Poetry Competition

On Friday 18th May Mrs MacDonald told us we had done really well in the life on Islay poetry competition. The man that ran the competition was called James Knox Whitter. The people that won in our school was Asher who came first and Nick who came third and the highly commended was me Eleanor and Scott.:) By Eleanor

My Personal Topic

My personal topic is the circulatory system and I am going to make a fantastic jigsaw Of the circulatory system. Then I am going to make devil dark red vessels out of papier mache. Next I was going to ask questions one of my questions were what does the blood looks like,my second question was what happens when you cut you self.

Beach Clean

2 weeks ago it was the beach clean and all of the school went. When we were at the beach clean we were cleaning the beach, some of the parents were there. At the beach I found a fishing boat mat so the boys helped me lift it, it was so heavy so we put it in the van and I found a chimney pot when it was finished we got a ice lolly after our ice lolly we went back to the school and had break then it was home time. By Ciara.

My Personal Topic

My topic is the lungs, I have made a 3D modal of the lung that shows how your diaphragm works also I’m making a power point about asthma. How the lungs work, when you breath in your diaphragm pulls down, it lets air in to your lungs and grow out when you breath out your diaphragm pulls in and your lungs goes in.

Dissecting a chicken!

This week we were dissecting a chicken and I thought it was good for research.
We found lots of cool stuff like;








We thought we saw the lungs but it was on the wrong side for the lungs
but Mrs MacDonald thinks it is the lungs as well so I think it’s the lungs.
I touched every thing, so did Abbie. (I loved it,it was the best lesson ever!)

Dissecting A Chicken

On Thursday I felt so excited because p4/5 dissected a Chicken. Amazingly I felt so,so impressed with myself because Izzy,Ciara and I were the only three girls in the class that held all its Organs. We all were very impressed with Mrs Clark because it was only a Co-op Chicken she bought but there was still liver in it.

At some points it was quite gross but at all time awfully COOL! Here are some of the things we saw
. The Liver
. The kidneys
. The Blood Vessels
. The Lungs (Well we thought it was the Lungs)

Also so much more 😀

Healthy Tuck

Every week on a Thursday we are doing healthy tuck. This week my group went first. On the Wednesday we went to the co-op with Mrs Macfarlane and Miss McKascle. We bought all our ingredients then we all went back to school. The next day we had to make them.   At afternoon break we sold them and we made a profit of £15.35.

By Emily

Dissecting A Chicken.

On Thursday 24th May we were dissecting a chicken, when i saw the inside of the chicken it looked really cool. Mrs Clark let us hold bits and bobs, the things we got to see and hold were:
• liver
• muscles
• cords
• ribs
• kidneys
• wish bone
• spine

Some of the things we touched was squidgy.

I thought I was brave and calm looking inside the chicken but thought I couldn’t look at it though I could. 🙂

By Jodie

p6/7 oban trip.

all the p6/7 classes from islay when on an fun out door trip in oban for 4 days! the out door centre was called stramash. the activitys in oban were costering which is when you jump of really high rocks into the sea wearing a wetsuit and a waterproof jacket, it was freezing but great! there was some group work like quizzes and games. there was a lot more activity’s . it was a great trip!!!!!!

The human Body

Recently we have been learning about the human body but we have been concentrating on the heart. I am going to give you 3 facts. Heres my first fact there are four rooms in the heart they are called the left ventrical and the right ventrical which are at the bottom. Then theres the rigt atrium and the left atrium which are at the top. Fact number two the hearts job is to pump blood around the body. Fact number three the heart is not the shape of the heart it is the shape of a pear the fruit!!!!!!!

By Emily

Beach Clean

On Friday the 10th Port Ellen Primary School had a beach clean to save the animals we found a lot of rubbish and a lot of rope as well i thought it was really fun, after that we got ice lollies and the ice lollies but mine  fell of the stick, and it fell on the grass, so i got half of my ice cream. Me and a bit of rope played a bit of tug a war the rope won, then Mrs Leesk  tried it and even she couldn’t do it so hard. We collected 500 kg of rubbish and we got a lot of money from re jig £110 !!!!!!!!! wow Whoo. Some people had to go over to the other side of the beach because there was a quarter of a canoe over there, but somebody got injured my friend Anni she cut her arm because of he canoe she was lifting the big canoe and it fell on her arm and scratched her arm but shes fine.

