

To complete our IDL on earthquakes and volcanoes, P4/5 have learned about the pros and cons of living in areas of the world where there are volcanoes and earthquakes.  They wrote a piece of persuasive writing to convince people that living in Iceland had lots of positive aspects and found out how engineers try to make buildings earthquake-proof.  The children worked in co-operative groups to build earthquake-proof buildings and then we tested them using a huge tray of jelly to be the shaking ground!

Science Club


On every Wednesday at school we have a science club. science club and at science club. At the first week of science club we had to find out who put a white powder in Mrs. Clark’s hot chocolate. It was great fun. We had to find it by going to different parts of the kitchen and finding out who’s mark matches the criminals mark. There was finger prints, bites on cups and we had to see what what pen was the same as the one the criminal used. The second week we got to make crystals. We made the crystals by putting in over salted water and food coloring to make them look good. On the last week of science club it was really disgusting because we were dissecting a fish and at the very end we dissected a deer heart. Although earlier before we were naming body parts and we got 2 chocolates out of an advent calender. We would like to thank the people from the high school  for coming over to help us and we would really like it if science club is on again.

By Rebecca and Rowan


img_1711The PPPS which are Matthew, Aaron, Abi, Rowan, Sophie and Kaitlyn are making crafts for Port Ellen’s Christmas fair. We made lots of items and it only took two days to make everything. We made tin cans, star mirrors, taguls and finger puppet nativities. The star mirrors are £1:50 there are 7 of them. The nativity is £2:00 and there is 5 sets of them. The taguls are £1:00 and there are 8 of them. The star mirrors are £1:50 and there are 7 of them. The tin cans are 50p and there 6 of them.  We had to create balance sheets and work out unit costs to be able to price our items, to make sure we make a profit.

by the Pretty Presents Perfect Service


Rionnag is a enterprise that will be selling there crafts at the port Ellen primary school Christmas fair on Saturday 8th December.We will be selling sock Olaf’s,Christmas magnets and lemon and sherbet cupcake the Olaf’s are £3.00 the magnets are 30p 4 for £1.We only have 6 Olafs  and there going sell out fast because every one loves Olafs. We have 38 magnets. We want to get a profit not a loss.Ee hope we get lots of money.

Crazy Claus Christmas fair

photo-on-08-12-2016-at-14-48We have been making things for the Christmas fair. We have made tiles with a map of Islay on it, we have made rainbow coloured Christmas baubles with sparkles and we have made snow globes. We have made a book on an app called book creator on the ipads with the Christmas fair notes on it. We also designed a cupcake for the cupcake competition. We made crunchie flavoured red cupcakes with a Santa hat on them. We have been learning how to make a balance sheet and how to make a chart on excel and we also did market research for the project.  I hope everything sells really well.

Our Trip To The Woods

img_1124On Wednesday 5th October, P5/6/7 from Port Ellen Primary School went to Cairnmore woods to live in Mesolithic times. At school we all have four clans, The Golden Eagle Clan, The Arctic Fox Clan, The Orca Clan and the Red Deer Clan. In our clans we got given a leaf and we had to find out what tree the leaf came from and then when we were at the woods we had to find a tree in our clans that aaas the same tree as the leaf. We then made a den at the woods. We made a model of a village for our clan and an actual den. The Golden Eagle clan had a beach tree. The img_0626Arctic Fox clan had a sycamore tree. The Orca clan had an oak tree and The Red Deer clan had the ash tree. The Golden Eagle Clan had a tree and they made their den under it and made the model outside. They also had a spy hole where they could see the Orca clan who had a mud trap near them. The Arctic Fox Clan’s base was a fallen over tree that we could get over to get to our den but the rest of our base had a massive mud pile in and we used some of the mud to make our mini village. We did a hunt for sweets, this was to improve our hunter gathering skills. The Orca clan got the most sweets. We also made clay tree spirits to leave guarding our dens.  We had really good fun. We learned to observe objects better than we did before. We hope to go back soon.



