children in Scotland compete in. The different awards you can get are bronze, silver and gold. The silver winners of Port Ellen Primary (Chloe Bonar P7, Iona Kirkpatrick P7 and Evie Wood P6) were also accompanied by Ciara from Bowmore  Primary. There were a lot of different  activities for the four pupils that went on the trip. To name a few; the Glasgow Science Museum, the Cinema and a lot of shopping. At the awards ceremony all the girls received certificates and mugs. When they were at the ceremony they got asked some difficult questions about big numbers like, how many people are there in the world? The answer to that question is around 7.8 billion! One of the other questions was about Islay! The question was, how many people could you fit on Islay? The answer was a shocking 3.095 billon! All the girls had a great time and really enjoy themselves.

My Book Writing Endeavor

Book Writing Endeavor 

What is Endeavor? 

Endeavor is a project where everyone works independently. You pick what you do for your endeavor, but it must be something productive where the result isn’t just a power point or sway. My Endeavor is to write a book. Endeavor starts in February and ends in June.  

My Endeavor 

So far, my book has 2,509 words so far and that is just chapters 1 and 2. I work on it when I’m at home and at school. My book is about a dragon princess called Shadow, who wants to find out the truth. Here is a small extract from my book. 

Shadow had come to the library to find answers. About the Grand Dragons, about her mother, Chiefs Truth’s lies, about everything. 

The Blurb of the Book 

We need a hero to save us. We need someone to unite the clans. 

Shadow, the Bas dragon princess always feels like she is the only dragon who notices things. She would think that it was just her imagination except that her friends noticed things too. When the Chiefs’ lies are too big to ignore, she acts. But isn’t the burden of trying to find out the whole entire truth too big for an eleven-year-old dragon? 

A fantasy story set in the Outer Hebrides, with chiefs and clans like old Scotland. 

By Evie 

The Emerald Award

On the 9th of November we found out we had won the Emerald Award which is the next eco award after you get eight green flags. The reason we have won the Emerald award is because of lots of different things we’ve done to help the environment. Like our beach cleans and various litter picks we’ve also made things out of recycled materials like denim bags and waterproof toys.  We really think it is important to look after the environment and are really pleased we have achieved this award.

Music With Keira

This term Port Ellen Primary have been getting visits from the local musician Keira who has been teaching them how to play some Scottish instruments like the Tin Whistle, Harp and Fiddle. The aim is that at the end Kira will pick the people who are best at playing each instrument and we will all learn a  song all together.

We learnt how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb on the Tin Whistle, and everyone got a go on the Harp and Fiddle.  Everyone learnt what the different colored strings mean on a Harp and that the thing you play a Fiddle with is called a Bow.  It is very interesting learning new instruments.

RSPB Corncrake Project

On the 27th of January David Wood a member of the RSPB came in to the school to teach primary 5,6 & 7 about corncrakes. He taught them all the need to know facts about corncrakes, and gave them some quizzes on corncrakes. Here are some of the need to know facts :                                                                                Corncrake have two sets of eggs each year.                                                                             Corncrakes are extremely rear and we are very lucky to have them on the Isle of Islay.                                                                                                                                                          Corncrakes Latin name is Crex crex.                                                                                             Corncrake males will call at the top of there voices from midnight to three am in the morning.                                                                                                                                          Corncrakes migrate to Africa in winter then come back and stay from April to September to mate the find there way by following certain stars they also know which direction south, east, west and north are in.

How Ireland's elusive corncrake has come back from the brink of extinction

P5,6,7, Sports Group

P5,6,7 has been split in to citizen groups. One of the groups has been based on the recent progress of the shop in the box it has donated lots of  school and we are buying lots of stuff. The  group is called ‘the sports group’ the members are me, Teddy, Ben and William. The school had a vote to show what we should  buy, the wining thing was a climbing wall with 29 votes. We might also buy a climbing frame with 14 votes. Even though it does not have many votes we think we might repair the round house. Only 3 people voted for it I think it will be better than ever before (it actually was only 2 people and 1 teacher one of those people being me.) We are also hoping to have  a dodge ball tournament  and a football club. 

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