By Alicia

Update on what P1/2 have been doing.

We have been doing lots of fact finding using the internet and books. Eva
We also visited two museums in Port Charlotte. Matthew
The museums were Islay Natural History Museum and The Museum of Islay Life. Murray
When we were at the museums we saw bones, stones and old tools. Ruaraidh
At the museum we talked about organising animals into different groups. Eva
Now we know about museums we are going to work together to set up our own dinosaur museum. We hope to have it ready for visitors by the end of next week.
As part of finance week we have been learning all about coins. We have been identifying different coins and we know that if we are counting up coins we should start with the one which has the biggest value. We have also set up a shop and cafe which will be part of our dinosaur museum.
P1/2 are going to be singing in the local mod and we have started learning our song which is about fire engines, tractors and vans.
Struan and Ruaraidh already know all their words! well done! (Darren and Struan)
We have started to think about the olympics and we discovered that the olympic symbol is 5 rings in different colours. Each ring represents one of the 5 continents. (Natalie and Ruaraidh)
We also found out that a long time ago married ladies weren’t allowed to go to the olympics. Eva
Football is an olympic sport and we have been playing it at gym. Taylor

Frozen Adventure

We have completed our stop motion animation about the Polar Lands. We worked in 3 groups and used 3 sets which we made ourselves. First there was a school set with a boy and Scottish animals and a Golden Eagle. The next set was the Arctic which had Polar bears, an Inuit, Arctic Hare, a seal and The Northern Lights. The final set was in Antarctica and there were penguins, a Blue whale, an explorer on his sledge with his husky. We had to edit the photos, add music and our story. We will be uploading it onto the school website. We all had lots of fun working together and put a lot of effort into our animation. We hope you enjoy watching it!
Frozen Adventures

My Visit To Saltcoats.

When I was visiting Saltcoats I went to the swimming pool twice. The first time was a fun pool with shutes and a river with currents and stuff. The second time I went in a proper adult pool and swam eight lengths. My daddy was very proud of me.I am staying at my uncle williams flat.It has a lovely and is quite high up. I am missing Port Ellen and all my friends but will be home soon so until then slainte.

Talking And Listening Maths On The Computer

We went on to the computers to do talking and listening active maths the games we played place value and number detective. Some tips for the place value game is to look at the units and make sure it is the same units then add on the right amount of tens. For the detective game you have to use the right questions, for example is it odd or even were the best to ask because they got rid of a lot of numbers. We enjoyed it.
By Robbie and Asher

My Review on the Selfish Giant

I am going to give you my review on The Selfish Giant. On the day of the play no one forgot their words and everyone’s acting was brilliant. I felt very nervous when I was just about to walk onto the stage because I had forgotten some words in dress rehearsal, but it was fine in the end.  We did have a down side to our play, just when everyone had sat down the person playing the giant became ill. Eleanor was very clever, she was the puppeteer for the giant and she stepped in at the last minute, even though she hadn’t learned all the words she seemed to know them.  There was only one time that Eleanor didn’t know what to say but Harry knew the words so that was a big help. Other than that the play was great and everyone enjoyed it and after the play all the mums, dads, grannys, grandpas were allowed to go up and have a cake that we made and a cup of tea.
By Maisie

Moral Tales

Yesterday, P4/5 were doing Moral tales.

Moral tales are stories with a meaningg, and the Moral is the meaning, the story is called a Fable.Soon we will be putting our stories on Glow I hope you will enjoy them.

Earlier we were looking at Aesops Fables who was a Greek writer. Milleniums ago, they all have a meaning, and he wrote hundreds.

Also we are doing a play called the Selfish Giant, a short story by Oscar Wilde, that has a Moral as well. I have read a lot of his books and they all have a meaning.


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