Making a Fire and Gutting Fish

img_0265 On Wednesday 5th October p5,6,7 went on a trip to the woods.  After we had made our dens and completed some challenges we went to have our lunch near the beach.   When we went to the beach Mr Gairns had set up a fire for us to have our lunch round, and we had brought firewood from the woods to put on our fire.  When we had finished all our lunch some of us went to gut some trout so we could put it on the fire to cook and we also got to roast home grown apples as well.  We put the trout and apples on sticks to cook them and when they were cooked they tasted delicious.  We also got to try other Mesolithic foods for our lunch, cockles and nuts.  Not many people liked the cockles but we did like the trout and apples.  It was interesting to see what food would have been like in Mesolithic times.



Stirling University

On Thursday 15th September p6/7 from all the schools from Islay and Jura went to Stirling University and while we were there we got to dissect fish. When we were dissecting  the fish I was working with Rowan and we were testing to check the bacteria in the kidney but first me and Rowan had to push away a bubble that was protecting the kidney. After we pushed away the bubble we stuck a plastic stick in the kidney to get a sample of blood to rub it on a petri plate so that when they take it out a warm fridge they would be able to see the bacteria that was in  the fish’s kidney. After we dissected the fish we did a quiz that had nine questions in it and me and Rowan got 7 questions correct and two questions incorrect. When we got back outside we all got tour of the university and we even got to see what the rooms would look like.  After the tour we headed back to the youth hostel.

By Rebecca Morris

Blair Drumming Safari Park

Most of P6/7 from Islay and Jura went on the Stirling trip on the 13th till the 16th of September.

One of my favourite parts was going to Blair Drummond Safari Park so that’s what I’m writing about today.

Me and my group  (Mrs Mactaggert, Anna, Lorne, Ewan, Toby, Daisy, Ryan and Sam) started of at at the Elephant (Mondy) and it was very interesting then we went into the Rhino section. Bruce the Rhino’s Mum Dot was pregnant with her fourth calf. We also looked at giraffes  but they were quite boring because they were just standing there.  After that we went to look at the lions and we saw a male lion eating a calf. Then we headed to the horses and the two tigers. After we got to go see penguins, meercats and sealions. Next we went to the park and played with the amazing, gigantic wooden castle. Soon after we drove through the all the animals in the car my favourite animal I saw in the car was the zebra. But sadly after we had to leave to get to the ferry.

By Eva Munro

Forth Road Bridge

Today Ellie, Kaitlyn and Sarah found out about the Forth Road Bridge because their class are going to Stirling for an annual school trip. They will be visiting Bannockburn, The Forth Road Bridge, Stirling castle and Stirling university. We found out that over 70,000 vehicles cross the bridge every day and over 24 million vehicles cross the bridge every year. It took around 6 years to build and seven people died building it. On the 5th December 2015 a small 2cm crack was found and the bridge had to be rebuilt. The bridge is 51 years old. It is owned and operated by Network Rail. It is the 4th longest bridge in the world. It is over the fifth of the forth. It cost about £19.5 million. It is Britians first all steel bridge. It used nearly 40,000 tonnes of steel and 125,000 cubic metres of concrete. The designers were Benjamin Baker and John Fowler. They will be visiting it next week, hope they have a great time. By Kaitlyn, Sarah and Ellie<img

P5/6/7s Maths Challange

P5/6/7 in Islay Primary School have entered the Mathematical challange for 2016-2017 the p5 have been finding it challing to do the maths for the challange this year and next year. Only some of the p5s have completed the first questions on the paper. P6/7 are a little bit more confident than p5s and most of them done it last year.

Our Trip To Stirling University

As a student you get to choose your own subjects. You get set essays on a set time.You can also do courses. You also get to meet new people that will be you friends forever. They have a major sports program.

Advantages – You get a student discount. You get Christmas, Easter and the Summer off. You get a University flat. When you graduate you get to go to the grad ball and get pritty pictures. You are close to the cinama and yummy restrants and a very good swimming pool and gym.

My Aunty (Shona Isla) studeyed Animal Biology and very recently gratuated. Her friends still come to visit with  there parents.

