On Friday 15th November Orsay did a talent show for P1-7. 1st place was Millie, Harmoni, they did a gymnastics routine and the reason we picked them for 1st place is because they were in sync with each other. 2nd place was Chloe, Iona, Evie Wood, they got 2nd place because they sang A Million Dreams and they were really in tune and it was brave of them to go up on stage and sing. 3rd place was Scott and Aiden Munro, the got 3rd placeĀ because they were really funny at being mimes.
Gaelic poems
P4-6 wrote a Gaelic poem about Dun Nuvyig. We painted the back ground using sponges, toothbrushes and other art materials to make the sea and sky affect. We wrote Gaelic phases to make a mixed media piece of artwork. In the end it all looked really good and what we liked about it was that we got to use our imagination.