By Eva Munro


Stirling University stands with rich and varied history. The estate was bought by John Hope in 1678 then it was passed over to Ralph Dundas whose son was John Dundas.

By Ruaraidh

A team from Stirling Universaty went to Rio 2016 they got to go on Tv.

Some people from Stirling Unaversaty is part of team Gb

The are four swimmers from team GB which was taught by Stirling University. They also do golf . They also do running, football, rugby and many more.

By Darren

Giant’s Grave Archaeological Dig

On the 25th of August, Port Ellen Primary along with their teacher Mrs Clark, Mr Gairns, Mrs Logan and Struan’s dad Mr Colthart, went to a fascinating archaeological trip to the Giant’s Grave. We were going there because we really wanted to learn about Islay History. As we got onto the bus, I was filling up with excitement. We were in the bus for quite a while until we got to Nerabus. As we got off the bus, I couldn’t wait to start walking to the Giant’s Grave. Also, Professor Steven Mithin walked with us.

On the trip, we walked one hour and ten minutes to the Giant’s Grave. Before we got there, my friend Abi fell into a big stream and got soaking wet. When we were all set we started walking again. On the way, we saw loads of blood red and white mushrooms. They looked really interesting. Finally we got to the Giant’s Grave. I thought it looked amazing and very inspiring. It was as peaceful as the sun crawling up a hill. As we were strolling to the heart of the dig I gazed at the awesome rocks forming the Giant’s grave.


After we had our break, we got up and circled around the Grave. We listened to the archaeologists from Reading University explain about the Giant’s Grave and what they think it used to be six thousand years ago. After they told us about the Grave, we split up and got into partners to work with the archaeologists to help with the Grave. Rebecca and me went to Tom who told us that he worked in the muddiest corner to dig out the peaty mud that could be burying important artifacts. We got a shovel and started to dig the icky sticky mud.

When we were told to move we really enjoyed helping Tom with the mud and digging. When we moved over we went to a lady named Sarah who helped us take pictures of the site with her. We learned that it was a hard job getting the right angles when you take the pictures. We also took stalk photos when we creep up to the others and take pictures of them. Then, with a heavy heart, we went back to the others and sat in the gazebo. We listened to a Dendrochronologist speak about his job as a person who looks at tree rings on the trunk to see how old it is. I thought that was fascinating that you could calculate how old a tree is by looking at the lines.


After we had our lunch, we said goodbye to the people there and we left the Giant’s grave. I really enjoyed myself and I really hope that I could meet them again soon on a different dig. I thought that the dig was phenomenal and I really hope to go again.

By Kaya Middleton P7

Leavers Assembly and Prize Giving

We said goodbye to our current primary 7 pupils at Port Ellen yesterday in a very moving leavers assembly.  Their music video can be seen below.  We also had the prize giving, with lots of great achievements over the year celebrated; Junior Saltire award winners, Kaitlyn Clark getting a silver in the Maths challenge, Pocket picnic garden design winners, finalist in the national swimming chmpionships and Jasmine coming second in a writing contest.  Texa won the house cup, and Bronagh in P7 did the double winning both the citizenship trophy and the Endeavour Award.  Good luck for the future P7!

The Results are in!

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P3/4 have been conducting lots of different plant experiments using fair testing techniques.  They have chosen one variable and kept all other conditions the same, testing for heat, water, light, soil and plant food.  One group was amazed to see a broad bean growing in sand!  The beans in the boiler house germinated and grew really quickly but the leaves were very pale and the plants did not look too healthy so we decided that a combination of heat, light and water works best!  They worked in groups to produce a scientific report using powerpoints. Some of the plants will be used in the Pocket Picnic garden.

Picnic Pocket Garden

P1020105P5/6/7 took part in the Eco Schools Scotland One Planet Picnic Pocket Garden competition and designed a Pocket Garden in pairs. The garden had to be eco-friendly, use seasonal produce, be grown locally and have a theme.  Mirren and Rebecca’s Hogwarts Buzzing Garden came back as a winner! They had a Harry Potter themed Garden that is bee friendly which they now had to create and take to Edinburgh for the Royal Horticultural Show at the start of June. After they found out they won they went straight to work with finding, making and growing different items to put on there garden. Mirren, Rebecca, Mrs Clar and Mrs Leask took a trip up to Glenegadale Garden and Peter to source some locally grown plants for the display, which he generously helped us with.  We think the final garden, which has plants to help with spells and help attract and feed bees, will look great.  Thanks to everyone who is helping to make it possible, including our mums and dads who are taking us.

Junior Saltire Awards

P1020096A few weeks ago p5/6/7 worked on designs for a wave power device for the Junior Saltire Awards, which is a national competition for school children to design and make their own devices to promote the use of renewable energy. The group that built the device was called Wave Islay, and included Bronagh, Joe, Murray, Kaya, Abi and Ellie. We researched renewable and non renewable energy and learned about wave powered devices.  Bronagh’s dad came in to help us build our device. When it was finished we went to test it in the sea and it worked. We had to fill in some papers to send away. Later on we found out that our device was in the finals. Now we are working on improvements to make it better! Bronagh, Joe, Murray and Kaya get to go to Edinburgh for the awards on the 9th June, where we will test our device in the Flo Wave facility at Edinburgh University.  It is all very exciting!

House Building Endeavour

This year Endeavour has a world of work focus and I chose house building. I chose House Building because I wanted to find out how to build a house.  I planned my Endeavour using a long term planner. I have achieved building a model house, sent a letter to an architect, made a powerpoint and some more. I have had a few problems with the cement and making the roof.  I have had help from my dad with cutting the wood and Mr Pollock gave me some tips in my letter. I will sow my house and powerpoint at the end.

Explaining Everything

P3/4 have been learning about parts of a plant and what each part does.  They have also learned about photosynthesis – the process where plants make energy for carbon dioxide and water using energy from the sun and chlorophyll in leaves.  They used a new app on the ipads called Explain Everything to show what they had learned.

Seeds from Space

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P3/4 are now officially plant scientists. Along with lots of other schools from across the country we are taking part in a scientific experiment to find out about the effect of space on plant growth.  We were given two packets of seeds from the Royal Horticultural Society – one normal rocket seeds and the other a packet that have been to the International Space Station with Tim Peake.  We have learned all about fair testing and randomisation and the seeds are now sitting waiting to grow.  We will keep you posted of progress and our results!

Architecture Endeavour

IMG_0436This year my Endeavour is Architecture. I got the idea of doing Architecture because I don’t know anything about Architecture and I wanted to learn more about it. I have achieved a model house, a plan for my model and lots of research to help do my Endeavour. I planned my Endeavour by doing my long term planner. Long term planner is a planner that has writing on it which what I wanted to do in my endeavour. A problem I have overcome is when I was making my house it broke and I had to start again. My mum has helped me with my Endeavour at home and my teacher Mrs Clark has helped me in school and a teacher from the high school Mr Pollack sent me an email. At the end of my Endeavour I will have to show my model house my plan for it research and a big board of what I have have done in my Endeavour.

Wooden Toys Endeavour

IMG_0420My Endeavour is on making wooden toys. I choose this Endeavour because I wanted to try something new and this year your Endeavour had to relate to the world of work. This project  I can sell the products I make to people at the Endeavour fair.

I got my idea one night when I was watching my dad make a gate for where he was working this inspired me to chose this project.

I got my plan from looking on the internet where I saw loads of cute and really good ideas so I took some put them together and made my plan.

I have achieved lots of things like a pram, 2 jigsaws, lots of plans and wooden box with alphabet letter.


Trip to the Pontoons

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On Monday 25th April P3/4 went to see the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust boat. It is called the Silurian.

The Silurian was fancy. It had ten beds, a toilet, a shower and a galley. On deck there was a huge steering wheel and dials. A digital map was on top of the steering wheel. There was a thing that tells you how much knots the wind is going. The boat is 20m long, double the size of my dad’s boat because my dad’s is only 10m.

I learned about whales and dolphins. The biggest whale in Scotland is the minke whale and the smallest is the porpoise.


By Drew, P3

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